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  1. Check your brake lights it could be the brake switch.
  2. This passed my shop the other day and WOW what a stunning car (didn't notice the badge).... Sounded pretty awesome to. Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to get a decent photo..... But for comedy value I'll post the picture anyway
  3. With out knowing the in's and outs of what's going on here I bet I can guess what has actually happened.... (And this is from my own view point of running my own business) Trader doesn't necessarily deal with the supplier but does have prices and terms from them........ Trader/s sees the group buy and think "hang on those prices are way below what we've been quoted to stick their products"...... Trader phones up supplier and asks to know how on earth can a member of the public buy 10 of these cheaper than he's been quoted for stocking....... Result.. Supplier has total egg on their face.
  4. Crb

    Replacement seats

    R100's I'd say they fit
  5. It's very difficult with fires because I have to buy every fire I put on display...... It can tie up a lot of money very quickly. I have another 6 on display around my showroom, two of them live.
  6. My transit custom takes a double mattress easily.... The regular transit is bigger. ðŸ‘ðŸ¼
  7. Lovely car, almost makes me want to sell mine and buy yours. GLWTS mate
  8. Can anyone help. After heavy braking the Abs, Edc and slip light appear on the dash. The steering wheel has also started juddering/vibrating lately. I've checked the brake lights and brake fluid and all seem fine with the fluid at max. Pads and disks are about 18months old and are both padgid. Just wondering if anyone could shed some light on this before I send it to the garage. TBH I've never been happy with the squeal and fade of these pads and disks, so will probably replace them anyway, any recommendations would be great thanks.
  9. Yes..... But they do look very good 😉
  10. Adrian flux issued a 7 day notice to cancel my insurance based on information sent from admiral. Once I'd clarified it with Adrian flux tho, all I have to do is email them her clean driving licence and everything will be fine. pi**ed off at admiral tho.
  11. I even phoned admiral and they're answer was "well she's been caught speeding so we are treating it as a conviction" Adrian flux answer to that was "well that's why you pay the £80 and do the course" (top answer btw lol)
  12. Well today I found out that Admiral actually treat a driver speed awareness course the same as 3 points and a conviction. My new insurance company Adrian flux don't, but it has caused a few issues... Obviously I told Adrian flux about my wife's speed awareness course she attended and they were quite frank when saying that it's not classed as a conviction..... However because admiral class it as a conviction it's basically flagged up on their system that I've lied to them and they've issued a notice of cancelling my insurance!!! Luckily after talking to them all is being sorted.... Doubt I'll ever use admiral for car insurance after this. Big thumbs up for Adrian flux tho ðŸ‘ðŸ‘
  13. Mines an import so no side airbags. There is a resistor pack available tho if you do
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