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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. Arghhh! Just noticed this one on my doorstep. Typical. http://www.oakwoodspecialistcars.co.uk/used-cars/honda-civic-2-0i-vtec-type-r-3dr-whitley-bay-201412019357945 Same price, higher miles but I've been to look at it and the bodywork is in much better nick, it really is immaculate not even a stone chip on the bonnet and the interiour looks new. The dealer has a good rep around here and the car comes with full MOT and service. Something about buying a car with 100k on is still daunting to me even though I know these cars are good for 200K no problem if looked after.
  2. Yea after giving it some thought thats my way of thinking. The type R's are a very well put together car, very reliable. It's not like a highly strung impreza or evo that needs constant attention and specalist care. Most of the threads about the company on the forums have been deleted, the main gripe is not pricing, it's cars having major flaws (engines letting go, dodgy repair work, hidden faults etc). Thanks for your input tho fella.
  3. Cheers Floydbax. Maybe I've got myself all worked up over nothing but I'm still going to be very catious when I head back there on sunday. I mean the history was great, the car looked nice and was on good tyres all round with an MOT that had no advisorys, the paperwork can't really lie. I just felt sick reading through the storys on the subaru website. I'll report back after the weekend to let you guys know how this pans out.
  4. I'm going to ring them today and mention I'm heading back on the weekend but i want to drive the car before finishing the deal. If they won't let me do so then something is not right and I'm not wasting my time and money driving down there. I'm pushing my budget a little by spending 4 grand as I had only intended on spending 3 originally and the last thing I want is for something to go wrong and be stuck miles away from the dealer with a car that doesn't work, I'm also eating into my savings that I had aside for the 350Z every time i waste a journey which is a pain. If the car was for myself I'd be less stressed to be honest but because it's for my partner who has a 4 year old child I want it to be right. I used to own one of these cars so I know what to look out for, I'll head back with an eagle eye and a list of things to check before parting with any cash. (should have done that in the first place).
  5. See thats the thing "cheshire car sales" do some cheap and old cars but they stock some cars in the same place as "cheshire performance" and they are not cheap. I'm pretty sure the two companys are ran by the same people anyway. I wouldn't say 4 grand for a 03 plate type r is cheap anyway, I'd expect the car to be spot on for that price. you're right about the reviews tho, I understand the internet can give a wonky perception of a company but some of the stuff on the impreza forum is really bad. The company has changed name and ownership more than once to avoid being held accountable for court cases etc. I do need to drive the car, shame it's 130 mile away from me. I can't believe I put a deposit down without driving it to be honest, what an idiot.
  6. Update.... Think I've made a mistake I went to view three ep3 type r's at a place called cheshire car sales. It's a three hour drive but the add's on autotrader looked great and I thought with a choice of three cars which all had full history I should be able to find one I was happy with. I tried to research the company name to no avail and decided to take a punt and drive down. On arrival I was a bit disapointed as the area was not good, the garage was not as clean as it looked in the pictures and the cars were in a big lock up and not a showroom. Anyway the sales guy seemed polite enough and after a nosey around the cars one of them stood out to me http://www.cheshirecarsalesltd.co.uk/used-cars/honda-civic-2-0i-vtec-type-r-3dr-furnace-street-201501180252480 I asked for a test drive but the sales guy got in the driving seat, for reasons that I'll never know I didn't ask him if I could drive the car after that. I asked him from the passanger seat to show me various things, vtec engaging, clutch tests etc and everything seemed fine. When we got back to the office I checked the paper work and the car has full history, It also passed its MOT in july with no advisorys. To be honest I still felt uneasy about the whole thing due to the attitude and profesionalism of the staff and the area itself but having drove about 600 miles in the last few days I was desperate to just buy a car and stop spending my time and money traveling all over the place. I paid a 200 pound deposit and agreed to pay the ballance on the weekend when I could come back with my girlfriend who would be driving the car home. On the way out I noticed a sign saying "cheshire performance" on the same lock up I had just been in. I stopped at a service station on the way home and googled "cheshire performance" and quickly found loads of threads on the impreza and evo forums with people saying these guys are practically criminals and to avoid at all costs, countless horror storys just a click away. The postcode for "cheshire performance" and "cheshire car sales" is exactly the same but because they have seperate websites I didn't pick up on this. Had I known this before setting off I'd not have bothered, now I'm faced with a choice. Walk away from the sale, a potentialy fine car and more than likely loose my deposit along with the time I spent traveling and the fuel costs. Or go back down and demand to drive the car myself without putting another penny down, I could pay for a AA check on the vehicle and if all seems ok I could then finish the deal. This option is going to cost me more money and if I don't go ahead I've wasted even more cash and time on this. I can't believe I've even managed to get myself into this situation and it's pretty stressfull especially as my partner still has no car and is having a hard time getting to work and back. I'm swaying towards just cutting my losses on this one and chalking it up to a learning curve and waiting for a car to come up locally. In the mean time we could buy a little run about but this means digging into the savings for the Type R. What are peoples opinions on this one? For all I know the car may well be great, it looks fine on paper but I'm worried after reading loads of horror storys and don't really feel comfortable giving these guys another 3,800 of my hard earned cash
  7. Just back from a 160 mile round trip and came home without a type r. For a start the salesman was near impossible to contact this morning and the car was in a secure lock up with only a small company logo above the door, the place just didnt fill me with confidence. The car Itself had rust on the passanger door and both rear arches, the car had also been running and i couldn't see it started from cold. On the test drive the car wouldn't engage into vtec properly and bogged down, probably due to bad or low oil. Im amazed the dealer hadnt even bothered checking the car was running properly or maybe he just hoped i wouldn't notice, who knows. My poor girlfriend was all exited and hopeful to be driving home in a type r but unfortunately she had to settle for passenger seat in the Z again Off to view another tomorrow and this time its a 300 mile trip, hopefully I'll have better luck this time. On a brighter note the Z didnt miss a beat today (as usual) and it was a joy to drive the whole way, great motorway car.
  8. Not a bmw fan and neither is the missus, jap all the way Personally i like the front end better on the pre facelift civics, i like that oldschool look, the rear lights are much better too. Im looking at it tomorrow anyway so I'll get it all cleaned up and get some better pics up if i go ahead
  9. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201412019365402/sort/default/usedcars/radius/1500/page/3/maximum-mileage/up_to_100000_miles/onesearchad/used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew/make/honda/model/civic/postcode/ne126sz/keywords/type%20r?logcode=p Got my eye on this one. Full history, on bridgestone potenzas all round and only two owners from new. Its a bit over what i want to pay but i could always try to haggle em down to three grand. Always had a soft spot for these motors since owning one years ago, certainly wont look bad sat next to the Z on the drive.
  10. I offered 1900 and he stopped replying to my messages It was probably a bad idea anyway, the car is for my other half and it has to be reliable as she will be using it for work. She owns a 1.6 astra and its been a complete nightmare, so unreliable from start to finish and the engine has finally gave in altogether at 70k. Ive got three grand to play with so i should be able to pick up a good one with that, gotta be quick tho, these type rs dont hang about when they are priced right. Missed out on two already!
  11. Looking for a little advice. Ive Found a mint looking 03 plate ep3 with 85k for 2,500. The current owner has gave the car a recent service and new tyres all round but it has no previous history as the owner before him misplaced it. Its a private sale, am i mad for considering a car with no history or could it still be considered if everything is good on the test drive? Ive owned a type r before so ive got a good idea what to look out for. Ive never bought a car privately before so im a bit concerned.
  12. Can't see the pic steveo I'm at work. What are they? I remember the thread about grundys wheels actually, did'nt realize it was these ones
  13. Arrrghhhhhhhh! Did tarmac not used to suply these for the Z tho? Back to square one again!
  14. That doesn't sound good Care to elaborate?
  15. Not sure how I've only discovered these wheels now but I'm in love! Wow. Any fitting issues I should know about? They only seem to come in two sizes 9.5 and 11. Am I right in thinking the 11's may be a bit overkill for a daily driver? I don't want to be running mad camber or anything, however I do want a nice wide stance. I can only seem to find picutes online of people running the 11s on the rear. Am I right in thinking it will still look good running 9.5 et10s all round?
  16. Good point. I did have one hairy moment when I first bought the car due to over taking in the rain on the motorway. Booted it in third and the back end stepped out and snapped out the other way when counter steering it. Completely my own fault and my lesson was learnt quickly.
  17. 228 million people flew in/out of the UK in 2013, the figures for 2014 are expected to be greater than 2013. During 2014 there were 13 fatal accidents (UK) resulting in 30 Deaths (Nearly all these accidents/deaths were on Privately owned small aircraft NOT Commercially operated Aircraft). This equates to a 1 in 7.6 Million chance of dying flying in/out of the UK. Not bad really. With my luck I don't fancy those odds!!
  18. Already quit smoking at the back end of this year, thats enough for me.
  19. I'm 29 and me and my partner both work full time and earn 23+ grand a year each. Now thats not a great wage but I don't consider it to be bad either. We can barely afford to run two cars and RENT a property in a rough end of Newcastle, we've made our place nice but the street looks horrible and we're keen to get out of the area. What makes it even worse is we are the only couple in the street that actually work, we graft our arses off yet can't afford to move away from the benefit scroungers, it's actually infruriating. Our system is a JOKE. I'm not used to living in a place like this either, I was brought up in a very nice family home in a good area, my parents were not made of money but back then it seemed if you worked you actually had a better quality of life then those that didn't. Granted if I stopped spending all my cash on cars and focused my time on saving up I could just about afford to have a nice place somewhere but I don't really want to make that compromise, not yet anyway.
  20. Link to the thread? I can't find it.....
  21. Merry christmas!! My Z's been off the road for nearly two months now and I'm missing it like mad. Got some new toys on the way for it come january tho
  22. 4. nowhereboy. Could deffo use one of these on the 1.2 fiesta!
  23. Keep looking!! I'd not be paying that much for an 04 with 80+ thousand miles on it. Like Payco said keep your eyes peeled on the forum.
  24. Classic holiday fail... Did the same thing in malia years ago. The pool was also full of bleach and cleaning products... Not my best move
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