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About Emz350Z

  • Birthday 30/08/1990

Emz350Z's Achievements

Z Newbie

Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. Sorry for the late reply! Flying about with work. Thanks all for your help. Will definitely give that reset a go when I get home and will let you know how I get on! Thanks again!
  2. Hi All, I have had a red flashing airbag light on my dashboard for a while now. I asked my mechanic to look into it but he said I need to take it to Nissan to have a diagnosis test done with the correct diagnosis equipment. Does anyone have or know anyone with this equipment? I haven't been too impressed with Nissan as I just can't get over the ridiculous quotes that they give me! Thanks, Emma
  3. Good luck! Let us know how you get on!!
  4. Will do, sometimes get out that way with work, some nice roads providing they aren't too busy. Yes the roads on the outskirts and through Salisbury plain are a great drive!
  5. Soooo glad I asked. I will not be taken for a mug again!! Thanks very much to the both of you!
  6. Nice one! Thanks Jez. The car is at Nissan as we speak and the part has been ordered but will have a think as I'm glad it's not just me who thinks its an absolute joke! Just for future reference do you stock all sorts of kit for the 350? I will know who to come to next time!! Thanks again!
  7. Hi All, I am new to this forum and was wondering if anyone could help me. I have owned my 350z for several months now and she has been good as gold until last week... She overheated due to the fans not kicking in with Air Con. Unfortunately, the fan motor assembly is a Nissan only part and they quoted me £1083!!! What would you guys do in this situation? Would you pay it or do some research? Have looked online and plenty of second hand bits and bobs but don't want to be purchasing something which will just go again after a month or two... apparently it is quite a common problem!?! Any advice would be fab being fairly new to the Nissan world! Thanks, Emma
  8. May see you around Wiltshire! If you're ever near Salisbury give us a wave!
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