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Everything posted by Hooch

  1. I need a switched 12v feed in the cabin, where's best place to source this? The stereo would be idea but would this have any negative affect on the stereos performance? It would be used to power phones now and again and a Bluetooth dongle.
  2. I think you can pair S3 with 2 Bluetooth devices but only media on one and calls on the other. Cutting the tracks may help remove the interference.
  3. Does it improve the punch over the standard sub?
  4. Just wondering if it would be a good idea to replace the standard sub woofer with a shallow mount sub? Something like this: http://www.caraudiocentre.co.uk/product_m-ts-sw2501s4_p-27130.htm?id=pla&gclid=CLb-iaupvLkCFbLMtAodw08AYA I know the bottle neck is at the amp but would be interested to see if it would make much of a difference?
  5. Hooch

    OBD2 Reader

    Also, how do you embed youtube videos into a post?
  6. Just thought I would give you guys a heads up, the cheaper OBD readers are a bit hit and miss with what cars they work on. I bought this when it was on offer for around £8: http://www.amazon.co...3&keywords=obd2 It works on my UK 350z so if you need a cheap way of reading fault codes or clearing them then this is the perfect thing. The Bluetooth ones are also hit and miss, I had one, it connected up once and that was it. Crap. Youtube video:
  7. Cheers for that, went a picked up a Scorpion system from Peteman35 so all sorted. Now to get it fitted, i'm sure the bolts will undo with nooo problems at all!
  8. I have been told this is worth £400-450??!! So a bargain to anyone that wants a telescope. http://www.eastmidlandsstargazers.org.uk/topic/5804-whats-it-worth-skywatcher-200p/#entry65730 Go on, treat yourself!!
  9. This is a question that has been asked time and time again, of course you can. Its all about planning and setup.
  10. Its the most simple type of telescope you can buy, it swivels and pivots so you literally point it using the Telrad (see below) Then you can use the finder scope to line it up 100% Its a strange site to see Saturn or Jupiter come into the eye piece then travel across it. They move surprisingly fast as they are so magnified. Its not something you would leave outside and the tube splits from the base so it can be moved. (see below) If you want a telescope this is the one you want. Easy to use and very capable without spending a LOT of money
  11. The reason for selling is to buy a exhaust system, tough times at the moment!
  12. Hi Guys, That's right, its a Telescope for sale, makes a change to 350z parts Its a Skywatcher 200p with Telrad and dew shield, laser pointer and skywatcher motorized focuser. All mint condition as its been very well looked after. EP's are: Meade 4000 series (Japanese) Super Plossl 15mm Multi-coated Celestron 25mm Celestron 9mm Skywatcher 25mm Long Eye Relief Skywatcher UltraWide 9mm Long Eye Relief Celestron OMNI 12mm Plossl TMB Planetary 2 7mm Okulár TS HR PLANETARY 3.2mm Skywatcher 28mm 2" Long Eye Relief 30mm TS Branded GSO Superview SWA 2" Bushnell 2x Barlow lense 2x Cheap Barlow lense Laser Collimator Selection of Filters (No.23a, 82a, 56, 12, Polarizing, Moon, Light Pollution and another Moon filter) It will also come with books and dvd's, perfect for beginners. Collection only from Dunstable, Bedfordshire. It will require a car with seats that fold down, I doubt it will fit in a 350z Looking for £300 With this setup you will be able to see Saturn like this (stock image for example): And the moon like this (stock image for example):
  13. I think I have made my mind up already, its going to be a Scorpion. Either Peteman35s if he sells it to me for my offer or ill have to buy it new when I get more cash.
  14. Its great as long as your want to drive along roads predating 2003 Think a top notch media centre is required once I have a bit of cash.
  15. Second dibs if the adapter falls through, have the money now.
  16. Ah so it is the sensor the the Satnav. Why is it a button? And this is a 350z, I posted in the wrong section EDIT: Ahh I see it now...strange its not incorporated or something, sticks out like a bit of a sore thumb
  17. Thought it might be simple but I guess its some unknown device, I have 8 days off from Sunday so I will do the Bose hack and see what this little thing is. Stay tuned for the big reveal.
  18. 85Mph is fine, its when I hit 88 I get problems
  19. Only remote in the car is for the standard sat nav, I was thinking that but if it was someone would be able to tell me on here.
  20. Na, mics for the Bluetooth are on the headliner, as I said, its got the standard Bluetooth.
  21. Damn, just realized I posted this in the 370z section. Mods can you move it to the 350z section?
  22. Right, I have no idea what this is, I haven't taken the dash apart yet but when I do the Bose hack I will do. It lights up when the ignition is on and the light seems to be a button but it does nothing? It was there when I bought the car. The car has the stock Bluetooth system so I don't think its a Bluetooth thing, any ideas?
  23. Perfect for the lights and funnily enough perfect for polishing metal, who would have thought it....
  24. Best thing I have ever done, Mags Metal Polish. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/74290-the-hooch-thread/page__hl__hooch Photos in there.
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