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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. I'm getting tired of really low MPG too, I knew what I was getting myself into before buying the car tho. I travel to work and back in a busy city center every day and currently spend about £400 a month on petrol, I do go for a good hoon atleast once a week too mind, I quite often find myself just going for a drive to clear my head after a busy day. Looking at my finances it's actually scary how much money I've spent on running/maintaining this car in this year, probably somewhere in the region of £7,300. I'm still in love with the car tho but I can't help thinking I should be putting the money towards a house or saving for my future
  2. It's a good question.... I'm already happy, I've had a fantastic life so far. I've traveled, I've played music to big crowds of people, I've lived a lot of my dreams already in that sense. It's just dawning on me that while I've had a great time living the lifestyle I currently lead it's not something I can uphold forever. I hang around with a very creative bunch of people from artists to musicians to extreme sports athletes and while it's all well and good living our dreams out now I have no financial security to fall back on, none of us do. I've seen so many artists and musicians end up stuck in dead end jobs with no prospects in their mid thirties and I don't want to be one of them. Thanks for the link DDC, I've seen the video before it's great.
  3. My 29th birthday is coming up and I've been doing a lot of thinking recently. I currently work for an insurance broker, it's basically just a call center job. The money constantly varies from month to month depending on what incentives I'm paid. The company has been great to me but I'm getting tired of ever changing targets, the variable wage and there are no real prospects for progression. I never gave much thought about trying to get a proper career up until recently. I've spent most of my twenties drinking, partying and traveling around with my band playing music and clinging onto the dream of making a living from it. It's been a great ride and it's one i'm not quite ready to get off but at the same time with my 29th birthday on saturday I'm starting to feel like I should maybe start thinking about my future. I earn somewhere in the region of 20 grand a year at the minute and at my current job the chances of that going up in the next few years is slim to none. I have good personal skills, I hit my targets and I have management experience from when I ran pubs, I also have a degree in media production and have skill in videography, web design and editing. There isn't a great deal out there on the jobs websites at the minute, Ideally I want to be on 30 grand a year by the time I'm 30. I've seen a few well paid sales jobs advertised but I really want to get away from sales if possible, customer service is starting to drive me a bit mad. Can anyone give me some advice, or ideas about possible jobs to look out for? I'd imagine theres plenty of people on here with well paid jobs etc. One of my friends works on the oil rigs and he makes an absolute fortune, I have ZERO experience in that sort of field but the potential earnings are very attractive, I'm doing a little research into that now.
  4. haha! Not the best car for gigging musicians. The lads are still trying to get me to sell it to buy a van, not gonna happen
  5. ha! Reminds me of a time I left a note for someone saying "are you on drugs? You must be with parking like that" and a "talk to frank" flyer under their wiper blades.
  6. Sounds like an optimistic dyno?
  7. I still stop and stare/get excited when I see a 350Z and I own one!
  8. No major things to look out for really, these cars are expensive to maintain tho so make sure tyres, clutch, brakes are all in good condition, don't make my mistake of buying in haste and ending up having to spend thousands within the first few month. MPG is bad don't let anyone tell you otherwise haha I average about 18mpg.
  9. Hillarious. I'm also at work so no facebook for me either. Shame.
  10. Only had the camera a day and not had a chance to get out and about to take pictures but I did snap this one of the car on my way home from work. First ever photo shot on my new 600D, manual exposure, I don't think it's come out too bad for a first attempt!
  11. I ordered a DSLR on friday and I pick it up tonight after work! I'm actually getting it to shoot video as I film Rollerblading and make edits and such. I used to use a canon XM2 but it's way behind the times now. I spent ages trying to decide between the 600D the 700D and the nikon d5200, I've ended up going for the 600D as it leaves a little extra cash for a good wideangle lens. I can't wait! Going to try my hand at some photography too once I get it.
  12. He said "try". Obviously he didn't retaliate becase 350Z drivers are all super sensible
  13. I'm glad you recovered from it nicely, thankyou for the advice. Its weird how everyone with similar issues always end up at the gym to help overcome it lol. I should be hearing back from "Mind" somepoint next week to get the ball rolling about CBT. I've actually been a bit more of myself these last couple of days just by getting it off my chest I guess and hearing from your guys experiences and realising I'm not alone Yea man, it's way more common than you realise and people end up in the gym because it really can work wonders once you get into it. I also went from being 9.5 stone "skinny fat" to 11.8 stone and in good shape, thats a bonus too
  14. I also suffered with this. It is quite interesting when an anxiety thread pops up on a forum as it shows just how common it can be. I'm on a bodybuilding forum and many of the people on their have anxiety issues. My story is a little different tho. I had panic attacks when I was really young which subsided when I got to about 14. Then at 25 after a big party one night I had a HUGE panic attack and the next morning woke up with something called "derealization", I ended up developing severe OCD, anxiety and depression. I'm sharing this because I ended up overcoming these problems over three years ago now, back when I was unwell I never thought that would be possible. Don't take any meds for it, eat well, go to the gym, read about CBT therapy and keep yourself busy and remember it will pass
  15. Also had an EP3 type R, on KW coilovers, k-100, full exhaust from the manifold back, stripped interior with red recaros. Was an absolute monster on the B roads, my Z would never keep up with it. Like you the Evo is also a car on my wish list. I very nearly bought one not long ago but decided against it as I really wouldn't have the money to fix it if anything went wrong.
  16. hahaha! That was my philosophy. Fantastic idea until "later" rears it's ugly head.
  17. Rota grid drifts... I know everyone runs them but I think they look awesome Will be a huge improvement over the touring wheels.
  18. Yes it helps a load thanks! After several e-mail back and forth to driftworks thats basically what they said to. Ok so now all I've got to do is work out what colour I want and wait until payday! My Z is in silver. I have narrowed it down to either flat bronze, flat black, gunmetal or white (not sure if I have the balls) haha.
  19. If you got 9.5J ET30 all round I think you'd maybe want a spacer on the rear, so getting 10J rears would look best. What offset do the 10J's come in? Tyres should still fit with a stretch, I plan on stretching my current tyres on my new rims. Awesome, I'm getting somewhere now haha! The offsets on the 10j's are et15 et20 and et35
  20. I messaged driftworks last night and they have replied saying 9.5 et30 all round will fit the arches nicely and my current tyres will fit (with a stretch on the front). Would you agree with this? Nowhere does a 10.5 in the 18, they only seem to go up to a 10. WIll my 245/45 rear tyre stretch over a 10j wheel? If so then I guess I'd be better going 9.5 front and 10 on the rear, if this is possible what offset would you recommend on the rears ? Honestly I really am sorry for the stupid question but I'm still learning so bear with me
  21. Ok one last question and I'll leave everyone alone ..... How about 8.5 et20 front and 9.5 et20 on the rear in 18's obviously, would that be reasonable without spacers? Also will my stock 225/45 and 245/45 tyres fit? CS, I can't purchase these with yourself unfortunately as if I decide to do this I'll be paying half as a deposit and half on finance with driftworks. I'll still be in touch at the end of the month about the cobra exhaust tho Too much zeditus and not enough money
  22. I can't seem to find anywhere that stocks 18" rotas with an offset of anything more aggressive than et30, I'm fairly sure 8.5 fronts and 9.5 rears would look pretty weak with that offset? I really don't fancy having to buy spacers on new wheels, seems a bit daft. Any ideas? Edit... Ok I'm an idiot, just realised they do better offsets but only on the 9.5 et12 et20 et25. I guess I could just get the 9.5 on the front and rear. I just want the wheels to fill the arches really well, which above offset would be the most suitable?
  23. Pffft I have a collection of parking tickets and 9 points on the license Not had any in years mind so they are all due to come off.
  24. IMO, the taster / novice days are great, because you are on track with people in the same boat as you, and you aren't constantly looking in the rear view mirror for stripped out race cars flying up behind you! Also, c.25 mins is enough for someone having their first go, as well as not being too tough on the car Yea I was thinking that, I'm going to see if there is anything closer to home to do a novice day then try and hook up with someone for a lesson on drifting once I've got a little track time under my belt.
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