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Everything posted by wmr1980

  1. I'm surprised they weren't involved earlier!
  2. What do you guys make of this interview? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWmR9Jl67bI
  3. It was the right course of action - you can't hit people inside or outside of work and not expect repercussions. That said, I've had a few scraps in my life and neither of us took it to the authorities (certainly not for just a split lip like the producer received!), we just let it blow over, shook hands and went our different ways. The BBC has a bad image at the moment with their protection of paedophiles and excessively paid executives etc... so it needs to be whiter than white and be seen to do the right thing (and actually DO the right thing) - which they are doing. There's still so much speculation around what exactly happened that it's hard to be sure what exactly happened. However, if it is a simple case of abusive behaviour and a punch then yeah, frankly there's not much the BBC could have done. I still wonder whether or not the producer is incompetent and just had a massive personality clash with JC and that it was handled really badly? I wonder whether the BBC should have stepped in earlier or been more proactive? I guess since JC writes most of the material they sort of left him to get on with it and never realised there was anything going on.
  4. Super quick delivery of my 380RS pedal, great service - proactively found that I was after one and offered a great price! Very happy, and will be giving Torqen a copy of my credit card as I fear I will end up giving him all my money!
  5. Looks very similar to what happened to me at Bedford - despite having done quite a bit of drifting in the past (in my MX5) hit the white and red which were wet and just didn't correct quick enough or well and got on the power too hard too early. I posted the vid a while back. I only did a 180 but Brillo and Will370z enjoyed the view as they were behind me!
  6. Excellent service. Not that I'd expect any less Thanks Adrian.
  7. I do need to keep an eye on the track days, even if I don't take part (which I LOVED last time, I think Will enjoyed his spin in my car, don't know if I took you out too Brillo?), I'd love to see how you guys are getting on.
  8. Cool! Look forward to seeing you at another track day! Just a quick question - I thought harnesses were supposed to be mounted higher: Any vids of the crash?
  9. That's actually a surprisingly simple but great idea!
  10. Oooh now that's lovely! For the moment I've wedged some wood around the outside of the new smaller battery but I need to find some sort of strapping which may be better. It's just such an awkward bitch of place to work on!
  11. Don't suppose you have any pics Pete?
  12. Hi guys Just changed my battery (it's rather tight isn't it?!). However the new battery is smaller and so isn't that secure. Are there any decent strapping or securing methods that you guys have used?
  13. Took advantage of Clark Motorsport's amazing clutch offer (http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/95545-new-xtreme-clutch-organic-inc-smf-350z-de/) as mine needs a new lease of life: Excited!
  14. The thing is, amongst close friends and in private you can be as un PC as you want, but at work, and in public environments you should be a bit more mindful of your behaviour, regardless of what your moral compass says. Heck the best comedians skirt the line of decency all the time. That said, I don't believe any of his behaviour has been purposefully done to hurt or offend people - it is a generational thing, some people just don't realise what they do/say is necessarily bad/wrong. I know I've made faux pas in the past but my intention was never to go out to upset people. Okay, ignorance is no alibi, but surely the BBC have editors that allow them to tweak was is shown, so surely they should be held accountable too?
  15. http://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/2015/mar/11/jeremy-clarkson-suspended-eco-feminist-top-gear Can't help but think this is a bit of a clickbait post...
  16. Wind up aside, you can't hit people at work, or outside of work because of a disagreement. JC normally rips people apart with words, and the fact that Hammond and May are taking the mick online would leave me to suggest that it isn't as serious as it is. IF he had punched someone that surely would turn to be a criminal investigation and surely they wouldn't be trivialising it on twitter? I'm not saying we should go back to the "good/bad" old days where 2 people would have a punch up, then go for a pint afterwards - we've evolved (I hope) to be a bit less Neanderthal. People like Clarkson are divisive people, some people find him great, some people typecast those that like him as "meatheads" or thickos. Eitherway not everyone is going to agree with his character or behaviour, and to judge people on what they enjoy is no different to some of the contentious stuff that JC says. To be completely dispassionate about it we have to wait and see what the #fracas is all about and then make up our minds based on the evidence. I for one am a fan of JC - I do find him a buffoon and an irascible character but also highly amusing, but if he has really misbehaved beyond what we feel is acceptable then of course he should be held accountable. The problem is what doesn't offend some people, will deeply cut others - it is just the way of the world. What I find irritating is the fact they keep bringing up the Argentina "incident" and the fact he said the Eenie Meeni Minie Moe rhyme. A lot of us who are older will probably have learned that rhyme without even realising what we were saying. It was his generation, not saying it is right to say that, but he stopped himself from saying it, and he clearly didn't mean anything viscous by it.
  17. I fear you're laughing at me rather than with me
  18. I am waiting to hear the full story before I start casting blame. Despite being an ex rugby player I don't particularly enjoy violence and find unprovoked acts of violence abhorrent. That said I have had a scuffle or two in my life and would again if the situation led me that way but I wouldn't relish it. Sometimes things happen instinctively. They may not be the right thing to do but we are but human. I'm just disappointed that they will pull the series - we've already paid for the filming of it therefore I want to see it. I've paid for a service. If I don't get to see it I will be withdrawing my funding.
  19. You can almost gauge people's votes on whether they are Clarkson fans or not (I.e. lefties or righties)!
  20. What? That makes no sense. Assuming he punched someone, and assuming he gets fired, do you not think that would be the correct thing? That's what would happen in any other company anywhere in the world. Well, apart from WWE I guess. I edited my post
  21. That would be quite funny to see - I'd actually be quite happy to stop paying my TV licence as a result of it too (which I only recently started paying for again as I started to watch live tv again).
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