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  1. You all looked very tidy as you drove past No Mans Heath...
  2. As someone said - it's printed on the inside of the fuel flap. The idea of "not knowing" a cars previous means you'll not bother "incase" is ridiculous. If you're going to use "normal" to save a few pennies here and there after buying a Z with its high tax, insurance, and maintenance costs - then saving pennies on fuel is, frankly, nuts. You bought the wrong car for your budget. Buy a cheap-to-run and maintain daily instead. So I'd definitely recommend using super and enjoy the point of owning the car
  3. If you're on here - I didn't see you coming up in the rearview as I was absorbed in ... not sure what However, caught a wave when I noticed after you passed, tried to wave back but realised the dusk + distance probably meant not visible; Flashed as well but unsure if you'd have noticed (lane between us, perhaps didn't wait until you were far enough for me to be visible in side mirrors). But HI!
  4. Were all gunmetal and one black - but I keep my eyes peeled I never remember to look at number plates, too busy trying to wave/flash lights
  5. Seen a couple of friendlies in Tamworth - a thumbs up at the train station lights, a flash/wave at the big lights near the rail bridge (Ashby Road) in the last few Months. Mainly Silver's/Gunmetal. Last Friday a tidy black going past on the big roundabout near Sainsbury's - heading to the Town Centre over the bridge, whereas I was carrying round to head towards Cinema. Greetings if on here
  6. Followed you in - 2 cars behind - probably you heading to Warrington. I was going to overtake the car infront so as to give a flash - but got a case of "I'll seem like a ****ing nutter!", got shy, and hung back Tidy looking car Mine's filthy.
  7. Mike

    I can make it!

    https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.3141169,-2.5481016,15z http://www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/your_council/public_notices/road_closures/permanent_traffic_orders/northwich_-_whitley_to_lostock.aspx It's a 50. I drive it every week going home when the M6 is snarled up - hence why the sign says 30 for the bad corners about 200 yards further down the road.
  8. Mike

    I can make it!

    AKA - the Dash Cam. Always fun, and caught (on Friday - driving home) the "black cars are invisible" curse. Or more likely "I CAN MAKE IT I CAN MAKE IT!". I didn't brake too hard as I didn't want the driver to think they had good judgement and made it safely... The zone is a 50.
  9. Blimey, I live two villages over - but wasn't me Also once fished in that lake too - when a young lad
  10. Hopefully everything is okay Did you ever take one for a test drive or anything?
  11. I am not far from Tamworth, but go to the CougarStore - near Leicester. It's a bit of a trek, but... they're on here, have a great rep, really friendly/helpful - and I trust them. And to be honest - a 50 minute drive? Yes please http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/94-cougar-store/
  12. Oh no, you are right - it can be loud. But that's not exclusive to the Z, and there are plenty of options out there car wise. Likewise, the same for speed. That's why I say I think he's going about this all wrong. Get out there, get in one, give it a test drive. Once you've driven it you will know if it's the right car. Worry about the rest afterwards.
  13. So going from the question in the title - how about you get in one and try driving it? The reason I bought a 350z is someone told me about them, whilst trying a Z4 and a TT - I got into the 350z. I loved it. It has "personality" and I loved it. That test drive sold me, and I then tried several different Z's before shelling the money for my car. If you're just after a noisy exhaust then you're asking the wrong questions and looking at the wrong sort of purchase imo. Same for if you're after out and out speed... you're approaching this entirely wrong. Bottom line, the only way you'll know if this is your car is to drive one. Get in it and decide (also try other cars, obviously).
  14. Also interested, and also in the Midlands Any recommendations as previously mentioned would be welcome
  15. To me it sounds more like "We think you'll say 'scrap it' and we'll therefore take ownership of it and break it for parts, or plonk an engine in and flog it on" to me. Once had a garage tell me that an old Ford Sierra (going back a few years) needed £800 worth of welding - which would probably be about £1200 in today's climate. Took it home, a friend popped round with some equipment, welded for approx 30 mins for which he'd asked for a few pints in the local, and it past the MOT. Still think they priced their "work" so as to force me to scrap the car with them, at which point they'd fix it up in a spare 20 mins and flog it on for £500. Tis why (imo) reputation of the garage is everything.
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