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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. Someone undertook me in an audi S3 yesterday actually, I was already doing about 80mph and he went past me like I was standing still. I could hear it's turbo spool from inside my car with the windows shut and music on Damn that thing was rapid, sounded amazing too. Driver was a tool tho.
  2. How did we go from this guy talking about people moving out of his way to motorway law? Lighten up dudes
  3. No complaints for sure! Just a friendly heads up in case someone buys them without knowing much about offsets etc, spacers would be a wise choice and still makes a very cheap/cool set up.
  4. Isn't it just. It's not normal that's for sure. Almost sounds as if something is just loose somewhere and need's tightened. At the same time it's got me worrying something is about to go very badly wrong The engine tick's over perfectly, sounds healthy as can be on idle, I'm stumped.
  5. Thanks for the input! Mine is showing no signs of going away unfortunately. Just found another video of someone else's Z on youtube making exactly the same noise.... You can hear it more clearly in his video, mines not as bad as this but it's the same noise for sure.
  6. Starting to think I might just ignore it until something inevitably breaks Unless someone can pin point it I'm not sure what else I can do really.
  7. Pretty sure dude, I had the clutch and fly replaced about a year ago, the noise has only started to get loud now, it's not the same noise as a light flywheel, similar but not the same.
  8. Well it's been to numerous garages since this topic, had the oil changed and all belts replaced and it's still there, getting worse infact. Mechanics have stated they highly doubt it's the gearbox. I've checked heat shields and exhaust, the exhaust is somewhat corroded I wouldn't have thought it's related but I guess it's possible. It's now officially driving me bonkers, nobody can diagnose it. It's still hard to capture on video, tried again today. https://www.youtube....l=richiecrozier You can only really hear it about 28 seconds in, under heavier acceleration. It seem's to be coming from the front of the car but not really from the motor, it's only happening when the car is moving and under load, it's much quieter once the clutch gets dipped. Someone must have heard this before and know what it is? :bang: It needs to go to a specialist really, I just haven't got the time right now to travel.
  9. Great price! Will need some big spacers to make them look right on a Z mind
  10. Cost £55. Not going to moan about that, the lads picked me up and dropped me off at work while it was in Can't grumble
  11. Il be using it as a daily however I did put in 5K per year.. I mean how are they really going to know? I don't think it's like a restriction it's more of an estimate rather than them saying if you do more than 5K in a year we aren't paying out. Thanks for your pointer, appreciated ������������ Be careful with that, yes it's an estimate but if you go over it they will be asking questions, if you go way over it, it's a great reason for them to throw out a claim if they wanted too. They can check your millage from the MOT's, I work for an insurance broker. Edit - Hi By the way, Welcome to the forum
  12. Really don't have the time for a DIY job at the minute, working way too much at the moment Cheers lads, give's me an idea what I should be looking at. I may just tell em not to bother unless they can do it for £50 or less.
  13. Got both the air con and alternator belt sat here waiting to be fitted, it's going in to the garage tomorrow, they just charged me £80 for oil and filter change which I find a little steep, a little worried they might give me a daft price for the belts. Am I right in thinking it should be no more than £50 to fit them?
  14. Update. Car has been up on the ramps today and out for a road test and neither of the mechanics have any real idea what is causing the noise. They are not confident it's the gear box and taking the thing out at this stage is pointless until I know for sure what the problem is. They said the exhaust is starting to rot and the catalytic converter is looking tired too. Thing is, the noise only comes under load so it's hard to check anything unless the cars driving. It's going in for a belt change tomorrow so they are going to have a proper poke around when the car is on the ramps. I'm starting to think it may be an exhaust issue, I'd be over the moon if that's all it is, cracking excuse to get a new system too. If it's not the exhaust it's going to have to go to a specialist, the car drives absolutely fine, I may be tempted to leave and it unless it gets any worse consider it a quirk
  15. While I normally agree with the opinion of "it's your car do as you want" sometimes when something is so hideously bad I don't think it's so wrong to tell someone. Let's be honest, whoever bought these wheels for a Z would end up regretting it. To be fair, I'd have learnt a lot faster and saved a lot of money had people told me about some of my incredibly poor mod choices on cars in the past. Honestly, you guy's should have seen my 1.2 corsa or my saxo VTS, my god it's embarrassing now
  16. I really should try the MPSS sometime and see what all the fuss is about. My goodyear eagle F1's seem absolutely fine to me
  17. Yup insurance is based on statistics over nearly everything else these days. How many claims are made in your postcode, your age group, your vehicle group, occupation etc etc. I'm at work right now, sat in an insurance office
  18. Quite a lot of DE's have been going pop on here recently. Still on the whole I'd imagine it's much more reliable than the 200SX. Did you buy the car private sale?
  19. Good vibrations! Or not so much.......
  20. I posted this over two years ago. Funnily enough its just been to the garage about it today. The noise went away but has came back recently and im fairly certain its a gearbox bearing. Its noticable all the time now.
  21. From my limited knowledge I'd say the RX7 should only be bought if you're fully prepared for a car that's going to have problems and a car that will need constant tinkering etc. You need to be a real enthusiast to get something like that.
  22. Cool. Will it fit the stock exhaust system or need the mid pipe too? I'll check my piggy bank today and get back to you.
  23. nowhereboy


    Not feeling the FN2 much?
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