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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. Maybe so to be honest, but most of it was down to a dishonest seller. Personally it wouldn't matter to me about how much I paid because I still got a very healthy motor once I got to work on it. I was very lucky to have sold my civic before the prices literally became pocket change. Now I wouldn't have an ep3 again because they seem to hold the image of and old beaten dog. True. Have you seen the price for some of the final run EP3 premier editions tho? 7 - 8k!!!!! No thanks.
  2. Went out on the drink Tuesday night, made me realize I'm not even close to thinking about other woman yet. Some girl was eyeing me up all night, she came over to talk and I ended up bending her ear off about my ex Attractive!
  3. Cheers Dan, I think writing a letter is a good idea, I've been wanting to write one too her son for when he's a bit older too. I've been putting it off because I know it's going to break me when I write it. I have so many photos and videos of me and her son on my phone too, I made a daft little edited video of me and her son before we split, it's about 5 minutes long, footage of us playing in the park, out in the car, building toys and playing with snap chat etc. I have been toying with the idea of making a scrap book for him, with all the pictures of us together and attach a letter to it.
  4. Yea man, it's been a month and a half now but I don't feel any further forward because of all this. I know it's daft but I can't seem to let go of hope, I keep feeling like if I can just just get her to meet with me or talk on the phone she might open up to me, I'd like to show her that I'm no longer the weak emotional wreck I had became in the end months of our relationship and I'm bettering myself and taking care of things. This mind set is obviously holding me back from moving on. I can see how unattractive I became in the end to be honest, I made all the typical mistakes one tends to make when they can feel their partner drifting. It's easy for her to be indifferent via text message, I want to speak with her properly to see where she is at with everything. I think she's avoiding a phone conversation because she expects me to be a whimpering mess and she doesn't want to deal with that, I still care for her but I'm done making a fool of myself. I feel like there is so much left unsaid on my part and I can't seem to let go of her until I've said what I need to. Denial is a cruel bitch.
  5. Thanks Olly. Yea all this ruminating is getting me nowhere. I contacted her recently to tell her I'd be moving down south for a while, she updated me on her new job, she's not going for it full time anymore as she doesn't think it's fair on her son. So she will be staying in her old Job and working the odd shift for the Hospital on the side. I asked her again if we could talk or meet to clear up loose ends, she told me she was busy that day and will text me to let me know. She's just became so indifferent towards me, it's weird as the first few weeks after the break up she was very nice and friendly. I haven't smothered her at all and it had been over two weeks since the last time I spoke to her. I'm still paying her insurance, In most peoples opinion this makes me a walkover, it probably does but I think it's an Honorable thing to do for now, I know she needs the car for school runs etc. I do feel a bit miffed that she won't talk to me but is happy to let me support her in this way. I know her quite well and she's probably desperate to take over the insurance in her own name but not in a position to do so right now.
  6. Yea that's nasty. Must say tho, I've drove the 2016 Type R and loved it, very impressive car from a handling/performance perspective.
  7. Aye, and good to hear. Just saying that from what I can gather of your story, despite being 1-sided, I don't think she deserves anything from you. She may think you owe her financially (which in itself sounds like bollocks to me), but she owes you temporally and psychologically, both of which are more valuable than any amount of money. I feel the same way. Now that the mind fog of being dumped and the fact I no longer want her back has cleared, I can see it all for what it is. Whereas previously (initially) I would have done anything to get back with her. Including paying up any amount. I don't think I could treat someone the same way she's treated me. Merely an object to be discarded. I got dumped because I was very withdrawn from the relationship and wasn't contributing as much emotionally as I should have. But she knew why that was and I was getting better, especially after I came off Fluoxetine. But she'd already decided to end it. She knew what position I'd be in if we broke up (that id be completely on my own) and she knew I was really struggling with depression and anxiety and major low confidence. We'd been out for a few meals over the course of the last 9 months which I paid for and she never once thanked me. One day I made a big batch of peppercorn sauce for her, which she loves. She returned the tupperwear unwashed, she always used to wash things meticulously if she had to return the container. A small detail but it really summed it all up in my mind and that's when I put an end to all contact. That was about 6 months ago. Anyway. I don't want to contaminate the OP's thread unless he feels it's of benefit to have something to relate to. Don't worry, talk away dude! I've been offered a job training new staff for my company in Manchester for the rest of the year, the money is good and getting away from Newcastle might be just what I need to clear my head. Should be able to save a nice chunk of money by the end of the year. Edit - Gave away too much personal info so deleted most of the post.
  8. I watch a little "monkey London" but the cockney dude on there is proper full of himself and gets on my wick a bit. Some cool cars on there tho.
  9. Jesus. That beats my situation. How long were you together?
  10. Yea he look's like a laugh. Anyone else got any good modded car youtube channels?
  11. I like following small youtube channels. This guys good - Danny DC2 https://www.youtube.com/user/Y0RKSHRE And Jamie FYD - https://www.youtube.com/user/Jamiebdub Jamie does lots of cool modded car videos, the focus RS one is a good watch, was recently on the cover of fast ford.
  12. Argh forgot about this, my heads all over the place at the minute. I'm going to have a look myself tomorrow on my day off.
  13. Yup I catch people doing this constantly. I've got the ST back on my drive now, risked the 5 mile drive home from the garage. Checked under the bonnet afterwards and no signs of over heating, no warning lights on dash or any sign of a problem at all. Still not using it until it's been looked at by an auto electrician. Shaun mine is the final run version of the mk2 2010 plate, not one of the old pre facelifts
  14. About £70 a week in the ST. Would be less if I could stay out of boost for more than 5 minutes It's actually worse MPG than the 350Z, impressive!
  15. Wires aren't damaged as such they are just over heating very quickly. I haven't had a chance to go to the garage to see the wiring around the gearbox etc as I'm working way too many hours at the minute. I'll call the garage I bought it from tomorrow and see what they say.........
  16. Well it's not the battery either Going to have to get it uplifted to a auto electrician this weekend. If if's not too much I'll just cut my losses and pay. If it's a huge problem I'm going to try and take it up with the dealer.
  17. Yup fingers crossed. I'll find out today hopefully. Currently driving my sisters 1.6 mini, very grateful for her lending me it but god it's awful. Missing that 5 cylinder thump
  18. Car was already modded when I bought it from them, it was mapped, exhaust, clutch/fly. Only thing I've done is fitted intercooler and de cat. They told me it was stock when I bought it (obviously I knew it wasn't) I've done some reading on the ST forum and it's not unheard of for the battery to lose cells and cause the alternator to over charge. Apparently a dodgy battery can make the alternator appear to be broken? Thinking about it, after the breakdown I drove 20 miles with a new battery in to the garage with no problems at all, followed by a AA van, we got to the garage, swapped the battery back for the original and left it for them overnight. No signs of electronics over heating, no smoking cables etc. Surely any half decent garage could work this out for themselves tho? I'm going to speak to them tomorrow.
  19. No idea whats going on to be honest. It was absolutely fine, parked it up, left it for ten minutes then came back to it and all hell broke loose. I know nothing about electronics and have no idea what sort of £££££ we are talking to get it sorted. I'll just ring the garage I picked it up from and see what they say, I suspect I'll have a battle on my hands. I've also found out on the forum that the car was in a decent sized accident with the previous owner but he sorted it outside of insurance so no record of anything on hpi.
  20. Right someone obviously has a voodoo doll with my name all over it The ST Wouldn't start last week, was telling me the key fob couldn't be detected in the car when it clearly was. It's push button start, keyless entry etc. The car went mental, one headlight stuck on, dash lights going crazy. Called someone from work to come rescue me (the AA), he checked the battery and alternator, battery was flat but no reason to be, it's a new battery and I hadn't left any lights on etc. We thought it was the alternator, the bloke from work checked it and confirmed. We stuck a new fully charged battery in and that got me to my local garage. So they double checked and confirmed alternator is buggered, £300 quid later for a new alternator and the garage call me to say the car electronics are not right, the wires by the battery are over heating/smoking and they have noticed all the wiring looms by the gearbox have been tampered with, they don't want to touch it. They think the car is pulling too much electrical current and thats what fried the original alternator? Originally thinking it was just the alternator I wasn't going to bother the garage I bought the car from, I figured sh*t happens and I'll just cover it. This electrical issue is not something I'm willing to overlook. I'm at work right now so haven't rang the garage I bought the car from (I've had it 3 month ish). Am I right in thinking they have to sort this issue due to it being within the first 6 months? Surely they must have known about the bodged electronics before selling the car too? Complete nightmare and could really do without this right now. What do people think the chances of an easy fix are? I was always made aware electric faults are a complete nightmare to solve.
  21. Excellent review keyser I'll get some new videos up after tomorrows practice.
  22. I'm trying to change his mind yea, his kidneys are real shot tho, both of them are buggered and at something like 15%, he's in the final stage of failure. He is going to need either overnight dialysis for 8 hours every day or a 5 hour hospital stay every other day. He has very high blood pressure, liver problems and a pretty weak heart so he needs tests to see if he can be operated on. I think home dialysis is the way forward but I just don't think it's possible for him to keep working, he is very stubborn and has no intention of quitting work, he works fixing petrol pumps and spends half his time down man holes etc, I just don't think it's possible for him to continue. The doc said I have a chance of kidney problems later in life as it runs in my family, so they are not keen on taking one of mine. I'm trying to just accept that what will be will be, as this thread clearly shows, some things in life we just can't control. On a brighter note, a USA road trip would be unreal man! I've got the chance to go out and stay in LA this summer with a bloke called Eric Dover (he worked with jellyfish and played alongside slash in slashes snakepit), my mate is very friendly with him and makes music with a few artists over there, all I need is plane tickets. I've no doubt that it would be an absolute adventure but I keep thinking of my dad and wouldn't want to leave him on his own for months on end. Unsure what to do to be honest.
  23. Yes it was freezing! No luxuries such as heat in Newcastle based practice rooms Thanks for the feedback, this song is the only one like it out of our set list to be honest, obviously very dark and moody as Jay described. We have quite a diverse set list, some really soft tunes with a strong groove and then some more modern sounding almost biffy clyro style stuff, right up to punk (ish) songs. I'll mess around with the camera this Thursday at practice and post some other stuff on here. We have arranged to play in a much bigger studio this week so I'm hoping for better results. Might try sticking a separate mic next to the PA to pic up the vocals better so I can adjust the tracks separately. We really need to get a new EP done with our current line up, I know the main promoter for the O2 academy in Newcastle and we are looking to get gig's supporting some big name bands on the main stage this year with a bit of luck.
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