This isn't a quick fix but has your mum or maybe you thought of looking for a zero % interest credit card (for her)? It might be worth transferring the balance of her maxed out cards to one of these.
It might ease things a little. Credit cards are crippling at the best of times but there's lots of places that will offer zero % interest if you transfer. You obviously still have to pay back a monthly fee but it can make things much easier. And when the offer duration ends you switch to another (all card companies prey on people that can't be bothered to deal with changing every few months, Which is most people to be fair)
Just thought I would offer that up as it's helped out a couple of my friends in the past.
Stop smoking in the car! Other than that, I have no suggestions (apart from purchasing a lighter).... Hopefully someone more knowledgeable about car electrics will be along shortly
Ok, so all this beautiful sunshine we've been having is great, but how am I supposed to clean my car?
Where I live (or more accurately, where my car is) gets sun pretty much all day until at least 1800hrs. Which, by then is too late to give it a decent clean.
Getting a hose to my car is virtually impossible and it's only the generosity of one of my neighbours that lets me use his that I get to use a hose at all.
Are there any products that can be used in direct sunlight? My car now looks pretty grubby
Ok, not quite but there are quite a few
Happy birthday to:
And last but not least,
Here's wishing you all a great day
Black one in Lewes who gave me a wave. I gave a thumbs up. Think it was a 54 plate.
Silver one on the A26 (Beddingham road) stuck my arm out of the window and waved but not sure I got a response.