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About OV53

  • Birthday 21/10/1983

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  1. Alreet me bonny bairns, been a while and that's just because I've been off the road for a bit...... Anyways, I'm thinking of selling my genuine Nismo V1 bodykit in Azure Blue. This is the full kit including the front bumper, 2 piece spoiler, sideskirts and spats. The condition is excellent bar one of the rear spats has got a scratch on the underside and one of the sideskirts has curb rash on the underside too. If I'm being honest you may want to repaint this anyways as the whole car has not long since been resprayed and it seems alot more glittery than standard! Oh yeah, I've had the light washer jet holes smoothed over too because, well nobody likes those wretched things anyways! It's a pretty simple job of removing them and just plugging off the jets. So as you are all aware, these are rare as rocky horse poo poo and to find one in the condition mine is in will be pretty hard! So really it's a case of what is it worth? I'll set my stall at £1400 ono
  2. Looks good! When are you getting the rest done then? 😊
  3. Hello there! Definitely the best colour!
  4. Buy a built race car engine, or whack a massive V8 into it. There.....that's my input.
  5. I am in desperate need of the aforementioned and in either new or decent nick. Cheers Phil
  6. Been sacked off by Britannia so still trying to get sorted. Stranded!
  7. Nah no spare and no locking wheel nut key either! Got a recovery truck coming from Britannia and then going to use the 50 miles I get in with the cost to take us to somewhere where we won't get our eyes taken out for the extra mileage.
  8. Do any of our members know of someone who can provide recovery to St Austell from near Barnstaple? Had a blowout and we're stuck here!
  9. Aaron knows all too well about me being sideways seeing as he's normally behind me watching when we go on a spirited drive!
  10. Yeah it's always me down there! Was that you in the GM zed as I was leaving? It's essential to leave there a little bit sideways.
  11. Guisborough ey? Just so happens that's where I've been living for the past few months. Surprised you haven't seen my 350 flying about there!
  12. You must have missed my updated build thread! 😂
  13. Alreet! Where in the north east are you from mate? Pacman
  14. 32 blue LEDs in the centre lights, oh the extra slow shutter speed helps to soak a bit more light up too!
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