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Everything posted by BillyZed

  1. Isn't the Stillen SC the one that gives next to no performance increase and you need a stupid bonnet to fit it under? But the noise of it! It sounds horrible
  2. Just did a quote on confused (which is owned by admiral), they came up top with two of their subsidiaries just after. 24 with a modified V6 for £370, can't complain. Love the Admiral group! Is that a 350z? Confused came back with Bell and Admiral the best at £1450 -£1500 (import) 25 years old with 5 years NCB :S That's weird as I was 23 with 2 years no claims and it came to £1400 and yes mine is an import which I told them Was it modified? Yes, wheels and exhaust. It has a lot more now but haven't declared them, my renewal is January were I will be 24 with 3 no claims (hopefully) and it will be around £1000-£1100
  3. Just did a quote on confused (which is owned by admiral), they came up top with two of their subsidiaries just after. 24 with a modified V6 for £370, can't complain. Love the Admiral group! Is that a 350z? Confused came back with Bell and Admiral the best at £1450 -£1500 (import) 25 years old with 5 years NCB :S That's weird as I was 23 with 2 years no claims and it came to £1400 and yes mine is an import which I told them
  4. Glass cleaner is the best thing I've found
  5. Good on the bikers I hope they dragged his ass out and taught him a lesson
  6. As the winter is pretty much here use that as an excuse to stop buying bits for your car as you won't be able to use it the same as the summer for example. Start up in spring once the car is fully paid job done
  7. Maybe he was wasted when he listed it
  8. Get your arches rolled mate, costs around £100
  9. This will be on eBay for months idiot
  10. Plus gas is the best thing since sliced bread
  11. Bosch ones are good, I'm just running the nissan OEM one
  12. Fiat 500 would wipe the floor with that.....
  13. couldn't agree more mate ive heard rumors of Ron Dennis coming back to Mclaren! Martin Whitmarsh is useless Ron never left the Team...He handed over day to day running of the Team to Martin, and to be honest its not the best car on the grid...I would look to the designer to solve that problem ..not the Team Manager. yeah i meant come back to management level
  14. couldn't agree more mate ive heard rumors of Ron Dennis coming back to Mclaren! Martin Whitmarsh is useless i hope so, mclaren have had a terrible season! whitmarsh needs replacing. hopefully next season with the new regulations and engines it makes it a bit closer i hope he does come back! im a huge Red Bull Vettel fan so i hope he continues to win and break MSC's records
  15. couldn't agree more mate ive heard rumors of Ron Dennis coming back to Mclaren! Martin Whitmarsh is useless
  16. Too true mate he is vast becoming the most complete driver in F1 and is setting records everywhere Top bloke on the way to the 4th title
  17. He wouldn't have got passed Vettel as he is in a different league to webber As for the Rosberg Hamilton incident, Lewis said on the podium "I don't deserve to be here" also that is why Rosberg will never win a championship, not enough drive
  18. What and Vettel isnt, the multi 21 incident is testament to that, throwing all his toys out the pram and disobeying team orders cause he didnt want to come 2nd!!!!!!! I didn't say anything about Vettel not being a bad loser, to be fair they shouldn't have had team orders 2nd race of the season, fair play to Vettel for overtaking I would have done the same thing
  19. And a lot of the drivers say Singapore is the hardest of the year from the heat
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