Are you posting according to the rules?
Posting Rules:
These rules should be followed by buyers and sellers to ensure a smooth transaction. 350z-uk cannot take responsibility for any transactions however the Team will offer support and moderating in the event of a dispute.
* Minimum of 15 quality posts on the forum (spamming to raise your post count will not be tolerated)
* A photograph with your user name on a piece of paper with the item(s) must be posted at the time of placing the advert
* An asking price (and postage costs if applicable) should be included in the first post
* Once an offer has been accepted the seller should update the post
* All transactions should be completed swiftly and any delays should be agreed prior to completing
* The seller has the right to withdraw or refuse sale before the transaction is complete
* No Auction style sales to be carried out - that's what eBay is for.
Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the for sale advert being removed.
Please preview your post to see if the images displays correctly. The forum does do it if you post the the correct url in the image button. Failure to do so could end up with your post not being approved
Above all, we expect any sales to be carried out in the manner that you would wish to be dealt with. Please bear this in mind during any transactions. Buyers - non Zed cars sold here may have been mentioned on the forum before, and you may be able to do some research into the vehicle on this site, whether that bring good or bad news. If you discover information about a vehicle which differs to that posted by the seller, please inform one of the team.