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  1. Thanks for the link .... looks like something I could screw up! Was hoping that there would just be an easily accessible fuse that I could simply disconnect. May just live with it until the next service & get some who knows what they are doing to sort it out for me!
  2. Thanks Ekona ... how easy is it to take off the bumper and then put it back again? Imagine that it may be tricky as I don't have any off street parking or a garage ...!
  3. At a recent track day, I think I dislodged part of the cable for parking sensors. It appears that the exhaust may now have slightly melted the cables .... the end result is that the sensors always trigger as soon as I go into reverse, which is very annoying and loud! I'll probably try and get this sorted at the next service in a few months time, but does anyone know of a way to disable the sensors / noise in the interim? I had thought that the fuse box may be a place to try looking, but couldn't see anything that relates to the parking sensors. Any help or advice welcome!
  4. New 350 owner & forum member here .... I know this is an old post that has been pinned, but does anyone happen to know if Ancaster Croyden are still giving this discount on servicing & if so does it extend to their Bromley branch?
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