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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. I had a 94 year old bloke trying to insure with us last week. He could barely speak, couldn't read anything and it took him about 15 minutes to move from one room to another. He got angry with me when I told him it was a panel decline (no insurers would cover him), he was genuinely confused as to what the problem was. Couldn't even feel sorry for him to be honest, took every ounce of my professionalism to not inform him why him driving was a bad idea.
  2. nowhereboy

    Impreza Sti

    I'm curious, how many miles has it done? Ive always been a bit worried about buying an impreza with high miles.... Looks lovely tho, does it feel much quicker than a stock Z?
  3. To be fair I'm confident I'd get what i paid for the Z if I sold it and I've had it over two years now, it is modified now tho. It's just a shame loads of the cars i'd hoped to one day own are becoming harder to find and more expensive!
  4. Still waiting for some mods to delete the others! My computer at work seems to have went a bit mental.
  5. I can't help but notice the price of most the iconic jap cars from the 90's and early 00's has been increasing steadily in price over the last couple of years. I remember a few year back when I bought the Z £6000 gave a wide range of options, supras, evos, skylines, type uk sti imprezas, s2000's etc and these days most of these cars you're looking at £8000 + for a good example. Their's some facelift s2000's for going for £16,000 + on pistonheads at the minute I'm probably just stating the obvious here but it looks as tho the glory days of cheap jap sports cars will be over within a few more years. Interestingly the 350Z prices haven't seemed to budge (typical). It's just got me thinking, my plan was to keep the Z for a few more years then eventually get the car I've always wanted (R33 GTR) but the way things are going that car may end up costing a small fortune a few more years down the line. What are peoples predictions for the future of classic jap sports cars? Maybe I'm just over exaggerating....
  6. I can't help but notice the price of most the iconic jap cars from the 90's and early 00's has been increasing steadily in price over the last couple of years. I remember a few year back when I bought the Z £6000 gave a wide range of options, supras, evos, skylines, type uk sti imprezas, s2000's etc and these days most of these cars you're looking at £8000 + for a good example. Their's some facelift s2000's for going for £16,000 + on pistonheads at the minute I'm probably just stating the obvious here but it looks as tho the glory days of cheap jap sports cars will be over within a few more years. Interestingly the 350Z prices haven't seemed to budge (typical). It's just got me thinking, my plan was to keep the Z for a few more years then eventually get the car I've always wanted (R33 GTR) but the way things are going that car may end up costing a small fortune a few more years down the line. What are peoples predictions for the future of classic jap sports cars? Maybe I'm just over exaggerating....
  7. I've got cold feet buying an evo so many times! Nearly had an fq300 evo 8 last year but after reading countless threads and doing research I bottled it at the last minute. I'm just terrified of the lump blowing up as I'd not have the cash to replace it. The general forum on the MLR is always full of "my engine gave in" style threads. It's just to highly strung for my liking, fantastic car to drive tho.
  8. Just a matter of statistics isn't it. I agree.
  9. I'm not sure yet. Can't find any pictures of them colour coded for a reference. Guess it would be cool as it would be a bit different.
  10. Excellent work Jet pilot! I trawled ebay for hours and couldn't find anything. Gonna match those up to the GT style front lip from tarmac and it should start taking shape nicely.
  11. I can't really offer any advice but it sounds like you've had an absolute nightmare. Whats the name of the garage you bought the car from?
  12. I'm based in Newcastle, I'm happy to help if you want to look at any cars locally.
  13. Lovely! The 300ZX was never something I'd paid much attention too until seeing one at a local meet not too long ago, it looked great in the flesh, never think pictures do that car justice. Left the 350 standing in a straight line too, good old boost eh?
  14. I try not to, tho I did meet my girlfriend at work. she was here on a visit from another office. Doesn't work for this company anymore and I knew she was leaving when I met her. In the past I worked running pubs and clubs and to be honest I was a different person back then, my current set of criteria was certainly not in place. I just decided after numerous failed relationships that i was picking up woman in the wrong places.
  15. I have no qualms about striking up a conversation with someone, I just wouldn't expect to meet a good, honest woman who I'd want to be in a relationship with in a nightclub or bar. Don't get me wrong I have done in the past but it never ended well.
  16. It's no different from going out to a bar and approaching a stranger, except that you get an insight into their personality before making contact. Plus, you're slightly more likely to be sober whilst 'scouting for talent'. Interesting. I wouldn't approach a stranger in a bar either, it's just cheesy and again I'd have little respect for someone that could be so easily obtained. Wow, I sound like a right weirdo but that's just my feelings on it
  17. Never used these websites! I was single for nearly four years before meeting my current partner (who I now live with), I'd rather be on my own than advertise myself online. I'm quite possibly wrong in thinking this way but I'd never have any respect for anyone I met on a website/app.
  18. Cheers tarmac! Do they fit over the stock skirts? What sort of price are we talking?
  19. Nah dude, I looking for something to cover up some of the skirt rather than stick out from under it. Something similar to this......
  20. I've saw a good few Z's (mainly american ones) with what look like side skirt add on's that fit over the original stock ones, not just the spats but a full skirt running all the way along the original one. I'm at work so can't google pictures to give a proper example but I'm keen to know if anyone knows of any that can be bought in the uk? My existing side skirts have some damage due to a high curb and rather than just getting them fixed I figured it might be a good idea to buy something that will simply cover it up (and make the car look better in the process). Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  21. At work so I can't view the pictures but I'll be checking this thread out when I get home tonight! I've looked at getting these wings myself due to rust starting to bubble the paint on my passenger wing, I too was worried about the quality and fitment of these e-bay wings and considered just getting my current ones sanded and re-sprayed. It seems for what this will cost replacing the whole thing sounds like a better option. I'll be following this thread with interest.
  22. I've noticed a slight fluttering from my engine bay recently. It's a sound that's quite hard to explain, think it's coming from the aircon belt. It's not something thats ever worried me tho.
  23. nowhereboy

    Short clip

    Unreal!! Love that clip. There's another floating about facebook at the minute too. Talented driver.
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