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Sparky Z Marky

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  1. Z Legend, That is what I was looking to do, I've been looking at the PIONEER-AVH-X2800BT but its close to £300 on ebay. Do you have a model in mind? Regards
  2. My car is in with Chipsaway and I cannot get It back today. Hope you have a good night. Will try and make the next one
  3. Is this how its copied etc 1) Andy Muxlow 2) j0bj0sh 3) Matt89 4) Suprawookie 5) Munton87 6) OliverB 7) Sparky Z Marky :-)
  4. That's local for me, I should be there! Let me know what time? Does AJ's stay open all day though, on Saturday? Be nice to meet a few locals :-)
  5. Hi from Northampton, Previously Wellingborough. I would be interested if meeting at AJ's (Is that opposite RGS Motorsport on Leyland Ind Est?) Lovely looking Z btw
  6. Hi Russy I've just purchased these and am about to fit Did you get these Cats in the end? What are they like, if you did? Regards Mark
  7. Hi, I take it this has now gone? I don't get on here much, but a hit and run into my parked Z has left me Zedless, so I'm after another. Is this still for sale? has anyone got a similar for sale? Regards Marky
  8. Kaiser. You may be right. I'm not too sure about it as only had car etc for a couple of weeks. Ekona. Very funny :-) I think the systems are working as I didn't end up in a tree. I think the chap who sold it to me has taken lamps out as the dash has been dismantled and not properly put back together. I will take apart after LakeZ Cheers
  9. Hi. I know the usual is that these lights come on under fault conditions. I have no faults showing on the OBD2 reader, but these 2 lights do not come on when I turn on the ignition. The ESP off switch also appears to do nothing. The fuses are ok. I have a UK 2005 350Z GT Has anyone come across this issue, or any tips on diagnosis, Regards Sparky
  10. Thanks for the welcome. Hope to see some of you at LakeZ. Providing my fans get here in time :-)
  11. Hi I'm looking to give my 2005 z a full service after doing the not so smart thing of buying one with no service history. So I really want to change all fluids I also have a problem with the cooling fans not working Any recommendations greatly appreciated
  12. Hello. I recently purchased a 350Z, have wanted one for ages and decided when I turned 40 to get one. I scoured the ads and ebay etc and eventually found a reasonably priced one. I've already received some great advice from ZManAlex and am off to the Lakez for the Evolution next weekend. Best car I've driven and I'm hoping the grin I seem to permanently have on my face when I have driven it, is here to stay. I'll add some info and some pics to profile in due course
  13. Hi, I'm new to the forum and have only just purchased my 350Z, which needs quite a bit of work doing I would love to come along to this. How do I get involved?
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