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Everything posted by Daveyboy11

  1. Haha that's class, your Zeds actually making you money now lol
  2. Drag Racing baby! Love it! It's not enough G to make someone pass out though.
  3. I am still surprised the 350z is affordable on insurance tbh. When I was looking at buying one the insurance quotes I had were around about £1000 and for an e46 M3 for example it was £3000.
  4. That M3 sounds unreal.
  5. I got my zed when I was 21, paid £1000 a year. That was with 2 years no claims and I have been driving since I was 17. That was with elephant but like the other guys have said it's a lottery really!
  6. Not in my case, my renewal was £150 cheaper than anyone else...
  7. My renewal was £330 cheaper this year, couldn't argue with that!
  8. Never heard of rocket bunny before but is stunning!
  9. Yeah I'm delighted as it's for a 350z, I paid £2000 a year when I was 17 for a Peugeot 106!!
  10. Daveyboy11


    I had my renewal yesterday, it was £1000 for the year it's now £770. First time my insurance has ever been under a grand, I'm chuffed! 22yo 3 years no claims.
  11. Well fair play! I don't have the gear or the knowledge
  12. :O i used my AA card to pull mine off the other day! cost me nothing! bit of petrol on a rag to removed the glue and mopped the excess marks! just has 2 holes now but the badge is going back on lol. Yeah I would done it myself had there not been those two holes, you have to get a proper body shop to sort that out unfortunately. Totally worth it in my eyes!
  13. I presume (hope!) that included the holes filled and painted?! Yeah that was the whole job, not a bad price if you ask me! Respraying is not cheap.
  14. Sounds like a good price to me, cost me £150 to have my rear Nissan badge removed.
  15. Not sure on specifics for that particular exhaust but you could try MIJ in Birmingham, I called them when I got my exhaust and they supplied the correct gaskets and bolts.
  16. A full tank will last me a month unless I do journeys I don't normally do.
  17. Great drive from Lewis and special mention for Bottas, he's one for the future for sure! Awesome race overall, some great wheel to wheel racing!
  18. Daveyboy11


    I totally respect the time and and effort with these cars, that is something we have all got to respect surely. Doesn't mean we have if like it though.
  19. Daveyboy11


    Yeah this is getting boring now, can we not just all agree to disagree. Everyone has different opinions, if we didn't it would be a pretty boring world!
  20. Daveyboy11


    This was good fun to read through, thanks guys! Haha no but seriously, people can have there cars anyway they like but that doesn't mean everyone has to or will like it. But who cares? If the owner likes it that's what matters and those sort of cars are always at shows and do get a lot of attention. However I do think it looks pathetic.
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