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Everything posted by AntonZdz

  1. I agree and I was careful to make sure there were no other road users about at 1:30 in the morning, but you are right, this isn't the sort of behavior I usually condone! found this for you http://my350z.com/fo...led-button.html I wasn't even going quickly bizarrely enough, maybe i just noticed the light and one wheel caught traction? I shall have a look at that thread! Thanks!
  2. Mark Thanks for the response, i assume you meant you cant turn the TCS off with a switch? ESP seems to turn off with a switch fine. Bugger, why did I have the feeling that would be the answer! Is there a fuse for the TCS system? An easier solution would be wire a switch after the fuse then I can just knock a toggle switch on and off. Will unplugging the cable or fuse (if there is one), cuase a code fualt anywhere? Thanks
  3. Firstly, appologies if this is already covered, somewhere, I did search but to no avail. Bought my Z last week, mostly loving it so far. I took it out for a spirited drive earlier this week with the ESP on, I noticed that accelerating hard out of slow 2nd gear corners meant the TCS light would come on and I would bog down. So yesterday I decided to revist said road with the ESP switched off (button next to headlight washers pushed once), ESP Off light came on and off I went, in the 2nd gears corners it was much better, I could feel a small cherp/loss of grip from the rear's momentarily and over a few elevation changes then I was away, and no annoying computer interferance, however when I came to the tightest corner ( a 1st gear hairpin), I decided to let the car move around a little and see how it felt with some lock wound on. At first the car was happy to play ball and started to let the rear kick out but as soon as I came to begin the lock applying process, I saw the Traction Control light flick on (ESP light stayed as saying off) and felt the car slow to bring it back in line. I am used to RWD with out any traction control so I find this behaviour most disconcerting. Cleary this car has ESP and TCS, my question is, how do I turn the bloody TCS off as well as ESP, I tried holding the button but to no avail. Thanks in advance.
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