Well it's been to numerous garages since this topic, had the oil changed and all belts replaced and it's still there, getting worse infact. Mechanics have stated they highly doubt it's the gearbox. I've checked heat shields and exhaust, the exhaust is somewhat corroded I wouldn't have thought it's related but I guess it's possible. It's now officially driving me bonkers, nobody can diagnose it. It's still hard to capture on video, tried again today.
You can only really hear it about 28 seconds in, under heavier acceleration. It seem's to be coming from the front of the car but not really from the motor, it's only happening when the car is moving and under load, it's much quieter once the clutch gets dipped. Someone must have heard this before and know what it is? :bang:
It needs to go to a specialist really, I just haven't got the time right now to travel.