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Everything posted by Seric

  1. I'll try and get some up after I've given it a wash. The birds seem to like my car as much as I do.
  2. I've had an issue with my 350 for a few months now where the steering just feels...off. It's hard to describe, but the feedback through the steering wheel just feels dead whereas before I was able to tell exactly what was happening. The car just doesn't feel as sure footed as it once did, and it's not as enjoyable to drive as it had been previously. It's kinda feels like the front tyres are under pressured but not quite the same. I should mention at this point I'm not particularly gifted at car maintainence. I can do a standard service, and a little bit more but I'm not sure what I should be looking for when it comes to suspension and steering rack issues. My 350 has been through three seperate mechanics, all of which can find nothing wrong whatsoever with the suspension, shocks, bushes or anything inbetween. The tyres are in decent shape with no sign of uneven wear, I've changed the steering fluid and had 4 wheel tracking/alignment done on the recommendation of 2 of the 3 mechanics, unfortunately neither of which has had any effect. My best guess would be there's something going on with the steering rack, but I've no experience with such issues in previous cars so it's hard to say for sure. There doesn't appear to be any appreciable dead zone in the steering, but that might just mean I've gotten used to it. I'm hoping you guys might be able to steer me in the right direction. (hur hur) Cheers
  3. I'm a 350Z GT owner who has been reading from this wonderful forum for a while. I find it an invaluable resource for recommended parts and fault finding. Consider this a long overdue introduction. Hi all :]
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