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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. You got a link to the car you're looking at fella?
  2. So you're saying the dealer is offering a part ex value of 8 grand on a 04 plate with over 70k miles? That just can't be right surely. Bit of a daft question to be honest, it's you're choice but a Z will do well over 70k anyway so unless the one you;re looking at is in a better colour or better condition theirs not much point.
  3. You're mad for not accepting that!! I was offered 4 grand for my silver DE with 68k miles at the time by several dealers. No thanks!
  4. What offsets do they come in? I'm fairly sure these normally need spacers as the offsets are weak. I might be wrong mind, at work so don't have the time to check for you.
  5. Good luck! Don't think I've ever seen someone get a good result with one of these DIY kits Hope you prove me wrong!
  6. Oh and plastidip or carbon wrap the middle bit of the front lip, also cheap and alongside the plate removal looks much more agressive.
  7. Removal of the front plate surround. Looks much better in my opinion and is free
  8. Thats more than likely because most policys have commision on them which may have been reduced in order to bring the price down. It doesn't neccesarily mean the insurance price itself wasn't affected. Saying that if you protect the no claims and get lucky the price may not be affected much, on the other hand If someone doesn't have protected no claims and they lose some of their NCB it can shoot the price right up. I'm guessing this is what happened to Rich F.
  9. Even when wrong ekona is always so sure of himself I'm an insurance broker and this statement is simply not true. Maybe in some situations it's possible but certainly not the vast majority.
  10. I don't refuse to see the light, I just point blank can't afford to pay £800 + on tyres
  11. Not yet, tho I do have a decent sized youtube channel for my music, gaming and skating videos. I really want to start a new channel for the local car scene and film cinematic style videos of car meets along with interviews and such. I have the equipment and knowledge but lack the time at the minute. Would love to do some stuff for the forum at some point. Can't view your channel as I'm at work but I'll check it out later
  12. Sorry if this is a repost. A work mate just showed me this link http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-2975434/Scotland-s-answer-Route-66-North-Coast-500-unveiled-drivers-scenic-trip-past-fairytale-castles-beaches-ruins.html Looks awesome, quite fancy the idea of doing this in the summer.
  13. Maybe, but it makes for interesting conversation to a petrol head. I don't think anybodys saying it's important to have the fastest car etc, certainly nobody is arguing you need more power to have fun, we're mearly discussing how weight and BHP makes a difference on the road.
  14. Whats stopping the roof from falling on the bike next time? Insurance comany logic. To be fair in your case it's obviously not relivant to the risk but in some cases it can be.
  15. An Evo 8 wont be running much more power than a zed (unless its tuned), plus as you said, it would have been a different story from a stand still. The other big factor that could have played in your favour is if you got on the power first. the power is instant in the Zed but not so much in turbos. Zeds performances vary so much, people getting there DE mapped with minor mods and seeing 300bhp and then other DE owners are lucky to get their car anywhere near the 280bhp quoted. Yea I couldn't help but feel like he fell victim to a bit turbo lag to be honest. It's just interesting because there really isn't a great deal in it between many of the performance cars from 200BHP to 300BHP in the real world, my girlfriends type r will tag along with the Z no problem until the higher gears and likewise the Z will hang with imprezas and evos etc. So back on topic I can't see there being much in it at all beween the 370Z and the 350.
  16. Most insurance brokers make a loss on any quote taken out online, so the price will nearly always go up the following year.
  17. This is slightly off topic but worth a mention.... I had a run in with a evo 8 a couple of days ago (private road officer), I fully expected him to pull away comfortably but there was absolutely nothing in it in third gear and part way into 4th until we let off. Just goes to show that in the real world, BHP and stats don't count for as much as they do on paper. Granted had it been a standing start things would have been different.
  18. Yea revolution had a good choice of rotas, was temped to go for the d2ex with the silver lip but I figured it would be a bit of a gamble so opted to play safe with the grids. Lowering slightly with the teins (only about 17mm). Ideally I'd wanted to go about 30mm but it would be a right pain the arse getting in and out my street everyday. Only concern now is that their might be a pretty heffty gap between the tyre and the arch as the tyres will be stretched a decent bit and the car isn't super low. I guess time will tell, I will be getting the correct tyre sizes in the future anyway so it's not really an issue.
  19. Ended up going for the grids. 18x9.5 et20 and 10 et15. The bloke in revolution said the tyre stretch is not huge and no problem. Also ordered tein springs. Booked in to get it sorted in a couple of weeks on my holiday from work. Happy days!
  20. Shame you missed it, looks like a good one! Not much at all on pistonheads at the minute mind, plenty of high mile cars at pretty high prices too. Can't belive mine didn't get snapped up when I put it up for 5.5 grand.
  21. Meh!! I'd much rather the more rare and better looking Z anyday to be honest. 370Z for the win, forget practicality
  22. Can't e-mail as I'm at work but I'm interested in getting some prices. Will you reply to PM's on here?
  23. Think he's running ET15.... It sits well.
  24. Cheers fella. I'm doing my head in looking over options to be honest, I just can't decide. I'm torn between rota grids and going 9.5 and 10 et20 or rota torques at 9.5 et12 all round. I prefer the grids to be honest but that wheel has been done to death on 350's. I do know I want them in bronze, that bits for sure now I'm off on saturday and will head to revolution to check out the wheels in the flesh, they stock most of the rota stuff. Might help me decide.
  25. Streching sounds like a good plan, as long as it's safe? Last thing I want is for a tyre to come off and break my new rims. I don't really fancy being skint for another month as buying the Type R killed me last month too. It seems the more I earn the more I spend, never enough £££££ to fund my car passion
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