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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. Broken wrist badly and knocked myself out at the same time. Managed to snap both bones and get each bone poking through the skin, got the nasty scars to prove Also broken nose, ribs, collar bone, my other wrist and my thumb. Too many injurys to remember! The joys of extreme sports eh?
  2. +1 I'm reeeeeeealy bored at work and was hoping for a little entertainment
  3. To be honest it's not just a few idiots, at least in my area anyway. Every weekly meet tends to have people hooning around either on the way to or from the meeting point. Forget the steriotype of some chav scum bags in rubbish cars. There's skylines, scoobs, evos, Z's and all sorts of nice well moddified motors flying about.
  4. Springs have arrived but I'm torn between spacers or forking out for some rotas. Not really a great time to be spending 800+ on wheels saying as I've just moved into my girlfriends house but the zeditus is strong in me
  5. As above ^ Insurance companys also go by statistics so if this particular model of car has had more claims paid out for it that can affect your price too. All different insurers risk vehicles differently now so it's always a risky bussiness changing your car part way through the policy.
  6. Thanks everyone, I'm just glad it's sorted. I think the scariest thing now is living with a female for the first time Luckily she's a petrol head
  7. Thanks for the input folks! An update on the situation, I decided to go round the house to have a chat, he was already packing his bags. He said I have upset him by not considering his feelings in the situation. I explained regardless of his feelings I was moving on with my life and moving in with my girlfreind so there was nothing i could do and he shouldn't take it personally. I ended up feeling sorry for him and gave him half of this months rent back as he had paid up until dec 15th. The last few weeks have been a bit of a nightmare to be honest I can't wait until everything settles down.
  8. I have no problem with going in and removing him manualy to be honest, he wouldn't dare try to argue his case face to face. Hopefully it won't have to come to that.
  9. It's already well past the stage of it ending amicably unfortunately. He was already on very thin ice with me for many other reasons, he's damaged the kitchen benches and the floor, he has also came in drunk and left the front door wide open on two occasions. Not to mention the times he's kept me up by coming in drunk and making loads of noise, he's been really disrespectful to me and said things about my mam he shouldn't have.
  10. Something a little personal here folks but here goes.... About 5 month ago I started to rent my mams spare house with a friend of mine. We paid no bond, we paid no rent upfront and the agreed amount we paid her in rent didn't even cover her mortgage, she was doing me a favour because I was at a bit of a loose end and my finances were not in good order at the time. Within the first month I realized what a mistake I'd made by asking my mate to live with me. He was depressed, short tempered and drank constantly, a complete nightmare to live with. He made a few references to things he thought my mam should be taking care of because she was the "landlord", for example the spare room was full of my sisters things and he would moan that my mam should be removing those things. I did try to explain that we were not even paying all of the bills so we couldn't exactly expect to have the full rights a normal tenant would have. Things with my girlfriend have been getting more serious and she's asked me to move in with her, given that living with this guy was a complete nightmare I've decided to take the plunge and move in with her. My mam is allowing my mate to stay in the house until after new year even tho I'll not be paying my half of the rent, so bassicly she's paying half of my mates bills for him to allow him a month or so to sort out a new place to stay. I broke him the news not long ago and he's kicking off via text message, telling me it's unfair etc, he's actually being really snotty about it and it's obvious he is annoyed and thinks he is hard done by. I can see to a point it's a bit rubbish that after only 5 months I've decided to leave and to do it just before xmas isn't ideal but if he wasn't such a nightmare to live with this probably wouldn't have happened so quickly anyway. I'm finding it hard to keep my cool to be honest and I feel like booting him out now and telling him to **** off. I'm not sure this friendship is worth saving anyway. Am I being unreasonable?
  11. Quite possibly. Luckily for me i run the touring wheels which weigh a ton, the rota's are lighter than those.
  12. Cheers pjf, looks great! The GTR-D's only come in a 10J. So just to clarify 9.5J et12 gtr up front - 10j et12 gtr-d on the rear this should work yea?
  13. Thanks for the input lads. Do you have any more pictures pjf, side shots etc??? Just noticed the gtr-d comes in a 10J et12 would that be a good option? I'll be changing my tyres next year at some point anyway so if the wider wheel will look better I'm happy to stretch the tyres for the time being.
  14. So the gtr-d 9.5 et20s would fit nice on the rear and give a decent stance? I just want the best stance possible and was unsure if it would look better with 10J wheels.
  15. First off I appologise for starting another thread about offsets Back to the subject at hand, as most of you know I'm a right indecisive bugger and I'm back to thinking I would like some rota's instead of spacing out the stock touring wheels. I'm planning on using my stock sized tyres on the new wheels as they still have loads of tread and I don't fancy shedding out £600 for new ones. I will be lowering the car 30mm and want the most aggressive stance possible without needing to roll the arches or have fitment issues. I have noticed in 18's the rota GTR's only go to a 9.5J for the rears but the Grid drifts go to a 10J. Will my 245 tyre stretch over a 10J wheel? And if so what would the best offset be for the rears, the 10J's come in et15 and et20. My other option would be to get a 9.5 rear but they only come in ET20, would that require a spacer to sit flush with the arch? If anyone is running 18" rotas I'd love some input as to what set up's your running.
  16. Great book, everyone should read it
  17. Ah thanks for that! I did actually search for this before asking but managed to overlook it Looks like I'll just go 20 and 25mm to be on the safe side.
  18. My Z has been up for sale for over a month now and after countless silly offers and timewasters its looking like I'm keeping the car for the time being (unless I get any serious offers in the near future). I feel as if I'm destined to keep this car forever to be honest this must be the third time I've tried to sell it and not got anywhere! Anyway in the mean time I've decided to treat her to a few bits and bobs, I've ordered some 30mm lowering springs and I'm looking for spacers to fatten up the look a little with the stock touring wheels. Can anyone tell me how wide can I go on the spacers without causing the tyres to rub the arches? I was hoping to go 30mm spacer on the rear and 25mm on the front. Will this be possible without rolling the arches?
  19. Where are you based? I'll post the pics tonight. I've been storing the car in my dads garage so I need to give him a call after work and get more pictures. I'll take some shots of the interior too.
  20. Mines still up for sale at £5,500.... I don't think you're gonna find a better one for that sort of cash to be honest, mines in great nick and well looked after with low miles http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/91426-04-uk-350z-for-sale-5500/
  21. It's not a GT but it's the uk one so it has brembos and cloth interior, no service history unfortunately, I managed to misplace the book when moving house. I have receipts for the clutch and fly and the car has no rust at all.
  22. Hey, sorry I've been offline for a couple of days... Looking at the value of your evo I'd be interested but only as a straight swap. PM me if you want to talk about it
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