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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. Lower? It's already on it's ass haha! That would be my definition of slammed all day long. Look's great as it is.
  2. I'd say that is trying to instigate a race, all be it in an aggressive and unsportsmanlike manner ..... As taboo as it is to say it on here the way I see it there's two ways to go about having a "race" on the road. The respectful way, IE someone who pulls up beside you and smiles, gives a thumbs up and rev's his/her engine before doing a drive by etc. Or the jealous d*ck head way IE dangerous driving, tailgating aggressively and overtaking dangerously. Tend to find it's the people in rubbish cars with something to prove to themselves that tend to do the latter, proper enthusiasts are normally much more friendly.
  3. Awesome! Makes me wish id waited and bought one already moddified too. Spent a small fortune on it now and it still doesnt look half as fresh a yours
  4. I understand why someone in a performance car would try and instigate something. Never quite understood why people in proper sheds do tho, had one today, this time someone in a standard passat. I passed him safely on the third lane on the motorway then watched him aggressively move to the first lane to undertake the cars behind me. He swung in right behind my back bumper and proceeded to tail gate me even tho I had traffic infront of me. We had slowed to about 30mph due to the traffic but it soon thinned out, i couldnt help myself and nailed it (up to national speed limit of course ) and litteraly left him standing. I slowed and moved back into the slow lane, he caught up and over took me while making as much noise as possible and giving me a proper dodgy look. I realise reacting to these idiots isnt clever but im only human at the end of the day, always has me scratching my head and thinking "wtf where they thinking". Great way to embarrass yourself, he had his mrs in the car too
  5. if you're in a national, on a dual there's no laws as to how quickly you get to that 70 limit... As with all things there's a time and a place, little bit of a play pulling away from traffic lights is fine, wouldn't be bothered with kids in hot hatches but something like a cayman which deserves a bit of appreciation then why not! Because your insurance instantly becomes void when racing on the highway perhaps? Half the cars on this forum probably have void insurance to start with
  6. I pass one most days on the way into work, driven by a chav looking guy in a baseball cap, always eyes my car up and tries to instigate a reaction (this guy does nothing to help the stereotype), sat on my rear bumper today then tried to undertake me, I gave in and nailed it, he couldn't get passed. I was surprised to be honest, I expected it to leave me dead. Must have been slightly tuned too, was stupidly loud, pops and bangs etc.
  7. Aren't you running close to 500BHP? Wouldn't have thought the type r would even get a look in with that sort of power.
  8. While stats may say the type r only gets a few mpg more than the Z it's completely different in the real world. I average about 19mpg in the Z, get about 30 in my type r. Might not be the case for everyone I guess. The civic is really fun to drive but it just doesn't feel anywhere near as special as the Z.
  9. Which Type R do you have? I've got an EP3 as well as the Z. The Z is a totally different drive. It's more costly to run due to the size of tyres/ fuel costs and in my experience while the Z is quite reliable the honda is bullet proof and never misses a beat. A lot of used Z's seem to end up needing a new clutch/flywheel within the first few months and be ready to fork out £700 + for it. Performance wise the Z isn't much quicker than the EP3, so if you're hoping for a upgrade in that department you may be disappointed.
  10. £4,000 for an 05 Z with 72k on the clock! That sounds very low to me. A quick search for 05 Z's on pistonheads shows the lowest asking price of £5,700 and it's done 120k.
  11. Good idea, however it may have been useful to start us off with some pic's or progress of you're own Z
  12. If it was a trade sale and advertised as an HR surely he will be able to return it? What did you pay for it, out of interest?
  13. There's always "someone due to look at the car tomorrow". Oldest sales trick in the book . Plenty Z's about if it goes, don't be rushed into anything. It does look like a nice clean car tho.
  14. Heroin is the absolute worst, as others have said, the vigilante justice approach is a bad idea. While these people may not be tough they can be ruthless, careless and dangerous. I know a couple of people who got involved with that stuff back in my somewhat colorful past (gigging musician), one of them is dead, the other will be in jail in no time. The one who's still alive was a friend of mine for nearly a decade, he was a good lad but not anymore, he's an absolute scumbag. He owed money to a mutual friend and invited him round to "give him what he owed", waited until he had him in the house then someone jumped out from behind the door, locked it, put a knife to his throat and three of them beat him up and tried to rob him, told him he wasn't getting his money back. My mate had gave him money to clear debts to some bad people to save him from getting a hiding and that's how he repaid him? Unbelievable. Sorry for going a bit off topic but it's an example of how desperate these people are, willing to do that to a long term friend to save a few quid. So in short, as others have said better off avoiding conflict.
  15. Update! After more careful listening and messing around I started to think the problem may be with the gearbox. After a quick search online for gearbox bearing failure I found this video..... Listen to the car accelerating at about the 50 second mark, that noise as I described as a fluttering is apparently called "oscillation", it's faint in this video as it is in my car but it's EXACTLY the same noise. So the good new's it's it's unlikely the engine, bad new's is I suspect this is still a pretty expensive job. So can anyone help me out? Is it new gearbox time or can it be rebuilt/fixed?
  16. Yup, that's him, It's Phil's car. I've saw it in the flesh a few times, sat inside it actually. It's really clean, aside from the boot I think the rest of the build is awesome.
  17. Quick video of the car at idle and giving it a little rev, it's hard to here anything over the flywheel chatter really. This doesn't really capture the noise I'm trying to describe but maybe you can help tell me if anything doesn't sound right? Maybe it sounds a little tappety? I'm not sure. Looking through the history I realize the belts haven't been changed as far as I can tell, not sure if this would cause anything, I have the belts sat here too waiting to be fitted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ3d9hBQDMc&ab_channel=richiecrozier
  18. Thanks Chris, again it doesn't really seem to be that either. I'm totally stumped at the minute. I'm cautious about taking it to a garage as I know it's the type of problem I could throw loads of money at replacing things that don't even need to be replaced etc. I feel like it needs to go to a specialist now. After driving it again this afternoon I've noticed the noise gets quieter when the clutch is down, it appears to make the noise occasionally even when the cars got no revs on and free rolling. It also seem's the noise isn't there when just reving the engine alone. I've took a video but you can't hear anything over the road noise. I'll get a video of the engine ticking over to show people just in case that helps, if anything to put my mind at rest a little. I've already come to terms with the fact that I may need a new motor or a re build but holding onto hope it's something daft.
  19. Just checked the video out on that link ebized posted, couldn't view it at work. It sounds nothing like like, thats a distinct noise, mine is much quieter. I can try getting a video up but I don't think it will be loud enough to hear over the engine noise.
  20. Mine does share some similarities with the one in that thread but I don't have all the symptoms he did. I did notice this morning the noise seemed to get worse once the engine was warmed up. Thanks Davey. Here's to hoping it's a loose engine tray I'll have a proper good poke around the car today when I get home from graft.
  21. So after treating the Z to a good wash and drive out yesterday I started noticing a new noise coming from the front of the car, ie - engine bay Actually it's made the noise for a little while but I always just assumed it was a rattle coming from the dash somewhere as it was very quiet and only at a certain point in the rev range, roughly 3k rpm. Yesterday it got noticeably louder, it's audible to passengers now and definitely getting worse. The noise increases throughout the rev range and under load, it's not very loud, but it's noticeable and doesn't sound healthy. It can best be described as a kind of fluttering/ rattling sound, almost as if something is loose somewhere. The car is not using oil and it's not tapping or knocking, at idle the engine sounds normal. It has struggled to start once or twice recently but I put that down to the cold weather and lightweight flywheel, it starts fine, it just needs rev's to keep it ticking over every now and again. It was a frosty morning today and it started up no problem. I know it's really hard to diagnose something like this without actually hearing it but does anyone have any ideas? I'm hoping it's just something daft like a loose bolt somewhere or an exhaust issue but my gut is telling me it's more than that. I'll get it checked out asap but it's a bit difficult as I'm working all week.
  22. Cheers dude, I realize motorhub have a terrible reputation! Shame as they have the biggest selection of jap imports in the uk by the look's of it.
  23. RB26 S15 silvia... http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/nissan/200sx-silvia/nissan-silvia-s15-rb26-dett-2-6-twin-turbo-modified/4020528?v=b Damn this thing look's unreal. I just don't feel like I know enough about engineering to own a car like this, I may be mistaken but I can imagine it being a right headache.
  24. Just noticed pistonheads has a few R32 GTR's hiding on the R34 page. Another car I've always liked the look of. I know they're very old cars now, what's the likelihood of it being more reliable than the evo? http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/nissan/skyline-r34/nissan-skyline-r32-gt-r-2-6-twin-turbo-jdm-2dr/3915659?v=b Well priced too. I actually really like the look of that. Could use some nice new bucket seats to freshen up the interior mind.
  25. Do you still have the R33 codel? When you say you looked long and hard does that mean you never found one you were happy with? Never considered the R34 GTT, don't actually know a great deal about them actually. Might be worth a look into.
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