What a pain in the arse! I was going to a party on saturday night and due to being super paranoid about leaving my car outside my mates house he told me I could put it in his garage. Once arriving I realised he had failed to mention the road to the garage was stupidly tight and their was a right angle turn to get into his back yard where the garage was.
Not wanting to leave it out the front of the house I gave it a shot getting it in the garage, carefully checking both mirrors I drove really slowly around the tight corner. Then heard that god awful sound of crunching.
Turns out their was a rock hanging out of the side of the wall just below eye level! WTF!!
Its scraped the hell out of my side skirt. Its not out of shape or anything, just scratched badly. Does anyone know of anywhere in the Newcastle area to get it sorted? What about these guys that do body work on your driveway? Are they any good? How much can I expect to pay for this?
I'll put a picture up after work today. Feeling pretty angry, done loads of overtime at work this month to pay for mods and thats not going to happen now!