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Everything posted by nowhereboy

  1. Sorry to hear this mate. What do you think you'll do so you can Leave with dignity intact? If it comes down to it and I leave it's going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to go through, she has a 6 year old boy and I've been like a dad to him for 2 years, not sure it's going to be possible to walk away with any dignity at all to be honest. Our only potential saving grace is a family holiday that is booked for the end of this month, she told me last night she would have kicked me out if it wasn't for the holiday. If I want to save the relationship I need to man up and realize shes going to be grumpy, upset and passive aggressive until she starts to feel better about things, I need to stop reacting to her moods/comments and I need to fix the things that have led her to feel this way (me being unorganized, forgetting things, not paying enough attention to her when shes talking, spending too much time with the car etc). It's just so hard to keep your patience with someone who is frustrated at you and makes you feel like a burden on their life. Especially when I do actually do a lot for her, financially and in the way of helping with childcare etc. She told me last night she is almost sure she is done and if she still feels this way after the holiday it's over. I'm giving it one last shot, I really love the girl and part of me believes if I can fix the fundamental things that drove her to be like this that things can still get better. Time will tell.
  2. I'm at this point with my Mrs right now to be honest. Everything I do gets on her nerves and she is constantly picking at me and criticizing me etc. She states it's my fault for ignoring her concerns and not doing enough in the areas that she wanted me too etc and she has ended up resenting me. We always argue over the little stuff too because shes so far gone in her feelings toward me she cant bring up anything respectfully and instead of me looking at what shes upset about I get mad at the way she addressed it, the actual problem doesn't get looked at. It's a mess, I know how you feel mate.
  3. haha love a good flasher me! Nothing worse than giving someone a thumbs up and them blatantly ignoring it.
  4. nowhereboy

    Corsa VXR

    Test drove one a while back, cracking little car and loved those recaros! If I was in the market for a hot hatch it would be the new shape fiesta St with the mountune pack all day long
  5. I run the teins and would say it feel's more planted than on the stock springs. As above not as good as coilovers tho.....
  6. I prefer the non GT, can't stand leather seats. Still get the brembos as others have said. Only real downside I can see is struggling to sell it as everyone wants the GT version, funny really.
  7. As Ekona stated, check levels but it looks fine to me. Stop worrying and enjoy the new car!
  8. Also if it aint broke, dont fix it!
  9. It can be done but it's not really financially wise. It's not a straight swap over. I'm sure someone will be along to tell you in more detail soon.
  10. Cheap to buy, expensive to run. Welcome to Z's Constantly stuck in a love/hate relationship with mine, I've nearly sold it 4 times in 3 years
  11. That must be satisfying! I've had a random noise bugging me for months now, still no further forward!
  12. Congratulations! My Mrs despises the Z, it's caused legitimate problems in our relationship, I spend too much time, attention and money on it apparently. Been trying to get me to sell it for nearly a year now # car guy problems.
  13. Potential bargain for someone then! Insane amount of car for the money.
  14. I'm not looking for another Z, just bored at work and stumbled across this https://www.gumtree.com/p/nissan/nissan-350z-gt/1167474273 £4.5k no reg on pictures and some story about him living over seas and the car being stored there.
  15. I don't know anyone who is happy with the power in the GT86, BRZ etc. I'd have had one in a heart beat if it was running 250 + BHP. Some good deals on new ones at the minute too.
  16. I once had to get recovered because of this, it happened two days after buying the car. I re set the ECU and it's never done it again since
  17. No loss of power at all I haven't tried the usual re sets actually, I'll give it a go over the weekend. It's been in 3 different garages and nobody has any idea what it is. The noise hasn't gotten any worse in 2 thousand miles either, I'm pretty much just ignoring it for the time being. I plan on getting a new exhaust fitted soon and I'm quietly hoping that somehow solves the problem, worst comes too at least it will drown the noise out
  18. The kid's in my street still say "WOW A GTR" every time I drive past
  19. Ah nice one, I commented on that thread actually haha! maybe if I could source them from somewhere closer to home it's worth a punt, they seem to fit ZZZebady's Z nicely. Can't believe their aren't any other aftermarket options out there tho, seem's unusual. Edit - just found stock ones from a uk site for £70 each. I only actually need the left side, so keeping it stock might make more sense anyway.
  20. I find with most DE Z's while you can buy them for 5k you will more than likely end up having to put money into it (clutch, tyres and general maintenance etc) For example mine is well looked after and I'd never sell it for less than 6 thousand even with 80k miles on it. Edit - Lovely looking Z you had by the way
  21. Edit - joke probably a bit OTT for the forum Removed before I get banned.
  22. Did a little looking on autotrader out of curiosity... http://www.autotrader.co.uk/used-cars/mitsubishi/fto/used-mitsubishi-fto-2-0-v6-gpx-2dr-manchester-fpa-201604303497324?logcode=p Very cool looking car for the money in my opinion, I'd daily one of these happily.
  23. Saw one for sale near my local petrol station yesterday. Was up for £900
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