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Everything posted by Dan.

  1. Ta for the welcomes! I work in the motor trade so i managed to dig up the service history and get a look at some, all looks good. Going to check the car out tomorrow after work so i'll keep you lot updated!
  2. Hi guys I'm in the market for a 350z . Recently got a company car & I'm looking something for the weekend. I'm going to look at a '04 350z GT on thursday with 89k on the clocks and FSH, more mileage than I'd ever usually consider but there are not many going in NI at the minute and this one is well priced all things considered. I'll not be doing big miles on the car <5000 a year which is why the mileage hasn't put me off entirely. Aslong as the car is clean and drives well is there any reason not to go for a slightly higher milaged 350? Thanks, Dan.
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