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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. Wow that is cheap! I've noticed the "novice only" track days too, I might actually consider doing that first just to get the experience of driving on a track. I live up in Newcastle tho, most of these tracks are a massive drive away from me. Can't wait to arrange this mind, I bet its great fun.
  2. Great info Docwra, thanks for the detailed reply! Are you just left to it on the drift what ya brung days? How does it work, turn up and drive, or will I need an induction etc? I'm really curious to see the format of the track etc, I presume youtube will have some footage of these events so I'll check it out when I get home. This probably isn't going to be a cheap hobby but I'm nearly 30 and getting bored of destroying my liver every weekend
  3. Do you guys daily drive the Z as well as tracking it? I've always fancied a stripped out track/drift car but it's a bit much for driving to work in lol
  4. Ahh man I'm at work so i can't watch the videos. I'll check em out when I get home! I'm currently using an exedy clutch and CC flywheel both done about 2,000 miles, do you think they would be up to the job? Also is it a given that my car will end up with battle wounds and body work damage etc? I don't fancy that much either haha....
  5. Cheers guys. Anyone on here into drifting? Would be really cool to meet up with a few members and do something like this.
  6. After watching a load of drift documentarys last night it's really motivated me to book some track time. I've never drove on track before and I'm just starting to read up about it and learn about the costs and ways of doing so. Firstly I want to learn to drift, would it be worth getting some normal track time first or just go straight in to a drift day? I like to think I'm a pretty capable driver but I understand i will have a lot to learn. I'm also wondering if I do chose drifting should I use the Z and go to something along the lines of drift what ya brung at santa pod and just get some part worn tyres or is it worth paying the extra money to pay for tuition and get to use a drift built 200sx at a "learn to drift" day? Any advice from track regulars? I can't imagine the 350Z being a very cheap car to run on track either which is something else to consider.
  7. Oh yea, I can imagine. The companys have been looked at by watchdog and there was a big thing on the TV about it a few year ago but nothing has changed. For some reason it seems network providers get away with so much more than other big companys.
  8. Looks really clean for it's age mind! Mine is the same year and colour but the front end is not half as clean as yours. Bloody stone chips. Spoiler looks awesome too!
  9. Cool! Mind, I've only ever bumped into one other Z owner so far and he is already on this forum haha..... I think for the best part those cards would sit in my car doing nothing. The Z seems pretty rare around here.
  10. Yea it's cheap to buy but it will never be cheap to run. Keeps it out of the hands of idiots for the best part.
  11. Nope, nope and nope. I'm screwed bassicly, however they should record all calls and if they could trace it they will find it. Problem is it is impossible to comunicate with anyone at their call centers, it's like speaking to someone from the comedy "phone jacker", after 5 minutes of explaining my situation I get the same reply "but Mr crozings if you just pay zee monies everything will be ok". I've since sent a letter, wrote an e-mail and went into the three shop and heard nothing from anyone. It's infruriating actually and a complete joke that these companys even get away with service/behaviour like this but thats for a whole other thread.
  12. Ah just clicked it was you sending me those invites will! Sorry man I didn't realise until reading this thread back, Doh! I need some practise before joining in on any online matches and what not anyway, this is my first forza game and It's taking some getting used too haha.
  13. My credit score is ruined because of these useless companys! I rang to cancel my contract with three 2 months before the year was up, they told me it was going to finish at the end of the two year contract anyway. I sold the phone and destroyed the sim, I also moved house at a similar time. They renewed the contract and 6 months later contacted me at my new address to say I owed them over 150 quid for 6 unpaid monthly bills, even tho the phone was never used in that time. I absolutely point blank refuse to pay this money as I don't owe them it. I still have debt collectors chasing me for it now, absolute disgrace!
  14. haha ahh man! I'm laughing because it reminds me of something I once did, which was equally ridiculous. Pretty much the same story exept I had a car full and a mate in the boot (a very long time ago might I add). Even longer ago I had the same car full and freind in the boot and drove through a tunnel without realising I'd need to pay for it on the way out. Having no money I decided to drive under the barrier with the car ahead who was paying rather than hold up all the traffic behind me. Drove through the barrier with no problems but did it right infront of a police car. I got pulled over and they searched the car for one reason or another, I'm sat in the police car just waiting for them to find my freind hiding in the boot. My mate had hid himself under all the junk and when the policeman moved a road map my mates smiling face was underneath it. Even the copper was laughing uncontrolably by this point. That was all over ten years ago now mind, I'm glad I've finally grown up but it's funny looking back at things now.
  15. Nice car and Ink. I'll get some pics up of my tattoos at some point
  16. If you're tight for money, get this: http://www.driftwork...y-flywheel.html on 0% finance, I've got one and it's truly awesome, a bit noisy at idle, otherwise great Hang on, driftworks do 0% finance?? OHHHH maaan! You should not have said that haha!
  17. Didn't realize you'd not seen the car in the flesh! If I was you I'd be asking for loads of well detailed pictures and as much info as possible before going down. What year is the car? If it's a low mile GT with good tyres and mods (cobra exhaust) 6 grand seems almost to good to be true? Not trying to put you off, just being realistic. I hate traveling for miles to check out a car because if it's not up to scratch it can be hard to walk away when you are set on getting it. Hopefully it's a minter and you've found youself a bargin!
  18. I've not driven one to be honest but I have been a passenger in one several times. My mate used to have one but it needed rebuilding after about 6 months of his ownership To be fair that was a while ago and I might have thought differently if I was behind the wheel.
  19. Racism for the best part seems to be something the media likes to stir up for reasons I don't understand. The reality is racism isn't anywhere near as common as what we are led to believe. I know several black people and all of them are way more relaxed over the N word than what you'd imagine. Infact they make jokes about it and often talk sarcasticly of it. Some people need to grow a set and quit being offened so easily.
  20. I work for an insurance broker and this is not the case with the 30+ insurers we use. When an accident is non fault the premium will be loaded equally weather or not the accident was settled through insurance. If a non fault claim goes ahead the information will show on policy as "non fault" even if the insurance didnt get involved it still gets noted in the same place as "non fault".
  21. Personally I don't see the attraction with these cars. it just doesn't exite me in anyway and I certainly don't look at them as "special", it feels slow, eats oil and petrol and as already stated has reliability issues. If I was going to buy a car that will inevitably need a rebuild at some point I'd atleast want it to be a turbo lump with over 300BHP. Just doesn't seem worth the effort with an RX8. If I was looking for cheap track fun I'd have an S2000 all day long.
  22. It will sound even better in the flesh!
  23. If you've only just bought the Z give it a chance. I very nearly sold mine within the first few months but it ended up really growing on me. I was also looking for a evo/sti in that time and it's an absolute minefield out there for those cars, I gave up in the end. On another note I ran into a 04 plate sti impreza the other day and from a roll their was nothing in it between the two cars. Made me glad I kept the Z to be honest.
  24. The cobra is one of the most common mods people do to a 350Z, it's a great sounding exhaust. It's a bonus having it on their already!
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