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About lewisz33

  • Birthday 10/07/1979

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  1. thank you for your help, i think i have confused people with the angle kit thing, it works fine i know its nothing to do with the kit, when i was running 245 40 19 tyres the car felt good over bumps and really grippe but i had to put 245 35 19 tyres on so it works better but then it started bouncing around, my idear was put 255 40-45 17 on so the wheels should be the same size so its good at full lock but has some side wall to stop the car from hitting bumps on corners then sliding (mainly in the wet that i will be getting some wet tyres 225 50 17 ) i think these 275 are a bit wide for the wet with everything striped out the car. my aliment is right to the stock settings with +1.5 degree more camber on the front and about +1 degree of camber on the rear but that's because i have not got adjustable camber arms on the rear only front, would you set them different? any help would be grate thank you
  2. i only made a post thing so i could see if anyone has 17" rims on brembos, i have fount that they fit so thats all i needed, thank you for thos of you that used the forum to help not just complain.
  3. It's okay, there are no speed camera's. Like are you building a time attack car for public roads? I just don't get this thread at all! time attack/ drift mainly so the lighter wheels should help control wheel spin speed when drifting and help getting them spinning when your going over 60-70mph + it struggles to keep the drift going (on privet land) on track it struggles at like 50+ (depending on how grippe the track )
  4. dont think i have been on the 64
  5. But you can`t just choose which laws to obey and which to disregard based on whether you can see the point of them or not. How safe would the roads be if we all chose to do that ? No one should (or would) be allowed a licence or to drive on UK roads if they think that doing 120 in a 60 is okay because they perceive it to be safe and reasonable in the conditions ..... did i say mph? my cars an import
  6. StevoD i pressed the wrong thing i thought i was replying to u but i reported ur pic of a 350 with 17" wheels ¬_¬ sorry if some one has to check this now, the max angle kit is good just the esp will not work with it but im guessing you guys dont use that anyway it makes the 350 wayyyyy slower so thats fine, if u have big rims and solid shocks it cracks the tie rod end so i welded a plate on it so now its perfect for english roads, inbox me if you want me to send you pics of what i have done, im no good at this foram stuff sorry
  7. shes normally behind in the rx8 haha
  8. the road is miles from no where with no one around and you can see if some one is there because its all open, i don't see the point in buying a car that has been made to go fast and never use it when your not putting any one at risk but myself, fair enough if u bought your car for posing but i bought mine to go fast.
  9. I need to run smaller wheels so they don't rub when I'm at full angle so i would be running 19 with 30-35 side wall, but if i got 18" that would only be 40, plus they're heavier than the set of 17" wheels. I do drive the car every day but only at 11 at night to pick up my fiancé from work and it’s all country lanes with no speed cameras, but when you go about 80-120 on the country lanes the wheels don’t take the bumps to well so I want bigger side walls and lighter wheels to make it faster, the reason i asked on here was 1: to see if anyone has fit these wheels on the stock brembo brakes, 2: whey if there not so good do the race cars use 17 not 18.
  10. i know the suspension is the main problem with the comfort but im not really bothered about that, i just need the tyres to flex around the bumps in the road to give more grip, all so the wedssport 17" should be pretty light so should make the car a bit faster + race cars always have big tyres im guessing its because of wight but i could be wrong and yes the car is 2005 do the 2005 brembos have smaller discs? thank you
  11. long story short i have the max angle kit that turns to much it rubs so i but smaller tyres on the 370z wheels 245 35 not 245 40 and it is better for drift bur now i have hks coil overs the side wall with the harder shocks makes the car bounce around when your going over small bumps fast and the bit they make the tie rods bolt on to cracks because i dont think its made for shitty english roads haha +the wheels way a tone
  12. Hi every one, i am thinking of selling my 370z wheels and buying some 17x8 wedssport sa90 wheels, i have solid suspension and the 370 wheels have no side wall at all so its making it handle a bit @*!# down country roads (that's all i drive on and sometimes track) + they way a tone so the 17" rims must be way lighter and im thinking if they feel alright im going to get some wider ones like 10-11 inch rear and 9 inch front will the 17" rims fit over my brembos? thank you for any help
  13. lewisz33

    Amuse rear

    really dark gray same as the wheels and parts on my car ( i dont like black i think it makes it look a little cheap )
  14. lewisz33

    350z cat c project

    i bought a 350z cat c because i was wanting to replace all the dameged parts for aftermarked parts and not money to spend. before and after pics and the journey from wright off to race/daily car. (im new to this so any advice would be great :) )
  15. lewisz33

    Amuse rear

    the front of my 'halfords' car
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