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Everything posted by parello9

  1. Ok i really want to get a 370z soon but is it really a massive difference compared to a 350z? I know there is alot of cars to look at for 370 money but i dont want to regret selling the 350z I know i need to drive a 370z first but i don't know anyone round this way with one lol!
  2. DailyDriven DailyHeadTurner
  3. I knew it!! Matt its a shame as a fellow Azure owner and i know you wanted the beamer wheels lol!! GT86 is defo a nice car and will look sweet modded up! im sure ul get it soon enough
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSLg4FshnlA Some girls! The end when he tells that girl to get out the car :lol:
  5. That's why I chopped up my CS, why hide beauty?? Exactly! It looks even more awesome now
  6. cause they're bmw wheels and I'm not hiding that? why have a volk center caps on volk wheels!? It wasn't a dig at your car as i like it, was just a simple comment
  7. why buy that beautiful exhaust though and hide it away
  8. haha that did make me laugh Good post!!
  9. Id hate to fit the kit though.. would be a night mare
  10. Any updates? Id luv to get this is mine but think it would be costly!!
  11. I sold one of these yesterday, well a diesel one! I luv the dash board buttons as they change from climate controls to sports Very cool!
  12. looks really good! Luving the 370z side indicators What wheels are those?
  13. you changing your wheels already lol?
  14. Indeed haha! Thanks man, means a lot!
  15. parello9


    Stance looks amazing! Id run mine on the floor if there wasnt any spees bumps around lol Steve i only saw this thread cause you just commented lol!
  16. Whats the gear shifter like? I fancy one but not sure on how they would feel.. easy to use and get in reverse etc?
  17. think buster needs to get a video up of his his perfectly tucks into the bumper
  18. hes got audi R8 seats now! Look epic
  19. Thanks for the comments guys really does look awesome in the flesh! Eyebrows i Luv ! Quick update Put a new battery on her yesterday and got my new nanolex matte cleaners Really like this picture still! Need a photoshoot
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