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Everything posted by eatonm90

  1. Had Cobra on mine fitted with no issues then got a Motordyne XYZ and no issues with that either.
  2. 1. glrnet x2 2. GMballistic x1 3. Grundy225 x1 (Might have 2 ) 4. Keyser x1 5. Veeg33 x1 6. Scott_f91 x1 7.Andy James x1 8. Dunks x1 9. 14N x1 10. Sam McGoo 11. Mikeyazure x1 12. DoogyRev x1 13. Stoker11 x 1 14. Paddy78 x 1 15. tatooandy67 x 1 16.Gixxeruk x 1 17.Crb x 1 18. Steve916 x 1 19. SuperStu x2 20. Bizz 21. Wendy x 1 22. mrt x 1 23. 350zedd x 1 24.martinmac x 5 25. eatonm90
  3. could have been me, I was on Tile hill today didn't see you though had a bit of slog of a long day.
  4. I'll be doing 160 miles a day. So it needs to be reasonably economical. I liked the Brera when it first came out, but just feel the back end is a bit of a mess. Yes it is a bit Mr Blobby on the back end.....
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