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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. Stuck between a GTR or a 370Z? Man, it's a tough life isn't it haha..... A supercharged 370Z would be way cooler in my opinion!
  2. This. Love walking past all the boring cars in the car park to get into the Z. I'm going to take the scenic route home tonight. Aye man and then the customary "how come you've used over a quarter tank if you've only been to work and back Phil?" When I only work 5 miles away from home! haha people look at me like im crazy when I tell em how much petrol I go through.
  3. Thanks again for a great service, parts came fast (as always).
  4. This. Love walking past all the boring cars in the car park to get into the Z. I'm going to take the scenic route home tonight.
  5. haha! No comment. Could do with a roadie tho, any volunteers
  6. So, what music do you play ? Kinda hard to put it into a category, if I had to pick one I'd say rock music. Feel free to check us out, music is on the "bandpage" bit https://www.facebook.com/pages/ARTISAM/122829691064495
  7. These threads are always fun. Me on the right And most recent in the Z with a haircut haha.....
  8. Cheers guys, sounds promising. I'll give it a go on my next days off. I'll do a search for some how to guides soon, I presume theirs plenty kicking about.
  9. I've just ordered a few bits from CS to service the car, spark plugs, oil, belts. I've also got nissan gearbox oil and diff oil at the ready. I have pretty much zero experience with mechanics. I can change a wheel, I've fitted induction kits and thats about as far as it goes. I really like the idea of doing some work on the car myself. At the same time I'm a bit worried I'll make a complete hash of it I've looked at a few youtube videos and guides etc and from what I can gather the oil change and plugs doesn't look like too much of a problem. How acheivable is this for someone with zero experience? I'll save the gearbox oil and diff for the garage obviously.
  10. Must be nice to have a dad thats interested in cars. Mine just calls it a "Killing machine" haha. Miserable old git.
  11. Cheers lads. I've tried the "will they fit" site and to be honest haven't got a clue how the info their reflects the outcome on my car. I've noticed that most places only seem to do a pretty weak offset on the 18" grids, driftworks do them in 9.5" in a ET20 offset but only in limited colours. I'm thinking 8.5J front 9.5J rears both with an offset of ET20....... Either in white or matt bronze. I think the bronze would look pretty classy on my silver Z but at the same time the white will look a bit more "boy racer" and in your face. I'm going to call a few places tommorow for clarification. Then it's just down to what colour I want :/ Edit. The guys on driftworks say 245/45 tyres will fit on a 10J rim no problem? If thats so my problem is solved as I could go 10J and ET15 on the rear, that would be much better.
  12. Would ET20 not be a little weak on 18's? I'm only just learning about wheel sizes and offsets etc so be patient with me haha. Anymore pics of your Z shab? That looks wicked.
  13. Ok you guesssed right and you're putting my off now haha.... I do like the gunmetal colour too mind. I've noticed they don't seem to do an offset of ET10 tho, only gives the option of ET20, ET30, ET35 and ET44. Cheers Steveo are you just using the basic ones? Where are you based? I wouldn't mind a nosey around your car.
  14. I tend to clean my car atleast once a week so it shouldn't be too bad should it? I've never seen any Z's in the flesh with rota's on, I could do with getting along to a meet or something to check some out. Pictures often don't do wheels justice, I once went to view a type r STI with white wheels, it looked average in the photos but amazing in the flesh. I'm probably going to go all out and buy some coilovers too, driftworks are doing 0% finance and I'm considering paying cash for the wheels and financing a few other bits for the year. Are the HSD coilovers up to the job? I'm not fussy about ride comfort.
  15. What if I went 8.5j front and 9.5j on the rears, would my tyres fit then? Would the wheels still fill the arches ok?
  16. A. It started slipping in the higher gears so I had no choice. Didn't even consider doing it myself and let my local garage do it who charged about £280 for the labour. I also upgraded the flywheel while the clutch was out. My car had done 62,000 miles when it went.
  17. No worries, cheers anyway man, those pics helped a load. I seem to struggle to find many high quality pictures of silver Z's on different wheels for some reason
  18. Yea I meant yours stevo, didn't realize that was your Z, it looks amazing. Pretty much the exact sort of look/stance I want to go for, expect I'd prefer 18's. Do you have any other pictures anywhere?
  19. I've just noticed the one in the picture is running 245/45/18 on the fronts, which bassicly means I could put my rear tyres on the fronts and only need to buy rear tyres... Not quite so bad I guess.
  20. Bugger! The one in that link looks great stevo, I'm going to have to wait another month or so if new tyres are needed tho, unless my bank manager is feeling freindly. I'm getting seriously tempted to get a small loan out to buy coilovers, wheels and a few other bits. Must resist!
  21. Cheers guys, I've tried googling and can't find any decent pictures. I don't mind a little stretching, do you think that would be a safe/useable stretch tho? I can't view any pics now as Im at work and it blocks them, I'll check em out when I get home
  22. I've spend most of my spare time at work today browsing wheels and I'm still undecided on what to go for. I had been talking to CS about the XXR527's but I'm not so sure on them anymore. My car has the stock (not rays) wheels on at the minute and I've recently put new 225/45/18, 245/45/18 tyres on. I don't really fancy forking out an extra £500 for tyres. So I'm hoping they will fit on a future wheel purchase. I'm hopeless when it comes to offsets and wheel sizes etc, I really like the look of the rota grids, with the staggered rears, I'd want them in 18's obviously. Is this possible with using my current tyres? On rimstyles website the standard grid 18's appear to come with 225/45 tyres so it looks promising right? The other thing I'm debating is the colour. My Z is silver, I know gunmetal and hyper black will look awesome but I'm considering taking a risk and trying them in white to be a bit different. What do you guys think? The other wheel that has caught my eye is the rota MXR in gold with polished lip. Again this is a pretty bold choice and I'm not sure I'd have the bottle to try it out. It could potentialy look awesome or completely horrible haha... Help me out here guys, I'm desperate to get rid of the stock wheels
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