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Everything posted by parello9

  1. Thanks for the info and guidance guys! That pic with it dropped Tarmac how much we talking for the BC then if there that comfortable?
  2. Basically i didnt want to put coilovers on my car but i do need it dropped cause it looks like this I had a horrible experience with a set of GAZ coilovers i put on my honda integra which kinda made me dislike the car as it was forever crashing into holes it seemed and was not comfortable at all! I do not want to have the same feeling with the zed! So have been looking around and these seem best for the money http://www.driftwork...0z-z32-z33.html HSD dualtech £565 Will these be a comfortable ride still dropped? I spose best thing is to find someone who has them and ask them to take me out in their car?
  3. Saw this today at trade tints the air ride is sooo cool! Member on here ?? Think grey with a bumper scoop too
  4. Okay update that alot of people wont like lol! Been meaning to get new BMW center caps for a while and i dont like having them plain as i tried that too so i got these Look all good thought it would be fine... They went on fine bought spun around abit in the wheels Thought it would be fine, went out for a drive and came back to find i was already missing one! So took them all off and was deciding what to do.. thought about glue but didnt really wana do that so i came up with this simple idea took the badge off split them into pieces took out the bmw badge got the new badge and broke the tabs off which was risky as i didnt know if it would work out as i planned then simply fitted it to the outside ring with some sealant left to dry Then wola New vs Old New badges but still using the original fitting from the previous caps So a simple job took a little longer but finally done but still need to get the last one now as i lost it while driving as said! Gave it a clean after Looks like i gave the ground a clean too And as i already stated i like the BMW caps deal with it lol!
  5. I like it! got the same kinda taste as me so whats not to like haha!
  6. thought it was a stupid joke when got told! So gutted! RIP Paul Walker.. going to have to get a gtr now
  7. they do that instead of taking it down if they have ran out of stock or similar as it saves fees putting it back up on ebay as no one will pay that price of course
  8. shadow chrome but look brighter than all yours
  9. least you can just rip it off if you dont like it any more
  10. wow they look good!! Defo get the tyre shine on though! Top job
  11. Bitch stop copying me! Haha jk. After the meet the other day I am also looking for a HR carbon bonnet haha! We must just have the same good taste!.. to be fair i cant really afford a carbon bonnet anyway haha
  12. parello9

    Winter Projects

    Agreed! His front bumper was shocking
  13. i was looking for a carbon one also
  14. parello9

    Winter Projects

    that must be the need bonnet on the black 350
  15. Caliper colours seems a good match.. you got a link to the paint?
  16. yeh bin looking on there but they all say pre-order instead of buy it now?
  17. And whats wrong with White wheels?!! Actually, why not go the other way and replace to Nissan badges with BMW ones The car is Nissan, the wheels are BMW. I don't get what the deal is about the badges on the wheels... They are BMW wheels after all. Not that I could care any less what people think, I say keep the badges Parello. Thanks guys.. i was so tempted by the rota grid drifts in white but then sided with these cause they look epic! you should have bought some! Ima check out your springs to as i was thinking this Also yeh i agree i kinda like the BMW badges and plus they dont look like there missing a center cap or anything then There's only about 3 of us in the BMW club on here anyways
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