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Everything posted by wmr1980

  1. Completely hooked on GTA 5 on the PC. it's beautiful and so immersive especially in first person view (I hate 3rd person view on games). It is going to waste many hours of my life.
  2. True. Very much first world problems and also pretty petty in the grand scheme of things. However, as a car related issue it is something we all experience potentially and still frustrating in day to day life.
  3. Have a look at this: http://www.liverpool...es-road-9084702 I have read the comments and it really saddens but doesn't surprise me that people do not understand the concept of merging in turn being more efficient than queuing up in one lane for miles. Basic fluid dynamics proves it - it's science, fact. People like the renault driver should be done for dangerous driving. That said they both continued to behave badly.
  4. Still desperately waiting for GTA V to be released on the PC. However in the interim I'm playing Grid 2 which is quite absorbing.
  5. I'm completely lost as to where to vote. I'm not a fan of DC but neither am I wanting Labour... in fact I like some of policies of labour and some of the conservatives... I clearly need a coalition between those two! If anyone is interested this is quite a good quiz to help you understand where you stand on certain issues and where/how they line up with the party's policies. https://uk.isidewith.com
  6. I think DC has been the best since Connery. Bond was always supposed to be a nasty piece of work if you read any of the Flemming books - so I'm glad they've captured that a bit better.
  7. Nope it's fine - besides you're so pumped of adrenaline you sometimes forget to breathe! I miss doing it, but I don't miss spending the money on it! Awesome vid Chirag - looks like you enjoyed yourself! And congrats!
  8. Tragic. Driver will have to live with that (I'm not blaming him) - it's going to be a pretty tough thing to deal with. I feel desperately sorry for the family and loved ones of all those involved and affected.
  9. Heading east towards M23. Around Cobham area. Pulled up next to you and hooted.
  10. Another spot in south Wales. They're everywhere!
  11. Very orange HR parked up on the sea front in Penarth.
  12. Last night around 7ish I passed a roadster with their top down. I pulled up next to them for a little wave but they didn't seem to notice so I gave a little blast to go past but no response either. :'( Anyway if you're here, hi!
  13. True, he smokes and drinks too much for a start.
  14. I look forward to seeing what happens with TG and will give it a fair go when it is relaunched (if it is relaunched), I'll probably enjoy it, I still find Fifth Gear okay, but a little cringey and not an entertainment show as TG is, more a factual show. However, I also look forward to seeing what JC et al. get up to
  15. Yeah true. He stayed behind to have a drink and missed dinner. This is why I don't drink I don't like missing food! That said if the producer realised they'd be late he could have got hold of the hotel to arrange something? But it isn't really reasonable to expect staff to stay later for just one person. We don't know if the producer told Clarkson that there would be no hot food available if he stayed out. It's all just a stupid trivial thing that flared up to something non trivial (assault). I'm not defending JC by the way. I just think it is a ludicrous thing to have occurred over something so stupid. It is just a shame it came to this.
  16. Agreed. It just goes to show that depending on what article you read you get a different skew. In other words you can't trust everything you read as it will be coloured even if subtly with opinions.
  17. Quite a stinging article about the whole fiasco here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/top-gear/11494207/The-dogmatic-liberal-elite-have-finally-kicked-out-Jeremy-Clarkson.-I-hope-theyre-happy.html It echoes what has just been said about him not being actually sacked. Seems like the BBC are a little all over the place on this.
  18. Well then it is poor planning from the producer and he deserved a smack (I'm kidding I'm not going to reignite the debate! )
  19. They were technically working off site I would have said, staying in a hotel paid for by the BBC - that pretty much classifies it as being on a work event. If it wasnt a work event at all then it makes it even worse, that Clarkson was holding the producer to ransom for hot food when in fact they were 'outside of work' - if that was the case why is it the producers fault, surely Clarkson is liable to feed himself? No indeed that was my question - and I agree it makes it worse if it were out of work. I guess JC has got used to having people be at his beck and call. The producer undoubtedly had a long day himself and just let it slip. It's not as if London is a hard place to get food though - I'm surprised it all escalated so quickly. It goes back to the comments made by some speculators that there is/was a history between them and this was the straw that broke JC's career at the BBC.
  20. Not that it makes a difference to his behaviour - but what difference does it make that they were "outside" work? I guess they were still in a work environment or doing work related stuff, which is probably why the police were not involved sooner?
  21. That's a completely fair comment. Always good to see another perspective
  22. No offence fella. I've read other posts of yours and seem like a nice bloke but you're falling into the same trap as the million odd people who signed the reinstatement petition before knowing what happened. Whether we like or loath him, we just have to accept the facts and not deflect the blame on to the producer. JC got drunk, got annoyed and assaulted a colleague. It was his fault. You can't behave that way. Full stop. No offence taken - I probably didn't make myself clear - it's been a long day. Bear with me! What I meant was - I think this had been brewing for a long time, and there was a clear disagreement and professional divide between JC and the mangers for a while. What I question is the thought of leaving it as is without the BBC being a little bit more careful with how they managed it. They know that there were tensions there and they let things escalate - which I think is poor management. I'm not taking any responsibility away from JC - he's a fully grown man and has to take responsibility for his actions - too right - but I can't help but feel there's a bit more to it that just 1 night and 1 event. This had to be a prolonged period of dissatisfaction. I completely agree about signing the petition - I didn't sign it, and won't sign it as I don't think it's the right way to go about things in this instance. A split lip could require stitches depending on how bad it was so A&E could be appropriate. I read something earlier saying that it was a physical assault followed by a 30 minute abusive torrent from Clarkson then another media site claiming it was all over within 30 seconds or so. We just don't know as all we know is the BS/partial truth we get fed from the media. Bloody girly/men these days I don't know... (I kid - I'm an ex-rugby player and so something like a split lip is pretty much standard). I'm impressed JC could hit that hard! Just think guys.... if only he had been given food - none of this would have happened!!!!!
  23. Well I thought if he had been assaulted he'd have gone to the police or the police would have wanted to investigate assault since it was done in a public place? The producer just seems to be that sort of person, he didn't get on with JC either - and going to A&E for a split lip seems a little OTT? So as you say there's probably more to the story than we know. The couple of scraps I've had the police came to investigate/take a report, but we just said it was a misunderstanding and no charges were wanting to be filed and that was that.
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