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Everything posted by Daveyboy11

  1. I think for the money, especially second hand you can't go wrong! I have a K1 and I have had absolutely no problems and I think it sounds awesome!
  2. This is political correctness gone mad... Those are the words to the rhyme, if I sang along to all the hip hop crap these days that says the word hundreds of times does that make me racist??
  3. I'm still in need of this if anyone can assist?
  4. You have to make sure your engine is up to the job though because if it has a weakness NOS will find it!
  5. Yeah, right - of course you did. Oh, 'Faye' now, is it? I think she's probably just sitting back & gigling a bit. I know I would be, unlike poor old SuperStu, who seems to be suffering from a temporary sense of humour bypass I can't even troll on a trolling thread? Can I troll a troll on a trolling thread or is that to far Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk So much troll!
  6. It will be my third year there but I do take it easy anyway, I'm no Lewis Hamilton and like you say the Armco repair costs are scary!
  7. Is this going to be another 13 page thread about a different 13 page thread... Lol
  8. That'll be me this weekend! Maybe not as quick though haha
  9. Daveyboy11


    Thank you so much for the friendly and quick service! If you can get the decals before Thursday that would be great because I'm going Nurburgring!
  10. Daveyboy11


    This has now been resolved thanks to Mark @ Abbey Motorsport! Thanks guys! It was nice to see so many cool cars there too!
  11. Probably went something like... "Check out my Nanns new iron bro. Got steam function I'm well jel." "Hey Cuz, film me innit, this is proper sick, gonna b famous like innit on the Ytube, safe" "Gonna do car noise like off da telly films" "Bra brack a brakk" Hahaha brilliant!
  12. I just made some new Nismo stickers for my refurbed 19'' Rays...looks the danglies!! I want one! It's all about stickers! Awesome photo! Shame that ironing board is in the way ! Nah that's what makes it awesome!
  13. I just made some new Nismo stickers for my refurbed 19'' Rays...looks the danglies!! I want one! It's all about stickers! Awesome photo!
  14. Oh my god hahahahaha! Imagine the conversation for him to ask someone to film him doing that!
  15. Ahh okay, might have to do that then!
  16. Are these overpriced or just nobody wants them?
  17. Mine were the same, used a blow torch and they came off easily.
  18. I didn't get this many pages on my welcome thread! Then again I'm not into dildos haha On a serious note that's a nice looking zed, best colour too!
  19. Just waiting for Zedmanalex to come back to me, thanks for your help!
  20. Cheers, I looked on there, most of them are rears unfortunately. I have messaged a couple of them but just wondered if anyone on here had one spare!
  21. As above I need a front Rays alloy for my 350z, needs to be straight I'm not bothered about the paint. Thanks Dave
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