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About Lyndzzz

  • Birthday 29/05/1982


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Z Fanatic

Z Fanatic (4/7)



  1. 1. Stutopia x2 2. andy James x1 3. Willsy x1 4. HEADPHONES x1 5. Rodgeevans x1 6. KevT x1 7. Harrison140 x1 8. Loadmaster x1 9. Matay20 10. Woodzman x1 11. PlanGT x1 12. Daveo132 x1 13. Lyndzzz x1
  2. 1. Stutopia x2 2. Kev T x1 3. Harrison140 x1 4. andy James x1 5. HEADPHONES 6: Azurez33 7: StormtrooperZ 8. Hammer67 9. Lyndzzz
  3. 1. Zmanalex 2. Stu x2 3. harrison140 4. Kev T 5. Andy james 6. Nismoandy ×2 7. MBS 8. StormtrooperZ 9. Azurez33 10. Da.murf 11. ShortPaul x2 12. Jack94 13. Paul K 14. Lyndzzz
  4. Have entries closed now? Can't believe I've just seen this thread!!
  5. Thanks for the update Alex. Can I ask, as a beat guess, how long you'll be looking at before dismantling and also a rough price guide? Thanks
  6. Lyndzzz

    Cats for a DE

    As per the title looking for some cats for a DE, standard or HFC. I can collect in the north east England area or they'd need posting. Thanks
  7. Hi Alex you got any cats for a DE available? Standard or HFC? Cheers
  8. 1. SuperStu x1 2. glrnet x1 3. Wingchun8 x1 4. cs2000 x1 5: Zmanalex x 1 6: Jay84 7. Paul K x1 8. Eatonm90 9. Andy_Muxlow 10. Kev T 11. andy James X1 12. Jack94 x1 13. cob1980 14. Grumpyoldjanner 15. Killick.z 16. Ricochet 17. OranginaZ 18. Scorpion 19. Flashback 20. Daveo132 21. Irn Bru 22. MBS x2 23. Lyndzzz
  9. Lyndzzz

    Front wings

    Hey guys and girls I've got some very rusty front wheel arches and thinking possiblity replacing the whole panel rather than getting it cut out. So anyone got either side in good condition? Colour doesn't matter as I'm having the car resprayed soon. Thanks
  10. Hey guys and girls Looking to buy soon and just thought I'd ask here first! So if anyone has one lying around that they'd like to sell on give me a shout
  11. I may have one in the garage that I took off a couple of years ago. I'll not be able to check until tomorrow evening.
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