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Everything posted by Spatt

  1. Spotted you on Saturday 9th April heading north along Gisburn Rd out of Blacko. I was in the blue 350z that flashed you - got a wave back. Anyone on here?? Matt
  2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that. Love the front end. What's an aero top? Does that mean it's like a targa top?
  3. not the covers by the way.. im talking about the grit and go wash
  4. haha grit and go... who actually uses these things anyway.. i feel like i want to pull up, roll the window down and scream "NO!" and do some finger pointing
  5. You mean understeering everywhere, and no-one able to hear them because the exhausts are too bloody quiet, and filling up at every petrol station because thirsty V6? Hey, on the Llangollen meet us 350zs did just fine actually, it was the merc with an empty tank half way through, bloody germans well put bravo
  6. Hi thanks for the heads up, my lights are all cracked on the inside and really impair visibility when driving in the dark. Are they a straight swap then for the old lights? Also are the bi-xenon? so the high beam is also xenon? I have a HID / xenon bulb upgrade on my dipped beam at the moment but high beam is standard halogen
  7. Hi guys, are we not all on the club stand? I still haven't booked my hotel but i'm hoping to do it over the weekend, anyone got ideas for a meeting spot yet and times ect? Matt
  8. wow they look really good! excellent results. Yeh i figured i could probably get a pretty good finish myself with a cloth polishing mop, the pitting you can see on mine is surprisingly quick to remove even by hand but its the hard to reach areas that i just cant get a nice even finish on. I might just have a go while they're on the car over the weekend and see how they come up, failing that I think i might head over to the wheel specialist in Manchester and see if they can split them down and polish them up for me. ilogikal - where are you based? IT might be worth my while paying a visit to the detailing guru to get some advice if i get them refurbished? unfortunately though i'll need my wheels to get home so i cant offer you one
  9. Hi Stu, yeh ive looked at the Gtechniq stuff its great. I would be happy to get these puppies polished up by a professional if someone can point me in the right direction. It'll save me having to spend the weekend with a polishing mop The colour stuff looks great but i'm not sure its my thing, I would be happy to get them refurbished to a nice shiny surface
  10. oh WOW! some one said to me i should get them blue anodised. would it really only cost me 100 quid a rim to get them all sorted? who refurbs these types of wheels? If i'm paying to have it done i want them splitting and doing properly
  11. yeh the wheel design is a right pain, when it comes to cleaning them i have to reach inside the wheel and dab it down with a cloth to mop up the water that sits there... otherwise it all flicks out and ruins all my work. they are not ideal for this climate thats for sure. maybe i should start a for sale thread and get something else
  12. oh my! they look great! question for the OP, where did you get some from i have an 03 import and the lights really let it down, could you let me know what you paid if thats ok
  13. taking the centres out a big job? for me to get the wheels off, tyres removed and split is quite a big job, i'll need to hire a van or something they wont fit in my car or the mrs
  14. I dont think so, it seems to go like this over night but someone else might know different?
  15. Hi guys, here's a picture of my wheels looking all shiny and great. They cost me a @*!# load of money and i promised myself i'd look after them! I took this image at the start of last year. I had spent hours and hours (it felt like days) polishing these by hand and coated them with some wax for protection after i was done and they looked great all summer but my god they are a paint in the arse to clean up!! water sits in all the little gaps and unless they are fully dry it flicks out all over the rim and up the car and its filthy!! <-- anyway i guess this is just an issue i'll have to get over. So onto 2016, I just moved out and didn't have time to give them the same attention when i swapped them over so i gave them a quick wash and wax and put them on the car but i think i did it too soon as they now look like this!! I'm pretty sure i could get rid of most of the pitting but near where the spoke sits on the rim i cant really get in. Its going to take me hours to get these looking good again so i wanted an opinion on options. Option 1 : Get the drill out and spend some time with the polishing mops and some good aluminium abrasive polish to get them clean as i can. Wax them, clean them more often and keep telling myself its a car to be driven and its not going to be in show condition forever Option 2 : Send them to be refurbished, If anyone can recommend a place in the north west that would do this sort of work that would be great. Option 3 : Have a go myself, i'm confident that once they are split i can polish the rims on a lathe, once this is done do i get them lacquered? I'll need to buy replacement bolts from what i understand but the process of removing them, removing tyres, splitting, getting to a lathe and then getting them all put back together is making me feel ill haha thanks for any advice you can give me Matt
  16. Heres a before Hope to get frame and seat base painted tonight.
  17. When i raced in the ORDL through GTP we used to do PP but i much prefer having a completly stock car and of course the tyres must be restricted to the same
  18. Yep I went next gen. Gutted there isn't a Gran Turismo available yet. Have we got a PS4 go to racer yet? I'm not switching to Xbone, I don't agree with changing teams, I still refuse to buy Nintendo products Stu, your right of course but are you not tempted by the darkside of Forza? Also there is nothing wrong with the classic Nintendo products. Anything 64 and older if fair game but iv'e always been a Sega nut!
  19. You live with your girlfriend? yeh pal
  20. "Spatt" Stu. Just in the process of rebuilding my rig. I've dropped the seat and added some rake. Lowered the wheel and brought it forward so I can get my elbowstuff out! Haha. Need to work on the pedal box but that can wait
  21. Hey George, seems you've made your mind up and to be honest i'm quite jealous I can't speak from any experience but all the options look great so happy hunting. ps, if you get an RX7 please let me come see it!!!
  22. hi guys, just thought i would drop in here. I used to play GT5 online with a group of guys from GT planet. I recently moved out and got my reg set up again (though i'm in the process of modding it) i got a copy of GT6 a couple of month ago and though i haven't played online yet i'd love to give it a bash, is this group still active?
  23. oh wow! that plenum, great job
  24. How is the reg mounted to the side like that? I'd be interested to find out some more info or details aboutt he bracket if at all possible. Sorry, i know your selling it but i haven't seen it off to one side like that on a nismo V1 before
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