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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. I say it everytime a thread like this pops up, you may be able to get high MPG on a motorway but the reality is for the most part you will probably average low 20,s. I never get more than 250 miles to a tank...... I am a little heavy footed mind
  2. Bloody limp mode on this car is a nightmare. I've had it twice in a year now and both times for different things. Each time the garage hasn't been able to fault the car and it's worked fine again after a ECU reset. Constantly driving around expecting it to happen at any minute is no fun
  3. The guys at falcon obviously know their stuff. I've been meaning to get my car thru for a once over with them for a while now. I tend to get most of my work done at my local "torque garage" in forest hall, they have always been fair priced and done a good job.
  4. @ 350AD, I'm actually so glad I didn't change for an EP3 now, I drove my mates recently and after the initial fun bit wore off I realized how much better built and solid the Z is. I don't think my car is down on power, I think I was just expecting a little too much from the stock lump. I've got past that now tho to be honest, after a week of driving a land rover and my sisters mini cooper when my car was off road it sharp made the Z feel quick again afterwards.
  5. I've done a quick search and can't seem to find anything about this, I appologise for the noobish question. I own a 04 DE engined 350Z, I know these aren't the most tuneable lumps in the world but I'm intrested in how much power can be squeezed out of it. With full exhaust, plentinum spacer, light flywheel, induction and a re-map, what sort of figures could be expected? Does anybody run similar mods? What power are you putting out?
  6. They are fantastic cars ~ definitely on my car wish list. After last night it's on mine too. With a bit of luck I'll be in a position to afford one before this years up. I still love the Z and I'm more then happy with it at the moment tho
  7. There's just something about the GTR, it has a kind of supercar presence, makes me feel like a kid at christmas.filled with excitement just being around it haha.
  8. haha yea it looks tiny next to the GTR.
  9. I Love sundays. First I nipped to halfords to buy a few bits and spotted this nice DC5 in the car park. Then detailed my car on the drive..... met up with my mate in his R33GTR and met up with a few more at my local morrisons, fair to say we turned a few heads sat here Finished the day by heading up to the local meet, last pic before my camera ran out of battery Was good to get out and actually enjoy the car, I'm still taking it easy as the clutch/fly has only done about 100 miles but it's running great. I also took out AA breakdown cover just incase my car decides to go into limp mode again randomly I've gotta be honest mind, I would love a GTR, completely different animal to the Z, the one pictured is running near 500BHP and sounds insane.
  10. If its the one I seen it's from America and will cost over £100 for shipping and then import tax charges too.
  11. Cheers Zhorno, I just picked the car up tonight after getting the parts fitted, they re-set the ecu and it hasn't happened again since. It's a bit rubbish driving round in fear of it happening again, nobody is sure what caused it. I will give it a clean tommorow anyway and just hope it doesn't happen again. On a brighter note the clutch and flywheel combo has completely transformed the way the car feels to drive, it feels so much better. I absolutely love it. Hopefully the weather will be ok tommorow so I can give the car a good detail.
  12. Man I can't wait for the summer. I love a good detail in the nice weather, I find I get bored quickly when its freezing cold outside.
  13. My car's in the garage getting my exedy clutch and cc flywheel fitted (thanks again CS). The lad at the garage said the slipping clutch may have something to do with my sensor problem too, the diagnostic brings up throttle pedal sensor as the cause of the cars limp mode. Is it possible that the clutch slipping could have flagged up this code? Once the clutch is in they will reset the ecu and see if it happens again, the engine warning light only came on when the clutch started to slip and then the car went into limp mode temporarily, I managed to drive it to the garage no problems the day after. Whats the best and worst case scenario here? I've missed the car so much having it off the road this week.
  14. I was talking more along the lines of confrontations rather than the driving, if someone confronts me and I do nothing about it that can dent the ego a little. Looking back on this thread I guess it wasn't much of a confrontation tho so I guess my comment was a little irrelevant. A guy once got a metal pole out his boot and came at me with it in a petrol station due to a road rage incident. I drove away and felt like a right pussy afterwards.
  15. It's a pride thing... I've been in this situation a few times and it always winds me up for a little while afterwards.
  16. The colour is awesome. Shame about the rest......
  17. I've acheived a lot of things that I'd wanted to do already, I'd say I've lived a life slightly different from whats considered "normal". I was a skater (rollerblades) and got to travel the country when I was younger through sponsers and tours etc, I lived my own dream for a few years with that. I got featured in magazines and on DVD's and was reasonably well known in the scene throughout the country, a few of my freinds went on to be very successful and now have many "pro" model skates out and are litteraly known all over the world for what they do. It was a brilliant feeling to appear in magazines that I'd read and looked up to since being a kid. I got sidetracked from that due to injurys and started to focus on music as I got older, music is my real dream now, to make a living from touring and being on stage would be amazing. I live a pretty contradictive life at the minute, working in an office through the day and being on stage at night
  18. That video is doing the rounds on the forums at the minute. I don't like to steriotype but I can't help it, I can't stand cyclists, don't get me started on the self rightous idiots who travel with cameras on their helmets!! I once ran one over due to the guy cutting straight infront of me, he was uninjured and confruntational, it didn't end well. It ended up costing me about £700 to repair my bonnet afterwards. These cyclists always seem so confrontational but never have the nuts to back themselves up when someone retaliates.
  19. Not sure if it's a placebo but my car always seems to run it's best on v-power......
  20. @meeerrrk, I've decided to keep it. I'm going to be living on noodles for the rest of the month tho haha.... I've ordered an exedy clutch and cc flywheel from CS on here, the car is getting a full service and and an MOT, it's not due for an MOT till april but I want to know if anything else is going to sneak up on me in the next few months. I never really took these sort of things into consideration when considering the running costs of the car to be honest, it's going to cost me over at least £1,000 this month, I only just paid out £650 for tyres last month and a few hundred the month before that for tax I've missed it loads whilst its been off road tho, can't wait to get it back with the light flywheel etc
  21. The lads are full of good intentions and claim to want this to work as much as I do but the reality is getting wasted seems to be their number one priority. My drummer is pretty much a drug addict who uses so frequently you wouldn't even know he was on something when you see him, ironically he is the most straight headed out of everyone, he is always keen to crack on and take things seriously. The guitarist is by far the worst tho, he drinks everytime I see him and it turns him into an egotistical maniac with no thought for anyone other than himself. We have too many opportunities coming up for me to walk out on them at the minute tho, I've been wanting to play a particular stage for a long time and we are getting the spot this summer, the band has been contacted by a magazine about doing an up and coming article and we are starting to draw a good crowd every gig. When we are on form it's brilliant and I have some great memories with these lads from last summer but working a full time job alongside being in a band like this is exhausting. Anyway thanks for the replys guys, I really just needed to vent last night more than anything else. I need to have a serious chat with all of them because if this keeps going on I'll end up quitting and friendships could get burnt.
  22. Yea cheers guys, CS has sorted me out with an exedy clutch and cc flywheel, this thread can be closed now
  23. Cheers guys, I'm going to have to say something to him today, it's been on my mind all night. It wasn't just me who went out my way last night, my 350Z is currently in the garage getting a new clutch and flywheel so last night I lent my sisters car, my dad had to give me a lift to pick it up. So me, my dad and my sister all had to go out our ways to allow this "practise" to happen. The band is doing quite well and we have a few pretty big gigs coming up at festivals in the summer, these guys were all my best mates for years before forming this band but its driving me apart from them. I've been doing this "dry january" thing all month and its made me realize the extent of their alcohol and substance use. It's so cliche its ridiculous, it was all fun and games a few years ago but I'm nearly 30 now and would like to make a living off this, it's just not possible when everytime we get together everyones in party mode. For the time being Im stuck because the band is doing well and I dont want to throw away a good oppertunity, we have a practise next week and I'm going to refuse to give him a lift, the likelyhood is he will spit his dummy out and take it personally but I don't really care anymore. As long as I keep enabling him to take the **** he will continue to do so.
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