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Everything posted by Hooch

  1. Cheers scottyp, its going to be a Scorpion as long as peteman35 can be persuaded to accept my offer.
  2. Thread resurrection!! Bit of a long shot but are these still for available? Very interested if so
  3. Sweet, cheers CS, as I said, I'm looking for a bit more than standard but i'm pretty sure the cobra will be to loud. I used to have an Impreza with an exhaust that raised Satan so would like something a bit more mature now. Used to sound like this: - the turbo for insurance reasons
  4. Yup I have seen that, still paying off the car as the rents let me borrow some cash. If it got a bit cheaper I would be very interested. Wink wink nudge nudge CS, would you say its a noticeable difference and does it still have the deep V6 note?
  5. So come on Scorpion users, talk to me. Is the scorpion louder than the standard system? If so is it noticeable? I'm only looking for a bit louder than standard, then if I want HFC's I can install them in the future (hopefully with less rasp)
  6. It was quite a quick change, not sure on the speed, it was on private roads
  7. I did notice it happen once when I went into 6th, nothing since though.
  8. Well just spoken with my mate and I will be there to, will pop along and see everyone. Need to listen to some exhaust systems so I can make my decision.
  9. I have heard so many good things about the Cobra, but i'm really looking for small step up from the standard and not something that's going to be loud in the cabin. I guess the only way to find out is to listen to the systems in person. Although if anyone can get a good video of the scorpion inside that would be brill. Has anyone else with Scorpion's got any views on their systems?
  10. Cheers for trying! Would you say its any louder than stock?
  11. So is the Scorpion similar to standard? Humpy, is your resonated or un-resonated?
  12. Cheers Tarmac, I think it will be the scorpion then. I doubt I will go down the route of berks as I don't want a raspy sound. I want a quiet car for normal driving then when I put my foot down you get a lovely sound that will turn heads (not that i'm a show off!) If someone could get me an in car recording of the Scorpion I would be most grateful!
  13. Well I'm a bit away from Bournemouth. I'm in Dunstable, Bedfordshire.
  14. For sure I will be coming to you CS. More than happy to spend a bit more if the sufficient gains are there and the sound is nice but with no drone. With a true duel you loose power low end but gain in the highs, is that correct? If you can do me a in cabin video that would be good. To be honest from what I have ready the gains are similar with all systems (providing the Y pipe is changed) so I am hesitant to spend the extra when the Nivida will be hidden and the Scorpion/Cobra are well made.
  15. That would be great! I know its all down to personal taste, someone may say an exhaust is horrendously loud and another person will think its far to quiet.
  16. Yes I know there are loads of threads about Scorpion and Cobra exhausts but there are no sound clips from inside the car. I have read through all the posts about each exhaust and I have heard from some people that the resonated Cobra drones and others say it doesn't. I like the sound of the Scorpion but i'm a bit weary it might be a little 'too' quiet. Then again i'm weary the Cobra resonated is a bit on the loud side. My last car (which was for sale on here) was an Impreza that was immensely loud and I have had my fill of drone. So, has anyone got in cabin videos of both?
  17. That codes out of date, if it wasn't you would have made me a very happy man.
  18. Mags Metal Polish, that will bring them up with a shine then sell them
  19. Ah didn't realise the FM modulator was different to the transmitter. I have tried 2 tape aux's and one was utter rubbish, the other was worlds apart, was just under cd quality but did have quite a bit of noise. I will be doing the Bose hack soon enough.
  20. I currently use a tape AUX (A Sony labelled one as the cheaper ones are useless), it has some noise. I haven't don't the AUX hack so I cannot comment on how much noise that has. I have used the FM things and they are far worse than the tape AUX I am using at the moment. I did see someone post up about a Bluetooth device you can use after doing the AUX hack but you can only Bluetooth to one thing at a time making the in car Bluetooth redundant.
  21. Well I am up for one of these but not until next month, try to keep one back for me please!
  22. FYI the Fujitsubo box is a Fujitsubo Legalis-R (they also made a titanium version called the Fujitsubo Legalis-Ti)
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