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Everything posted by Daveyboy11

  1. It's like 10 minutes from me so I'm up for it?
  2. It is possibly to run without a MAF as I did on my old Impreza but I believe you would need an upgrade ECU to do this which is what I had. I would imagine it's highly unlikely your Zed is MAF-less tbh though. Do you have any pictures? OK so say the previous owner fitted the induction kit and left off the MAF sensor what would happen? I will take some and get them up!
  3. Sorry to hijack this a bit but is it possible to have no MAF sensor? My car came with an induction kit when I bought it and I can't see it.
  4. See the issues you face when you have a long shaft...
  5. I don't even think they are that good looking and like others have said it's not got a proper engine in it
  6. Daveyboy11


    Yep fully aware I have bungs and if worst comes to worst I'll put cats back or get a different exhaust!
  7. Daveyboy11


    Some good options, are the Berks much better than the Cobra ones then?
  8. Daveyboy11


    How much would that be roughly?
  9. Daveyboy11


    Japspeed are £130 and Cobra are £135 I think! I thought Berks would be much more than that, if they are only £160 I might look at that.
  10. Are you planning to do this? I am unable to offer much technical advice but I sure as hell would like to see that!
  11. Daveyboy11


    OK I'm going down the de-cat route on pay day and had my heart set on the silenced de-cats from Horsham Developments but Jez has informed me they have stopped doing them so I'll be going for either Japspeed or Cobra. Just wondering what peoples opinions are? I know Japspeed has got a bit of a bad rep on here but I have a K1 and it's absolutely fine so would like some first had experience?
  12. Daveyboy11


    Love stance to a certain degree but there are so many that have gone too far and look utterly ridiculous!
  13. Granted the engine is epic but the car doesn't look supercar enough for me, that may sound silly I dunno there's just something I don't like about them.
  14. Meh they don't do anything for me, sound nice I'll give them that but like Will says it's just an Audi
  15. I'm not that clued up on Forced Induction to be honest so excuse me if this is a dumb question but what other parts do you need for this to make it complete?
  16. Lovely zed! I came from a Fiesta ST, not exactly the same I know but the gear changes on that were super light whereas the zed has a heavier feel to it, that's probably what your experiencing? I can't help with the burning smell though sorry
  17. My next car will either be an R33 GTR or an R34 GTT. I have always liked the R33s but I can see why some don't.
  18. i know there a few on here with r33 and its nothing personal but to me the R33 is the boxster of the skylines the i got the cheap shape going one Blasphemy! I personally think the R33 is the nicest shape, apart from the R35 but I guess that's in it's own league! I have heard that a lot before though, people tend to prefer the 32 and the 34.
  19. That is so nice, they cost a fortune though. Think I'd rather an R33 GTR as they are roughly about the same price as an R34 GTT.
  20. Nothing! No badges is best IMO
  21. I'd be interested in the spats, price dependant.
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