I have a problem I'll explain, I currently have a pioneer head unit (double din) in the lower mount that puts out to all my speakers in my car. I have the import version 350Z with the sat nav screen in but its all in Japanese, obviously. So what I am gonna do is take the OEM out as I cant read Jap and put a 7" double din GPS unit in the top cubby hole, as I really want a sat nav in there.
Heres my question, can I join the new GPS/DVD unit speaker outputs to the lower Pioneer ones to all run on the same speakers?
I've done a crappy sketch in paint to try and describe it, I just wanna know if it will work? I know I can put in aditional speaks but I dont really wanna do that.
Any help would be great guys :teeth:
P.S: NO making fun of my drawing in paint, I'm special