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Everything posted by Japconvert

  1. Bide your time buddy... It is dangerous to have zeal without knowledge, and the one who acts hastily makes poor choices....
  2. Just another tip I forgot to mention earlier... A quick test of your MAF is to unplug it while the engine is running, if there's no difference; its probably packed in or needs cleaning... If the engine stumbles or stalls, then it's working fine... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. £436 for a service... Bloody hell I'm glad I'm a mechanic!! They won't clean the MAF dude, they'll just charge you to change it & give you a load of **** n bull... Your best bet is to ask someone near by from this forum that can help, if you ain't confident enough to tackle it... But it's honestly a very easy job to do... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  4. Go into General forum and you will find thread of mines asking Coupe or Roadster, on 3rd or 4th page Stevem posts the usual part of a roadsters roof to look out for. Cheers bud.. Enjoy your new weapon of choice )) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. Congrats dude.. I'm also in search of a nice roadster & presently researching on things to look out for... What's this about the roof mate?? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  6. Also as stated above, could be a MAF, you can some times get away with giving them a gentle clean using pure alcohol & cotton buds gently over the sensor element... Maybe clean out the throttle body too... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  7. Sounds to me like you may have a vacuum leak somewhere mate... Have a check all around the intake manifold & listen out for a hissing sound.. Vac leaks can cause the engine to run lean, so the ECU will overcompensate & make it run too rich!! One of the methods I use to check for a leak is to get a can of propane gas, & give little squirts around any vac lines while the engine is running, soon as the leak is found; the gas will be drawn in via the leak & cause the engine to either dip in revs or stall.. Be careful while squirting gas around though! You can also use carb cleaner, but this is far more combustable around hot engines.. So use with caution on a cold engine (if using carb cleaner) & have a fire extinguisher to hand, just in case!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  8. I've just posted up a few pics of the other girls in my life. Sadly Miss Z4 is about to be acquired by a friend. Not all sad though, as she's gonna make way for a sexy Z350 roadster (hopefully soon) 😜 http://www.350z-uk.com/index.php?/topic/73508-My-soon-to-be-other-girls..page__view__findpost__p__1094009 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  9. Haha! Unfortunately dude I'm a very busy electrical mechanical engineer that works away toooooo much! But if I can help someone out I'll try my best... 😉 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  10. I've just joined up & already introduced myself, but saw this & thought I'd put some pics up of my present rides: VW mk4 VR6 Golf... BMW Z4 2.5si sport Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  11. Thanks mate.. I suspect I'm gonna be doing lots of reading here on in ha! I've just skipped through a few common faults like axle clicking? Rad fans, drop links etc.. I feel at home already ha! Sounds like these Z's have similar issues as the VW VR6.. 👠I ain't put off yet though. Being a mechanic I love a challenge ha!
  12. Afternoon all... Hope you don't mind me joining up with y'all; having not yet acquired a fine Z machine... I'm presently a proud VW owner of a Golf VR6 mk4. Which I won't be parting with... I can hear the sighs already ha! Anyway please hear me out before writing me off ha! I've recently blasted one of these baby's around a track & have to say I'm hooked.. So I'm now in the process of doing some good old fashion research before I make a purchase of a Z350 roadster. I would just like to know of any common faults to look out for & what modifications to avoid.?? I look forward to my future purchase & meeting up with some of you jap loving crazies!! I maybe converted yet.. Hence my user name: Japconvert. Kind regards Andy.
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