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Everything posted by rob_t

  1. cheers, I'll give that a go
  2. I've just put in the insurance quote it's an import... now it's shot up to £8500! No zed for me
  3. thanks, But I wouldn't expect the insurance to be that much cheaper
  4. ... forgot to add It was on confused
  5. So I've just turned 19 and I'm searching for quotes on a 350z, I got a quote for a 350z for £1900 (I was amazed!), then just to make sure it was right I got a quote on another 350z... this one said from £5500. I looked at my quotes and saw on the first one it said 'fairlady z', and the second one just said 350z. I don't get why it would be cheaper on the fairylady one, can anyone tell me why please? PS I'm new to Zeds so I think it might be a dumb question...
  6. Hi guys, thanks for your replies. I've only noticed them now as I kind of gave up on my search for insurance on the z! I've got the insignia until the end of August (as my insurance is up then and my premium is £4500 which I'm not willing to pay again - I paid it for my 3.2 Audi TT last year and the insignia). I love them still but there's no way I'm going to get the insurance.. so to save money I think I'm getting a BMW 120d Coupe... lets hope it doesn't bore me too much compared to the insignia
  7. I agree, that's why I'm deciding to get a 350z rather than a 370z as I can get a 350z for £6-7k and so save about £8,000 from my Insignia - I'll spend that money on my business meaning I'll be better off in the future. However, I don't want to go from the insignia to a 'boring' or 'normal' car, I just couldn't get used to it after owning a couple of fast cars for nearly a year. I just don't want to waste money on the insurance as I'll regret it after.
  8. Cheers, I've been phoning around today and when I told the majority of companies my age they just thought I was joking around I think (especially around the 370z). Admiral gave me a quote of £32,000 and said I had no chance insuring one at 18, he told me I'm better off sticking to a sensible car, Another guy was saying how it's a lot more because it's a fast nissan, when the insignia has more power compared but quotes are a lot better with those. Will take a lot of messing around online to get under 3k I think.. I tried most things on gocompare - adding my dad as the named driver and that got it down to £6300 at the lowest. With all the comparison sites online i'm sure I'll find one that gives me a fair quote
  9. thanks guys, just messing around on Gocompare.com, the first quote came up as £8000, got it down to £6300 so far by changes like parked in a lit street and 1 month in advance etc Obviously £6300 is ridiculous but it shows I can get it down... will see if I can get under £3000
  10. cheers, i'm going to call them tomorrow! I want a 350z or 370z, my heart was set on a 370z but realistically I would be better off spending less for a car that's as much fun really.
  11. I was looking to get a 370z in exchange for my 59 reg Insignia VXR. That's a V6 2.8 Turbo so I didn't think the 350z or 370z would be much more. The company I am currently insured with won't quote me for both The best quote I got was £4500. You can get a decent 350z for £7000 so there's no point in paying over half that in insurance. Is anybody else on here my age and been able to get reasonable insurance? Sorry to be another young guy complaining about insurance Thanks
  12. Thanks for the welcomes Just getting insurance sorted, taking a lot of phone calls to find one under £4000.
  13. Hi everyone, I currently own an Insignia VXR and I was planning to swap it for a 350z in a couple of months time. However, I got a bit into it today and somehow I've managed to put a deposit on a 59 reg 370z in grey! When I was 16 I went to Top Gear Live and saw one of these and as soon as I saw it I knew I wanted it. I never thought I'd afford one, especially at 18 but hard work pays off. Hopefully I'll have it by next week, I can't wait!
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