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Everything posted by telboy83

  1. Hi guys i hope I'm not breaking any rules here but is anyone going looking for any track time,my misses bought me one for my birthday but not sure if my car will cope as I've had few problems this year so am thinking of possibly selling it on for £30,it's a novice one at 3 o'clock,if anyone who's going is interested please pm me
  2. Cheers fella let me know when u need the dosh from me
  3. If there's any more going I'll take one please,let me know about payment
  4. I'll need a spacer with my option 6 as well paddy,cheers
  5. Cool count me in then for the strutt bolts option 6 in blue please
  6. I've got tarmac strutt same as pic shown and haven't got a plenum spacer yet but thinking of getting one,I'm sure the strutt is meant to still fit without a spacer is that correct?if so would I need small bolts or still need the long ones?
  7. Looks great I'm still up for one when there ready
  8. O good it's not just me then,thanks for the advice
  9. Right gave up and booked it into garage I've wiped my hands clean of her ,it's down to them now lll
  10. Yeah don't seem to be getting any voltage to the other fan could it be a thermostat or fuse or something,anyone have any ideas
  11. One will come on with the air con and when the car gets to temp it's the same fan that will kick in again,the other fan hasn't come on
  12. Is the wiring correct if so could it be the actuall fans?if I swap the wires around the other fan will work but again only by itself they won't both come on together
  13. Guys still having trouble with only the one fan coming on,it's kicking in when it's suppose to but only the one works not the other this is the wiring I have as u look at the car Left (driver)fan blue from fan green block Black from fan black block Fan on right (passenger) blue from fan blue block Black from fan yellow block Is this correct
  14. I used keysers guide to do it looking at the first post it seems it's the other way around maybe I should try it that way
  15. Guys can anyone help?ive purchased a new mishimoto fan after my old packed up,I lost coolant at the same time so have filled it up back up,I am finding small air in coolant which I'm slowly shifting but can anyone tel me if both fans come on together or if there's a sequence,the drivers side is coming on when car get up to temp and also when air con is on but the passenger side doesn't seem to be doing squat,I'm wandering if it's still cZ of air in system or should they both come on together
  16. Not sure how much I lost but there isn't any in the reservoir cheers guys for advise
  17. How will I know if I have air in the system
  18. Guys wandering if anyone can help?the other day my fan packed up causing coolant to overheat and leak.ihave a new fan coming but will have to put more coolant in now.ive never really done it before,is it a case of just poring it thro radiator or coolant tank or is there a procedure,I don't want get any air locks or anything
  19. Can u pm me some info aswell please looks a great mod
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