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Everything posted by d95gas

  1. I think if its a genuine mistake they can just withdraw them from sale. Ultimately though they could just say they are out of stock at that price!!........ Of course the computer would be to blame
  2. Just to say thanks to Chris for sorting this awesome spoiler (Strosek). Guys at Falcon Performance painted and fitted it this week and I just picked up the car and am totally over the moon with it:
  3. When I read this post I was shocked to hear about Ryan letting you down. I have known Ryan for many years, going back to when he first started out. He has done a good deal of my friends high powered MR2's and Supra's and all I have ever heard was positive comments. I'm so glad this has been sorted out and you got to the bottom of the truth, and reinstated Ryan with the merit he deserves. Nice one
  4. Superb device, we have the DC44 which is very similar, and wouldn't be without it.
  5. Hi Ryan, I had exactly the same problem with my controller when I got it, even sent it back to Redline for testing and it was fine, they sent it back, I refitted everything this time making sure all the connector blocks were pushed in and were securely in the sockets. Powered up and all was fine. I did find that if I didnt have it all the way home on the OBDII connector, then this is where it never powered on as it uses one of the pins to power the unit. The other option (I am doing this shortly) is to forget using the OBDII port and wire the unit directly to power and earth, that way the port is free for other users, and wiring direct will ensure you have a good power connection. HTH Graeme
  6. I did the same with mine, not in anger though, just a bit heavy handed. Took me about 20mins of ripped knuckles to get it back in, you can just do it with squeezing your hand in there and a bit of careful manouvering with the fingers...... I was determined the lower dash was not coming off
  7. Buster..... with those sizes are you running any wheel spacers? Just that the wheels I have my heart set on are the size you quoted but was a bit dubious as to what tyres to go for. I also have the Brembo calipers so need to ensure they get cleared. Thanks Graeme
  8. Integra is very very nice, but definately out of her price range. We already have 2 Mondeo's as daily drives, then I have my Zed and she has her MR2 for weekends. She is wanting to change the MR2, but has to work within what she has available. Thanks for the recommendation
  9. Thanks boys, all very encouraging. The wife is scouring every online Car Sales there is. Only thing putting her off is that most of the Type-R seem to come with nice Recaro's but in green...... which she really dislikes, so the search continues, and I have pointed out that a retrim will soon sort the colour........
  10. wow wow wow...... Thanks guys, all very postive comments there, looks like she has picked the right sort of motor to go for..... I had to talk her out of a Impreza WRX.... I just dont like them!!!. The Honda I like and can live with, and as it will more than likely me who has to do the maintenance, then all of the above information is very helpful. So now to find one that she likes (colour) Once again many thanks everyone for taking the time to give me some feedback on the Honda
  11. Never takes someone long to find out whats under the Hood...... http://www.cmw.me/?p=2437
  12. I am sure there are more than a few people on here had Accord Type-R's in their time, but despite my many years, I can stick my hand up and say I have NEVER owned a Honda. So the wife is looking at getting rid of her MR2 T-Bar (Mk2) after 8yrs of ownership, she feels its time to try something else, the Accord Type-R has taken her fancy, and there is a fair few in her price range. So the question is, can any of you lads and lasses, offer some advice on what to look for, potential pitfalls, etc. Also, if any of you have mates who might be getting rid of one, by all means give me a shout. Many thanks and a Merry Christmas to everyone. Graeme
  13. Try using code EM12SMOT. Should get you 10% off. Unfortunately code not valid anymore
  14. ah makes sense..... thanks
  15. Excuse my ignorance, but what does the term "Curb Wrapped" mean?
  16. I just love the way its all detailed when you pick it up. I've not had to touch mine since I drove it home, and I used for a week for work in rubbish weather, guys really do a top job. Some may say the valeting is covered in their pricing, but to be honest, I have compared them to a few and their prices are really good. Got a good price this morning for what I would consider a fair bit of work. Having seen the standard of workmanship and the way they look after customers cars, I would not hesitate in recommending them to anyone, and definately worth a little drive to get there. I might add that I am not in anyway affiliitated with Falcon, just one very happy customer...... Garages always give me the jitters when I hand the keys over, but have no hesitation with Lee and the team.
  17. I have just had my 2013 Mondeo bumper and passenger wing sorted after a prang that left a mess with the wing and bumper. Bumper was far more mangled than yours, but the bodyshop just used a heatgun and got it back into shape, you honestly cannot tell it had been managaled. Got nothing to lose really, so I would go with the heat gun and see what you can do.
  18. Such and awesome place, could of spent my whole weekend down there
  19. And its an awesome spoiler, literally just booked in with Falcon to get mine fitted and some other little paint jobs
  20. Afternoon all, Just though I would post up a couple of comments about my awsome Saturday morning with "Falcon Performance" (NEast based). These guys did my clutch about two months ago and did a superb job, including full valet when I picked up the car. So after chatting to Lee on the forum, I was invited over for a chat and a look around the workshops. He took me into one of their workshops where they do restoration work..... and I was totally blown away. Cars under plastic sheeting having had full restoration work done..... For obvious reason I dont want to mention too much detail without Lee knowing first, but believe me, the cars I looked at which would of been "Historic Racers", were jaw dropping awesome. I thought I was fussy about my cars, but these owners go to the next level and beyond. Underneath one of the cars, everything you looked at was new and polished, every U clamp, nut bolt and washer..... Had to be the ultimate restoration job. Thier BAU workshop was mighty impressive, one of the guys was just putting a new ARK onto a 350.....which made me green with envy.....Just couldnt justify the ARK when I purchased my Invidia Gemini. I was over there a good while, and Lee gave the full run down on the Company, his dad, and how it all developed. From the pics of the cars on the wall that they own and race, you can see they are meticulous when it comes to working on cars, Lee gave me the impression that it doesnt matter if its a 350Z or a Lambo, they all get the same treatment. Just wanted to say thanks to Lee and Falcon for giving me the mini tour, and my zed will not be going anywhere else....Already booked in for January for some paint jobs and the fitting of the Stroesk spoiler, this is Lee's brothers area, and 5 mins chatting to him, told me his OCD was far worse than mine The whole morning was a petrol head's dream and I really enjoyed it, thanks Lee and I look forward to doing more business with you in 2015.
  21. I have a throttle controler on my manual 350. In sport mode, the response and difference between that and normal mode is like night and day. Definately far more responsive and make it a lot more fun to drive. then when you get on the motorway you can put it on Eco mode which makes the accelerator less responsive. My personal opinion is that it was definately worth the purchase and I would hope it would help elimate your delay, although cannot comment on use on an Auto box
  22. Same vid I watched after your post :-) Great minds think a like ...... Also watched the one where he used a can of ether/easy start......Interesting to say the least
  23. Thanks for that pjf1985, excellent information. Emailed Chris to see if he has them in stock. The guy I got the sizes from has stock. Fortunately I have my own Pro Arch Roller, so should I hit on the problem then I have the answer :-) If I dont need spacers, at least I can get a bit of money back on the existing spacers. Thanks Oh never heard of a bead cheater.......Google is my next call :-)
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