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Everything posted by Hooch

  1. Bit to much for me but what version it is, we could come to some kind of agreement?
  2. Was looking at doing this and found a nice video guide just in case photos were not enough! Also how to bleed the brakes: I know its not a 350z but same Brembo's.
  3. Like I said the one I have works fine and clears faults and reads logged faults, for £14 posted its worth a punt on JDM's. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Maxiscan-MS309-Diagnostic-Scanner-Reader/dp/B005N5HN7A/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1378401529&sr=8-3&keywords=obd2
  4. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/75783-obd2-reader/
  5. Well just thought I would provide an update, had the exhaust fitted today while the car was in for an MOT with my mechanic. (passed MOT fine, only issue was discs and pads which I knew about already). Well its a nice sounding exhaust, its not to loud but does have a nice growl, more than the standard set-up so whoever says its sounds the same is wrong. If it I had to compare it to anything it would be that its like a much more expensive performance car, like an Aston or something as its a much more powerful sound without sounding like a chav mobile. I like it, no drone, nothing annoying about it at all and very very well built. Perfect step up from standard, thanks very much Peteman for selling me it! Just need some Berks in the future before the remap
  6. Think its going to be an under the strut jobbie
  7. So the throttle does open 100% in 1, 2 and 3 but has a delay. If that's the case what does the D1 throttle controller do as you have said the only way to remove the delay is to get an uprev?
  8. That makes sense but 1st, 2nd and 3rd don't give you 100% fully open throttle, does this allow the valve to open fully? Or just adjust the speed it opens?
  9. Just out of interest, does this actually allow the throttle to open fully in the high gears or does it just make the pedal more sensitive?
  10. Depends what version it is but a bit low on funds at the moment. What your price? Yeah already messaged the bloke to see what version it is, I think it might go for more than its worth tbh.
  11. As title says i'm after a D1 Throttle Controller, V1, V2 or V3. Cheap as possible. Talk to me.
  12. I had an issue with my S3 after a battery reset, although it was slightly different as it wouldn't pair. Had to un-pair the phone, reboot it and re-pair it. Its a long shot but might work for some phones. If its a known problem with S4 then this is more than a long shot
  13. If you want to make an MDF one do it like the below: You can draw around the original. Might as well buy the above ones though for £10?
  14. Crikey, are these the right size for the door speakers? If so that's a hell of a find!
  15. Hi Guys, I can't get my Bluetooth to work since I did the Bose hack, it has lights on the adaptor that appear fine but I cannot discover it using my phone. It was previously paired, could I have disconnected a connector without realising it? I recall on the rear of the stereo 3 connectors and the aerial plug but nothing else.
  16. Only quickly looking wouldn't it be possible to replace it with a free air sub woofer something like this: http://www.crutchfield.com/S-GkHT1zMxhE7/p_130TSW254F/Pioneer-TS-W254F.html
  17. Right been looking into it and it is it ok to connect a 12v power source to a USB chargeable device as I believe they should only be charged at 5v? Will it cause damage to say mobile phones if its feeding 12v? Does it require an 12v - 5v inverter? EDIT: Something like this http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4ac4937ef8 Or this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-Waterproof-DC-Converter-12V-Step-Down-to-5V-3A-15W-Power-Supply-Module-/121105505554?pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Test_Measurement_Equipment_ET&hash=item1c32735d12
  18. Ah sorted, sounds like an easy job then.
  19. Centre pretty much so easiest way to get it there. It needs to go to the fag ash tray
  20. How easy is it to access that as its right down on the passenger side? Is it easier to go from the rear lighter? It would be better than the stereo but I don't want to rip the whole dash off.
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