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  1. Hi, Wondering if anyone has bought a d1 throttle controller before and what their thoughts/reviews are on this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/D1-SPEC-7-DRIVE-THROTTLE-CONTROLLER-FOR-NISSAN-SKYLINE-350Z-FAIRLADY-Z-X-TRIAL-/191068011484?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2c7c8a7bdc Thanks,
  2. Hi all, Need some help/ advice (please :]) .. Used a obd reader and the following code of 'p0300 multi cyl misfire' came up... Has anyone had this before and have an idea of what's gone bad ? Oh and there's no engine management light on and the zed seems to be driving ok and not rough. Thank you for any input you can give .. Much appreciated!
  3. Hello, Was wondering would it be 'better' to either decat or even get high flow cats for the zed before a remap/flash? Even though I might not run decats on all the time, due to noise (as find my cat-back noisy enough as it is). Many thanks for any answer given
  4. Looks like the brake pipes are broken? But someone might be able to correct me...
  5. Hi, Wondering from other people's experience on how much did it cost for you to fit a rear spoiler from a bodyshop/garage? Thanks,
  6. I was considering getting then.. Would you be able to do a sound or video clip ?
  7. Thanks for replies.. from my know knowledge it's standard - sterling brand. Anyone know where I can get a spare fob programmed as I nearly lost this the other day? 😱
  8. Hi, Wondering if anyone knows if you can get a immobiliser fob made as I only have one for my import zed - if I lose it I'm screwed? 😄 Or do you have to buy a whole new immobiliser ? Thank you all for any help
  9. The man has trouble changing the aerial, OBD Reader might be a bridge too far..! £5K is a good price for a 53 Kuro in good nick. lol. True, but you just plug n go...literally 😄 ...It'll be worthwhile buy, think they are like £15 on eBay and will give you peace of mind. It's like a USB port on the bottom right hand of the steering wheel.
  10. Yea seems like an gd deal assuming nothing wrong.. Get an obd reader so you can see if there are any store codes, might help and show u condition of engin/car?
  11. Welcome I had the same with the struts.. Replaced mine with sgs engineering ones for I think £50-£60's.
  12. Hi mate, you need like ones that reads imports. I bought one off eBay a while ago and that worked. Where abouts u based ? im based in hastings .... have you got a name for the one you got please and how much was itthanks Got this one which cost £30: http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/331090987334?nav=SEARCH&sbk=1 If you want I'm happy for you to borrow mine to read your codes, but might be more convenient for you to get one as I'm based on London.
  13. Hi mate, you need like ones that reads imports. I bought one off eBay a while ago and that worked. Where abouts u based ?
  14. Yea a comparison will be good for us to see before buying ðŸ˜.
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