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Everything posted by Daveyboy11

  1. I have mine off every time I drive the car it's too restrictive.
  2. I have a K1 so I'm probably screwed lol unless I chuck the bungs in
  3. I'd love to, how much is it roughly and also what is the noise limit?
  4. Destiny Beta was class, I am so excited for September 9th
  5. Possibly a very slight buckle? The tyre place should pick it up though you're right, I had a buckled wheel and it was so slight it didn't cause any vibration until about 60mph.
  6. One of the wheels isn't buckled is it?
  7. Mine were £180 for all 4 wheels, you may be able to get it cheaper than you've been quoted but make sure they are good at what they do!
  8. So true, it annoys me when people say Vettel isn't that special and it was all the car.
  9. I'm going off Nico more and more, little girl. Great race and superb drive from the top 3 especially Alonso I think.
  10. Yeah I considered Anthracite too, both good in my opinion!
  11. Ahh good job man, it looks awesome! Glad you finally got there
  12. I had mine sprayed Black, I am personally a massive fan of Black wheels.
  13. They are nice, would love the same in mine! Were they expensive?
  14. BMW e46 330i - I test drove one before getting my 350z and I thought it would be awesome but it was horribly dull. It was nice and smooth but other than I didn't like it, this may have something to do with the fact I used to drive my mums e46 M3 which of course is savage. It was probably my own fault for going at the 330 with the wrong approach.
  15. Zed is my daily, couldn't afford to run a second car.
  16. Gunmetal, although I have to admit Azure was my first choice!
  17. Andy Frosts victor? Yeah it's street legal, however he's done a few things that break the rules of the street class it normally runs in like methanol and slicks.
  18. For sheer acceleration these can't be beaten.
  19. Yeah they are just incredible but I feel like they are getting to a point where they can't improve anymore, the cars/tracks just can't take it and half of them either lite the tyres up or detonate half way down the track.
  20. The jet car has never made a 3 second pass, but Sammy Millers rocket car certainly did!
  21. 9 seconds is far from slow!! My dad used to run a methanol dragster in Super Pro and that was running 7's at about 200mph.
  22. Might not pass out but I'd definitely soil myself Oh yeah you gotta have balls to get in a Top Fuel dragster! Would love to have a go one day but the costs are absolutely out of this world!
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