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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. I've got a couple of grand or so to spend, the rest I'd have to get off the value of the Z......
  2. Ok I think I need help, this car passion of mine is turning into more of an obsession Spanner in the works.... this is right on my doorstep and is immaculate http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201406044730809/sort/default/usedcars/quicksearch/true/page/5/radius/1500/onesearchad/used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew/postcode/ne126sz/make/honda/model/s2000?logcode=p Test driving it tommorow morning
  3. Slightly off topic but on the subject of hondas....Filling up my car with petrol after work and a convoy of modded cars came into the station. There was a black S2K slammed on gold rotas and it looked amazing. The modding scene in the north east is really good at the minute, always bumping into convoys and such.
  4. The leon doesn't appeal to me unfortunately. I'm still a young (ish) man, hopefully i won't look to daft in the VXR. it's only an idea at the minute anyway, I should be listening to suits advice and buying a old run about to save some proper cash but I'm not sure I could live with it.
  5. Still find myself looking at these VXR's.... http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/vauxhall/corsa-vxr/vauxhall-corsa-1-6t-16v-vxr-3dr-18-alloys-1-previous-owner/2239181 I like how its newer than my Z and how everything about the car is more fresh, 40mpg sounds nice too. Honestly i don't know what it is about the Z, I love it but keep getting bored of it every few months. In the last 6 month I've nearly ended up with an Evo 6, a FN2 and now a corsa VXR. I think I'll only really know if selling the Z will be a mistake once its done. Whatever happens it's highly likely I'll end up with a new type R when it comes out
  6. Damn it Ekona! Don't make me go back to the drawing board again haha. It's still going to be awesome, I have faith
  7. It's going to have 300 + BHP and a turbo. Probably a K20 turbo..... It's going to be awesome man.
  8. Very good points suits, now all I need to do is gather the cojones to put the Z up for sale
  9. I thought the same. After my EP3 then S2000, I drove a 1.4 Fiesta for about 10 months. Did it through from August to May, so it being the winter helped but as I said, when I got my 370Z it made it feel all the more special stepping out of a 'normal' car into something a bit more focussed. I can imagine going from a fiesta to a 370Z being rather awesome mind! I guess after a while of driving a normal car I may forget about the whole performance thing for a while. might be nice to not constantly be looking at mods, or browsing piston heads and obsessing over stuff actually.
  10. I thought it was going to be priced around £25,000, I had read somewhere they didn't want to price themselves out of the market with it. And granted the VXR is hardly an eco warrior but its a fair bit cheaper to run than the Z and would keep me entertained in the mean time Cars are an unhealthy obsession of mine, maybe if I bought a little runabout and put some cash aside I could forget about it for a while and save some proper ££££££'s. Just not sure I could live with a bog standard run about after years of performance cars.
  11. The clio 197? I'd never gave that much thought to be honest. I'll do a little research.....
  12. I'm starting to get to that stage where I fancy a change again, I really have my heart set on getting the new type R when it comes out next year but in order to do that I could do with buying something a little more economical for the time being to try and save some cash in the mean time. I've already been slated by my mates for even suggesting this but I went to test drive a corsa VXR today, I actually really enjoyed it, way more than I expected to. The recaro seats are really nice, low slung with a great driving position and the little 1.6 turbo lump pulled really well. I've always had a thing for hot hatches, I love the "go kart" type handling they have. I've never had a boosted car either so the turbo is a nice change too. I have also looked at the focus ST but thats no cheaper to run than the Z, the FN2 type R doesn't do it for me and I've already had a EP3. So yea, thoughts on a corsa VXR? I realize it looks like a chavs wet dream but I'm not vain enough to care about image to be honest. The whole idea is to save some cash and use it as a stopgap while waiting for the civic to come out.
  13. Do you have a build thread codel? Would like to see some pics of your skyline Also I'm curious, what has the reliability been like with it? My friends R33 GTR is constantly off the road due to one thing or another.
  14. Ah of course! oops. We all know he meant the GTS-T anyway
  15. Standard GTS is 130hp mate, I dont think so What drugs are you taking ?
  16. Same camera as I have! What lens are you using? Looks a little under exposed. Are you using an editing suite? Just the stock 18-55 lens for the time being, no editing suite yet tho I do have photoshop. I normally shoot video so this DSLR thing is totally new to me... I haven't used the camera much at all to be honest, I really should make more of an effort.
  17. Saxo VTR Saxo VTS Civic Type R EP3 - fully modded/track ready 350Z Next..... Something turbo for sure.
  18. The Z is hardly expensive to buy and run We must have a different view on what's expensive! To be fair judging by the cars in your sig you make more than the average Joe anyway. Compared to a "normal" car the Z is very expensive to run in my opinion.
  19. I'm sorry mate but you're wrong on this one. I'm litteraly sat at my desk in an insurance office and have just confirmed it with my collegues. If the "main driver" on an insurance policy is not going to be driving the car the company is well within right to decline cover.
  20. This can't be right surely...... http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/honda/s2000/s2000-only-31k-full-honda-history/2431204 It has the same price on their website too mind. I'm at work now so can't call them to clarify it. Opinions?
  21. Perhaps, but if they did the ombudsman would have a field day with them. Certainly none of the reputable guys would ever try something like that. My brother never had any issues with his. Not trying to sound like an arse but thats why most brokers will ask "have you ever been declared unfit to drive by the dvla or advised not to by a doctor", I work for a broker and have seen declines with big name insurers because of something like this unfortunatly.
  22. Huge chance that his insurance provider would have declined the cover once they knew the DVLA took his license anyway mate.
  23. I had a guy in a bright red ferrari follow me for a mile or so down the A1 not long ago, we might have had a little sport along the way. We both pulled off at the same exit and he gave me the thumbs up and said "cool car". Pretty crazy considering his car probably cost upwards of 60 thousand and mine cost 6......
  24. I noticed that the prices for S2000's have went through the roof over the last month or so.
  25. Can almost guarantee that it will go down as 50-50 on the insurance, in other words a fault claim for both parties. Roundabouts are a complete nightmare from an insurance perspective.
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