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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. I'd rather the Z than a porsche anyday. Not even joking.
  2. I've just been quoted £90 for the skirt to be repaired from the guys at "car and bike magic" and £130 to sort out the stone chips on my front bumper. Seems very reasonable
  3. You would say that! You lost the entire thing Just to top off my bad week Ive just drove out of a petrol station and slowly over a speed bump. The car bottomed out so badly, I was crawling over the bump and misjudged the size of it. The sound was awfull. Nothing seems to have broken but I've yet to have a decent look. One bloody thing after another!
  4. Cheers dale I will do Oh and for those who are interested heres a pic of the damage Looks worse than that in the flesh mind.
  5. Cheers Dalos I'll try those first. How much did you pay for the respray? I could do with the front end chips sorted too. I might try and get it all done at once and turn it into something positive!
  6. Also Id be happy if it only costs me 120.... Could get them to go round the rest of the car and tidy up the little bodywork niggles that need sorting while they are at it
  7. "chips away" where the first guys I was thinking of calling to be honest, I like the convienience of em being able to do it at my work. Gonna give them a shout on my break.
  8. What a pain in the arse! I was going to a party on saturday night and due to being super paranoid about leaving my car outside my mates house he told me I could put it in his garage. Once arriving I realised he had failed to mention the road to the garage was stupidly tight and their was a right angle turn to get into his back yard where the garage was. Not wanting to leave it out the front of the house I gave it a shot getting it in the garage, carefully checking both mirrors I drove really slowly around the tight corner. Then heard that god awful sound of crunching. Turns out their was a rock hanging out of the side of the wall just below eye level! WTF!! Its scraped the hell out of my side skirt. Its not out of shape or anything, just scratched badly. Does anyone know of anywhere in the Newcastle area to get it sorted? What about these guys that do body work on your driveway? Are they any good? How much can I expect to pay for this? I'll put a picture up after work today. Feeling pretty angry, done loads of overtime at work this month to pay for mods and thats not going to happen now!
  9. How does that work then? I only drive one at a time... But it cant be registered to more than 1 car surely? I did the same ha ha Nice aston! Slightly surprised you'd even bother with a Z if you can afford a car like that. How do they compare??
  10. I'm not super fussy about BHP gains and I don't mind the look of the stock exhaust system but the sound is a little weak. What would be the best way to get a nicer and louder sound without replacing the whole system? De cat? Or mid section? I will be looking to get a full system eventually but funds are quite tight at the minute.
  11. Personally I think there are way more cars in that price bracket worth looking at over the 370Z. As far as looks go the 350 is a way smarter car, I think almost everyone should be able to agree on that. I'm not a big fan of the 370 tbh.
  12. They're right. Insurers need to know of any claims accidents or losses in the last 5 years. You have had a loss, hence why it goes down as a non fault. Look at it this way, if you're the type of person who leaves his car outside a nightclub and the car gets damaged you are at a higher risk of that happening again in the future, hence the increase in premium.
  13. Got mine for 5,900 on an 04 with less miles (55k) Think I got lucky tho.
  14. It's bussiness at the end of the day fella. Why would companys allow you to pile loads of cars on to one policy allowing you to get the discount for the NCB on each car? The rule states one set of bonus per policy and that rule suits the companys nicely. They aint gonna argue with that. (I'm an insurance broker by the way).
  15. Cheers dude, I gave it a very slight file down and got em in no bother. Looks much better now, thanks mate,
  16. I got my side repeater light in the post today thanks to ZMANALEX. As usual with anything car related I'm struggling to get it to fit. This proves how utterly useless I am when it comes to doing any work myself. Anyway, I managed to get the old one out easy enough, but the new one just won't go in! Its such a tight fit and the clips are very sturdy so once you push one side in flush the other side won't go in. I don't want to be too forceful and damage the paint work or end up dinting the body etc. Help?
  17. Couldn't agree more with this. I spent my full budget on the car and in turn have been left skint for the last 2 months buying bits and bobs that needed doing. This isn't a cheap car to run/maintain.
  18. I'll pick up an RDX one next month. My radio cut out even with the standard aerial tho, Its not like its bad signal it just randomly goes silent then I have to change the channel to get it on again :/
  19. Cheers Chris will do. The pedal dance thing had me pulling my hair out.
  20. The problem has never happened again anyway guys and ive done about 1500 miles since posting this original topic!
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