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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. Yup agreed the RS is a little bland looking. Need to see one in the flesh. In some of the pictures the front mount intercooler is on show and it makes the car look much better. It seems it comes with a grill that covers it from the factory tho. I've never bought a new car, I expect mods invalidate warranty etc....
  2. Seriously, drive the RS, Golf R and M135i as well before making any decision - at the least youll be able to tell people how good/bad they are and Ive no doubt you'll enjoy them all Already drove the Golf, brilliant car but the understated look's are way to boring for my liking, I'd never be happy with it unless modifying and that would be defeating the point. The RS is a serious contender now, I'll see how I feel after driving one in april. The year long waiting list is a bit of a headache but I'd wait if it was going to be worth it.
  3. The best one is a little too daft for the forum but what the hell... About 10 years ago I was on route to a skatepark with 5 lads in the car and one in the boot, was in a ep3 type r at the time. We didn't have any money for the tunnel so waited until the guy in front had paid and as the barrier went up I floored it and got under, it came down on the roof of the car. Turns out a police car watched us jump the barrier and we got pulled over. Bob Marley was playing on the cd player and the car stunk of the funky stuff, we all had a massive case of the giggles. The copper put me in his car and started searching mine. I'll never forget his face and the laughter that followed when he opened the boot, moved a road map and my mates face was under it. It was proper comedy gold, even the copper was laughing his head off by this point. Still unsure how I got away with that one, I didn't even get a fine, they just took my mate out the boot and drove him home. Worth mentioning I don't condone this behaviour now, being young and stupid was the cause of this situation. I do look back and laugh tho.
  4. I managed to get arrested for trying to steal my own car many moons ago. Left the car outside a pub and realised I'd locked it and left the keys in the ignition. Got caught putting the back window out and as it was my birthday I was blind drunk too. I had zero intention of driving the car but narrowly avoided futher trouble because the copper was convinced I was going to drive it. Once back at the station they realized I was being truthful and back to the pub I went. That same day the car was stolen, someone climbed in the back window and took off in it. I couldn't stop laughing at the time, it was a complete she'd anyway.
  5. I rang Honda today and told them I'm not going ahead, not right now anyway. Turns out one of my old friends is a manager at ford and has arranged a test drive of the focus rs for me in April. Would be stupid to make a decision before driving both. The points about depreciation have been taken on board too, the RS would be a more more sensible car to buy via pcp.
  6. The ford garage didn't have one in stock, they made it out like I'd have to wait a while for one too Test drove the Honda this morning and what a bloody machine. Virtually no torque steer and sticks to the road like glue, it's much much better than I imagined it would be to be honest. The boost comes on hard and early, third gear onward it would absolutely walk a stock Z no problems. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be so fast, the dealer showed me a previously recorded 0 to 60 time on the on board computer showing 5.4 seconds, it would seem Honda have under exaggerated the stats a little, which seem's odd to me but I saw it with my own eyes and it's new tech so should imagine pretty accurate. Very comfortable around town compared to the Z and going against everything I've read about the R+ button it's actually very usable on the road, yes it's massively stiff but it really helps the handling on the bends and the mapping is more aggressive. Everything is tight and well put together, engine note is a little bland but the blow off sounds are lovely. Also does close to 50mpg on a motorway, cheap tax and loads of room in the boot, so very practical too. The technology has came on a long way since the Z day's and the Z feel's really old in comparison. It put a huge smile on my face and I'd go as far as saying it's probably one of the most exiting car's I've ever drove. It feel's like a very high end sport's car disguised as a civic, it really is a super hatch, it's quite surreal when driving it. I'd urge anyone with doubt's about the car due to front wheel drive to actually drive it before making an assumption. The guy was very pushy when we got back to the showroom, I haven't put a deposit down but purely because they reduced the part ex value on the Z and would require me to front 2 grand up front for the deal, unless I wanted to pay close to 370 a month which is just too much. I'll have to sell the Z privately. He showed me an option over 4 years which would leave a balloon payment of only 9 thousand too, which is attractive. I want it, just got to work out the best way of doing it and I won't be rushed into it by the dealer. Still worth driving the RS too if I get the chance.
  7. Yea man, I've got no other loans or debt so figure why not? Just starting looking at the new focus RS too, it didn't appeal to me at all originally but it's really growing on me. Sub 5 seconds to 60 and a switchable rear wheel drive "drift mode", it's actually a little cheaper than the Honda too, I could get a top spec one with the recaros and forged alloys for the same price as the basic type R. I'm at work now and there's a ford garage right around the corner from me, going to pop in after work and see if they have one in, maybe it look's better in the flesh.
  8. Agreed. I get more attention in the Z than I do in my mams brand new 50 grand Porsche. Part of what I'll miss about the car if I sell it to be honest.
  9. If I wanted to save up for a new type R I'd be waiting about 5 years. The reality is it makes it possible to buy a car I couldn't normally afford, I'm not ashamed to admit it
  10. I once had a bloke stop me in the petrol station and ask if he could look around the car, it was hilarious. He thought I was loaded, he was so exited about it, I've never seen anything like it. He drove off saying something like "one day I wish to be able to afford something like that". He was in a 15 plate micra, probably worth double the value of the Z
  11. Oh and do I want my own? Not right now, maybe one day but by the time my step child is grown I'm not sure I could face doing it all again to be honest.
  12. Not a child friendly zone on here eh! haha. As I said on the other thread, I'm a step parent so times any struggles a bio parent would have by ten and you get the idea. All the difficulties, responsibility, financial and emotional work, with non of the real benefits, privileges or control a bio Parent would have. Teachers look at me like I'm some sort of stranger, I get ZERO recognition from anyone apart from my other half for the efforts I put in. It's hard but I'd never change it now I'm here.
  13. Interesting man maths going on in here! I'm going to test drive the civic on Saturday and go over the figures and options with the dealer. If I don't absolutely love the car I'll be walking away. I absolutely detest buying cars, I always feel so awkward and pressured, hate wasting people's time if I decide against it etc but it's a big decision.
  14. It's only ever a matter of time, it happens to the best of us.
  15. Looking at a new car just made me feel depressed about the Z to be honest, all I see now is a rusty old heap It's actually really clean for it's age but it doesn't come close to the quality of a new motor.
  16. I completely understand your point marzman, I'm currently split between the two way's of thinking to be honest. One side is thinking, I can afford it, I reeeeally want the new type R and you only live once etc, also anyone who buy's one from new is going to lose money on depreciation anyway. The other side is thinking in numbers like you, looking at how much money it will actually be costing me, it is a little unnerving. If I do it, I'll be aiming to buy the car after the 3 years is up, I really don't want to walk away with nothing and I don't fancy starting all over again on another PCP deal either. I just like the idea of actually owning a brand car that I'm completely happy with, with used cars I'm always unhappy about this stone chip here or bit of rust there etc, I end up spending loads of money on them then in the end I'm still unsatisfied, I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to bodywork etc.
  17. Yea I'm going to mention it first, I'll be well embarrassed if it declines. My credit score used to say "good" now it says "very bad". I'm really angry about it actually, it's from an old t-mobile account. Apparently I had one final payment a month after my contract ended, I didn't realize and must have canceled the direct debit. My own fault I guess, tho they never wrote to me or anything. I've paid it straight off but it's stuck on my file for 6 years now
  18. I'm already settled on the civic now, it's that or nothing to be honest. Going for the test drive on Saturday anyway, I'll let you all know how it goes. I just checked my credit score tonight and found a default notice from a £20 phone bill that I knew nothing about which has ruined my squeaky clean score, not even sure I will be accepted for the pcp. So frustrating, I've paid back every debt ever owned and lots of big bills etc and it's ruined by a 20 quid phone bill. I can probably get my parents to get it under one of their names worst comes too but I really don't want to do that. Not sure how this will affect things.
  19. While I agree the new MX5 is a great looking car it just isn't a car I'd buy, I know it's not all about big BHP but I'm looking for something with more power than the Z, not less. I'm pretty much set on the type R to be honest, as above it's not a great financial decision, but it's a car I've wanted since before it even came out, there's no point in settling for second best. The only other car's I'd really like are rear wheel drive coupe's but nothing under 50k takes my fancy and that's way out of budget.
  20. Upon further investigation it would appear that in three years time I'll owe about 15k and the car is likely to be worth around that too. Financially it's no problem, we will be keeping the EP3 type R and splitting the bills/ sharing the use of the new one, so basically we will be paying £150 a month each to have a brand new Type R on the drive. When I look at it like that it sounds great, but walking away with nothing in three years is not so appealing. I could always buy the car outright at the end but it would mean another loan over a couple of years split between the both of us. I may well be bored by then. Saying that I could always begin modifying it then anyway. These are good for 400 +BHP no problem I dunno, I don't want to tie myself down forever but I've never had a new car and really fancy treating myself. When I look at what the Z has cost me over the three years I've had it, I've spent thousands anyway.
  21. Does anyone have any experience with buying a car via PCP? Decided after test driving a few skylines and evo's that I really don't want another old jap car in my life right now. I could do without the stress of worrying about this part breaking, that part breaking etc. My Mrs really like's the new Type R and with her approval buying one is looking attractive I've always fancied something with boost and have always been a Honda fan so it seems like a pretty good way to go. I'm test driving the Type R next Saturday. I've been speaking with a surprisingly helpful and non pushy salesmen from Honda Sunderland called Paul. I realize PCP is never going to be an investment in the long run, what Is attractive to me is the affordable monthly payment, servicing included and full warranty, not to mention a brand spanking new car for the first time in my life, proper peace of mind for once. The deal with Honda is approx 7k deposit and £300 a month for three years. Balloon payment at the end for approx 15k or you can trade for a new one. I can part ex the Z for the deposit if I choose to go for it. What do you guy's think? Is this PCP thing a really bad idea? The way I see it, the car is a toy not an investment, I will lose money but I'm always losing money on car's anyway
  22. I moved in with my current Mrs 2 year ago and she has a 6 year old, he was 4 at the time. To be honest, I had no idea what I was letting myself in for, Kids are VERY hard work and we very nearly didn't make it. As selfish as it sounds its hard not to get resentful when you're sacrificing most of you're time, money and emotion on a child that you didn't create. Hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I really care for the little lad and he loves me to bits, I have zero security tho and know if it all went pear shaped I may never even see him again. Hard pill to swallow sometimes. Not sure why but I felt like sharing that with you guys. Relationships can be hard but personally I'm no good left to my own devices, I need a woman to keep me in line
  23. Have you ever heard of narcissism? A few of the things you mentioned raised an eyebrow for me, I've been there before too fella. Hmmn I wouldn't say I'm narcissistic. I've given up lots of things as time has gone by and like I say I've lost myself to the relationship. Not you fella, you're mrs! Some of the things you've said raise a few red flags for me, tho it's easy for things to be misinterpreted over the internet so forgive me if I'm way off here. You mentioned it's a problem if you spend an hour of your time washing the car? like you've lost yourself in the relationship? From my experience this feeling tends to come from years of walking on egg shells, trying to please someone with unreal expectations, constantly trying to make someone happy while they do little to make you happy etc and always getting the blame if ANYTHING goes wrong. You spend so long trying to keep them happy you forget who you are, what you care about, what you desire. That sh*t will drive you crazy, I know from personal experience unfortunately.
  24. Have you ever heard of narcissism? A few of the things you mentioned raised an eyebrow for me, I've been there before too fella.
  25. Plenty of cleaning products designed for this available at any motor store, halfrauds etc. Hand held steam cleaner is a bit unnecessary in my opinion
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