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Everything posted by parello9

  1. Lol but octect has done evrything including im sure audio Think he has improved everything lol
  2. No the toe bolts are only rear and you only get 2. 4 is not a option.
  3. Yeh thts what i didnt want to do as i know its tuned already I may wait abit then Thanks
  4. Okay so the 70 has already been uprev'd I want to add a set of decats more for abit of loudness What would people recommend? Berk hfc? I want the noise now as its already tuned
  5. yeh thats it you dont know untill you have the wheel
  6. http://www.jdmdistro.com/shop/19-wheels/ame-shalen-ax-chrome/
  7. So as many of you know im looking for a set of wheels now for the 70 Rear 19x10 Offset +25 Front – 19x9.5 Offset +30 Would be these be ok over brakes? i don't want to buy wheels and them not fit over brakes.. Whats the most you could get away with brembos?
  8. I'm just curious.. i dont know if i should stance or track lol
  9. is there holes behind the standard 370z plinth? i want to get rid of the whole thing
  10. I have the bose sub and spare wheel in the boot I think they can stay there as i dont even use the boot
  11. I wana do this but think tinted windows are abit old skool now
  12. i cant make my mind up i want something VIP
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