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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. Last night I was on the outside lane of the motorway and overtook a hideously moddified 1.2 clio, it had lexus lights, a twin exhaust, diy window tints and two chav looking numptys in the front seats. I wasn't speeding or driving like a nob, just doing the speed limit on my way home from work. I passed the clio and turned off at the next slip road. This guy also turned off the slip road and I could tell he was trying his best to catch up with me (could hear the awful exhaust going full belt), he tried twice to overtake me on the roadabout at the bottom of the slip road but due to traffic he couldn't get past, the roundabout has traffic lights on the exit and this guy pulls in behind me, soon as the lights change to green he overtakes in the wrong lane into oncoming traffic to get past me. What exactly was this idiot trying to prove?
  2. Already noticed and edited that haha.... I'm a bit tired this evening incase that wasn't obvious
  3. Looks like something James May would enjoy haha
  4. I'm going to have to buy this game on payday. I always found forza got boring quickly but the competitiveness on here is looking like good crack!
  5. I use a quick detailer when claying an it works a treat.... The megs clay kit actually comes with a quick detailer spray for application if I remember rightly?
  6. Cobra suits the Z's engine waaaaay better
  7. Torque garage in forest hall are good, well priced and I trust em with all the work on my Z. http://www.torquegarage.co.uk/
  8. Lesson learnt, avoid Nissan dealerships. Disgusting service/prices! 800 quid? What a joke.
  9. Thats a MPG I can only dream of! haha.
  10. haha interesting. I've got to be honest I just don't find "supercars" particularly appealing anyway, not sure why? Maybe it's because its an unacheivable car for me to own I dunno. All I know is a ferrari can drive past me and I'll barely look twice, a modded jap car and I get all exited haha.... I think the shape and style of the Z is still good enough to attract attention, even if it's parked next to cars worth 100X its value.
  11. Hmm mine idles really low, like 600rpm even when cold.... I'm guessing that has something to do with the lightweight fly tho?
  12. This video...... Hilarious.
  13. You haven't upset anyone fella, we're just pointing out that a few of the things could be expected. Good luck anyway, I'm sure you'll find one you're happy with sooner or later!
  14. Is this the first Z you have looked at? With all due respect fella the flywheels on these cars are known to be loud, especially if it's aftermarket. A tired looking front end on a 10 year old car isn't unusual (stone chips etc). Second gear thing is also common when cold and a worn gear knob is common too (mine was ruined at 57,000 miles). None of the things you mentioned would put me off buying the car to be honest, unless of course it was much worse than you have described! I'd get used to seeing a lot of this if you're looking at 04 plate Z's..... Unless you buy one off the forum most will probably need some TLC here and there.....
  15. In future just take it to a local garage mate, the lads at nissan know nothing about the 350 anyway. Least it was nothing major.
  16. Aye the traction control is useless. + 1 for turning it off.
  17. I'll have the K1 if you're selling it
  18. I've only ever seen one Z on the road since I got mine over 8 months ago and that was OV53 from this forum at a meet. Pretty rare around my way it seems.....
  19. Didn't realise you got one free after 350 posts, thats cool. Who do I have to PM to get mine haha?
  20. Awkward haha. I seen a really clean DC5 in the halfords car park last weekend, it was parked next to my Z when I came out from the shop. I decided to get a few pictures of the cars sat together and some young mother came walking up pushing a pram. I paid no attention to her until she got her key fob out and unlocked the car. I felt like a proper idiot, totally didn't expect it to be hers. Made some small talk about the two cars and went our separate ways.
  21. The Z is the best all rounder from that list, it just depends on what you really want from the car. I find the Z is a good comprimise between having the looks, decent power and most importantly reliability. I've got to be honest tho, as much as I love it I still feel envious everytime I see an evo/skyline/supra driver, I'd rather either of them cars any day of the week and if you've ever been out in a mildy tuned one you'll know what I mean. Way more thrilling than a Z in my opinion. I bought the Z as a comprimise between performance and reliabiltiy but as much as I love the car I very much doubt I'll still have it by this time next year.
  22. I'm exactly the same mate, every time I try to do work on my own car I manage to make a balls of it haha. I managed to dint the rear boot lid removing the rear wiper, I couldn't get the wiper off so I put a cloth over the bootlid and tried to prise it off with a kitchen knife Yes I am that stupid, wiper came off but I dented the boot lid with the force of it.
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